False Impressions

Old Photographs

May 28 1964

Yeah, I know I forgot to write last night, but I was more worried about sleeping. Yesterday I ended up leaving work around noon and coming home. I didn’t feel so good, and my boss sent me home. He said he’d rather have a healthy worker then a sick one. So he told me to take off a few days. I wasn’t in the mood for fighting with him so I left, and I mean a few days off work wouldn’t really kill me it just gave me time to fix up my place. Like take today for example, all I did was clean and hang out with Jackson. If I'll say so, it was pretty fun.

Jackson came over after he was done work and brought me some dinner which was nice of him. I didn’t even expect to see him today, because yesterday I was talking with him before I went to sleep, and he told me he’d be working really late today but I guess that changed. Anyways so after we ate I moved a few more boxes and Jackson helped me move around my couch and TV. After we were done it looked pretty decent, now more then ever I wanna get the paint and paint the walls. After everything was pretty cleaned up Jackson and I sat back and watched some TV, 'till he came back from the kitchen with one of my old photo albums. I tried to get them from him but he wouldn’t hand them over, so I finally gave in and let him look at the pictures. I myself forgot all the pictures that were in there. We found an old picture of my mom dad and I, I was so little. I looked pretty geeky too, and of course Jackson being himself pointed that out to me jokingly. The sad thing was the more farther you got in the photo albums you could tell when are family started to become distant and when I started to act out, for many reasons know by no one but me and the person who got me to act out. But there’s no need to get on that topic.

Anyhow back to Jackson and I, we were just about done looking at the one photo album, when I seen a picture of Jackson and I when we were about 16. Jackson looked pretty much the same he still had his innocent face, and his beautiful blue eyes, and then there was me with my stringy light brown hair and my murky brown eyes I looked so awkward in the picture, in fact I can perfectly remember that day. We were down at my Great Grandma’s house; she’s the one who took the picture of us. I’m pretty sure it was taken as soon as our holidays started. It was like the first time Jackson had seen where I was living after I moved out of my parents in with my Great Grandmas place. I was so uneasy that day, and that’s because I had a huge crush on Jackson after we sat in class together, and at that time I never thought that Jackson would even think of me anymore then a friend but there we were me sitting there with my head up agents his chest well he had his arms rapped around me looking at my old photos. Jackson was about to turn the page till I pointed out the picture to him. He just laughed at it, and kissed me on the forehead, and told me he liked my hair black better because it makes my eyes stand out more. But he also told me that he liked my old hair colour as well.

It was around 11 o’clock when Jackson decided to leave, I walked him down to his car and there he hugged me and gave me a kiss goodbye. He is the best kisser I’ve ever kissed okay like none of my old boyfriends even come close to Jackson, and I also love him a lot more then any of my other boyfriends. They were just jerks they used me as a trophy to show off to all of his friends, or some wouldn’t even let me meet their friends, they just had me around to have sex every now and then. But I can tell that Jackson’s not like that at all, I can tell that he really does care about me. Like for instance, yesterday when I was talking to Jackson on the phone, he asked me if he could take me to my Great Grandma’s funeral with me which is on the 30th of this month which is in 2 days- oh my I can’t believe it! But anyway he didn’t ask me to remind me about what was going on but because he didn’t want me to deal with it alone, because he knows how much I loved her, and I told him that I’d love for him to come with me, and I’m sure Great Grandma wouldn’t mind. She really liked Jackson after she met him.

Okay well it’s now almost 11:30 PM and I have to go back to work tomorrow so I’m gonna get some sleep, so until I write again, goodbye.