This Is The Best Day Ever

Todays the day!!!

"Lana!" I yelled at my friend.

"Sally!" She yelled back.

"We're going to see My Chemical Romance in concert tonight!"

"I know!"

"AAAHHH! Let's go now! I wanna be the first in line! Maybe if we get there early enough they will think
we're with the crew and we can get in back! Let's go, let's go, let's go!!!!" I was talking extremely fast and jumping on Lana's bed.

"Sally it's four in the morning. Go back to bed." Lana said sleepily.

"Nuh uh too excited! Now get your lazy butt outta bed!" I yelled while still jumping on her bed. I was so excited; it made me feel like a little kid on Christmas morning! Lana and I had known each other since middle school and now we were roommates in college. She has known me the entire time that I have been in love with the band My Chemical Romance and seen me act like a total fool over them. But what can I say this band is life!

"Come on Lana get up!" I demanded.

"mmmhmm…" She replied with her face still stuck in the pillow.

"What was that? Take your head out of the pillow so I can hear you!"

"Five more minutes…" Then she smacked her head back onto the pillow again.

"Lana," I said close to her ear so she would listen, "if you get up we'll go to Starbucks." Her head started to move but it wasn't enough to get her up.

"I'll pay!" I added to the deal. That got her! Lana has a weak spot for Starbucks, and using other people's money.

"I'm up! Now give me some time to go get ready." Then she disappeared into the bathroom.
I was ready for the concert already. I woke up at three and got ready in under an hour. Waking up Lana before four would be suicide. Heck, waking me up this early was usually asking to be killed. But this was different, MCR is my all time favorite band and concerts make me happy.

"Okay Sally, I'm ready now let's go." Lana said still half asleep.

"Finally!!! Woo MCR here we come!" I yelled while running around the apartment. I had probably woken up all the neighbors with my yelling by now. Oh well.

"Are you high Sally? It's five in the freakin morning and you're running around like a lunatic!"

"I'm high on life! Now hurry up you said we could leave! I need to see Gerard!"

"Yes I think everyone within a five mile radius knows that by now! But Starbucks first."

"Quick to Starbucks!!" We both yelled at the same time. Lana insisted on driving because I scare her or something. I wasn't really listening I was too hyper.

We finally got to Starbucks after an extremely long five minute drive. I ran inside and placed our orders while Lana sat at a table. She's boring without her Starbucks. As soon as I got to the table I started plotting ways of getting backstage at the MCR concert tonight.

"So if we get to the venue this early in the morning they could think we're with the band right?"

"Eh." Lana replied.

"And if they think we're with the band they will let us backstage right?" I kept talking not paying attention to Lana's lame answers.

"Eh." She said as my name was called. I ran up to the counter to get the drinks, and then ran back to the table to keep plotting.

"When we get backstage I shall tract down the band and we shall hang out with them!" I was really excited now. For some reason when I talk when I'm really excited I say weird things like shall a lot. I don't know why, but I do.

"Sally slow down," Lana finally had her coffee so she could talk again, "we will be there before the band will and it's freezing outside! What do you think we will be doing that whole time?"

"Climbing the fence before security gets there, finding a way backstage!"

"Okay then, I'm done now lets go!" Lana was finally getting excited.

"Quick to the Venue!!" I yelled in the middle of Starbucks then ran full speed outside to the car.
Lana got to the car right after I did and started driving to the concert. Sure it doesn’t start until 7 tonight but I don't care.

"Are we there yet?" I asked while bouncing up and down in my seat.

"We have been in the car for two minutes!"

"So!! Drive faster!" I was getting impatient. Waiting for tonight is going to be hard.

"Just turn on the radio and keep yourself entertained for the next 30 minutes okay?"

"Okay!" Then I blasted Vampires Will Never Hurt You and we both sang along. The rest of the ride was spent yelling MCR songs to get even more pumped before the concert started.

"Look there it is! Go park in back before they find us! Hurry!!" I yelled as I spotted the venue.

"Calm down already! I'll park the car by where the tour busses park." Lana said over the music.

"Yes! Finally!! Time to put our plan into action!" I said, I kept getting more and more excited!