False Impressions

The day after.

June 1st 1964

Well today, I didn’t go to work I just didn’t feel up to it. But I still did wake up around 6, and let me tell you it sure feels nice to wake up with someone’s arms wrapped around you. It felt so nice that I didn't even wanna get up and call my work to tell them I wasn’t coming in. so I laid their a bit 'till Jackson woke up slightly and noticed that I was awake. As he turned around he mumbled asking me if I was okay, I told him I was and that I’d be back as I got out of bed and walked into the living room. Once I called work and told my boss what was going on he told me it was fine if I took the day off but he’d want me in tomorrow at normal time, I agreed with him and also thanked him for letting me have the day off. After I got off the phone I headed to the kitchen and grabbed myself something to drink and then headed back to bed. I tried my best not to wake Jackson when I got back into bed but I guess I didn’t try hard enough because Jackson turned around and started talking to me. As he asked me some questions he seemed to stumble over his words, it was so cute I could tell that he was trying so hard not to fall asleep but it seemed that later on in the day he’s cuteness would change. I don’t know if it was because I was in a mood to be left alone, but something seemed to change, he seemed to annoy me more then anything.

It was around noon when Jackson and I both woke up again after our little talk when I got back into bed. It was then when Jackson asked me if I’d need him to drive me anywhere, because he wouldn’t be seeing me for a few days, because work was making him do something. I told him that I needed to go buy some food but I could do that later. I mean I thought it would just be nice to stay at home, but Jackson insisted that we go. So I finally agreed got myself off the couch and into my room, so I could change out of my nightclothes. Jackson told me before we hit the store he’d like to go home and also change into some nicer clothes. I seen nothing wrong with this so I locked up everything and we were soon off to his house. Once we got there he insisted that I stay inside the car when I asked why I couldn’t come in he told me his place was to messy. I just rolled my eyes and waited in the car for him after he went inside he closed the blinds blocking my view inside the house and then he walked away from the window. I knew this because his shadow moved away. It was about ten more minutes when I saw his shadow again in front of the window, but this time it looked to be another shadow coming over to him and hugging him. But that could have just been my imagination, because right after he opened the door and I would have seen if someone was in there with him but like I said I saw no one. Just to make sure, I asked Jackson when he got into the car if there was anyone in the house with him, he just gave me a strange look and told me that he was only him in the house. Oh I said looking back at the window, because something caught my eye as Jackson pulled the car out of the driveway, but I didn’t bother saying anything about it.

Once we got to the store we walked around and I picked out what I needed, and Jackson also decided to put a few things in my cart, then he had the bright idea that I should paint my place today so once I paid for my food. We ended up at the paint shop. We both had a different idea for paint colours but in the end I got the hunter green, just like I wanted. So anyhow, after we got the paint and everything I need to paint the place, Jackson and I headed back to my place. Once we got in Jackson started to bug me again. He wanted to start painting, and when I told him no it wasn’t such a great idea he started to list off reasons why I should let him, but again I said no. He seemed kinda upset that I wouldn’t let him start but I was right not to let him. I mean I wasn’t up for painting, or moving my stuff away from the walls and placing down sheets to make sure paint wouldn’t get on the floor. It was just too much for me, I mean I really didn’t even want to go and do anything today. A bit later after I put away the food, I found Jackson in the kitchen taking out a frying pan and food out of the freezer I asked him what he was doing, I told him I’d make dinner tonight since he made dinner for me last night. After I said that he reached over and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear to go sit down and he’d take care of it. So me not being in the mood to argue gave Jackson a kiss on the check and went and watched some TV. Not to much later Jackson had dinner made and the table set. After eating I went to clean the dishes but again Jackson told me he’d do them so instead of leaving him to do them himself I dried them and put them away. After we finished I went for a shower and then we just cuddled on the couch it was a nice way to end my stress filled day. I mean that’s really all I wanted to do, was take it easy all day but I guess Jackson had something else in mind.

It was around 10:30pm when Jackson left. I walked him down to his car, it was kind of cold out for a June night, so before I made my way upstairs Jackson pulled me into a hug and noticed that I was cold so he then reached into his car and gave his sweater that was in the back of the car. I put it on gave Jackson a kiss, and started to walk to the door leading inside the building. Just before I walked inside Jackson honked his horn and I waved goodbye. Once back in my place I grabbed myself something to drink turned off the lights, the TV, locked the door and headed to bed. You know this may be random, but this sweater smells really good, I was thinking about taking it off before I went to sleep but I think I’m gonna leave it on its pretty comfy. So on that note, I’m going to sleep now, so until I write again, goodbye.