This Is The Best Day Ever

Who are you and how are you here?

"It's effing cold out here! Why did we have to come so early?!" Lana complained while her teeth were chattering.

"Because we have to meet the band! And I don't know what your talking about it's not cold." I replied. Lana and I had been standing outside for ten minutes waiting for the tour bus or anyone to show up.

"It is cold! If you'd stop jumping you'd be cold too!"

"No!! I'm too excited to stand still! Jump with me!" I yelled.

"Hey you too! What do you think your doing out here? This area is off limits to the public!" A security guy yelled at us.

"Well you see…" Lana started.

"We are photographers! We were hired to take pictures of My Chemical Romance in concert tonight." I finished. I had already planed out everything that could possibly happen. Lana and I are excellent plotters.

"Oh really then where's your cameras?" The security guy questioned.

"In the car first we have to figure out the lighting and the layout of the stage then bring in the proper equipment!" Lana replied, she loves acting like a smart-ass.

"Okay then, right this way ladies, the band should arrive any moment."

"Thank you." We both said as he led us backstage to where the men of My Chemical Romance would be in a matter of minutes. Then the security guy left us there alone to wait. As soon as he was out of ear shot I freaked.

"Oh my gosh it worked!!" I yelled as we jumped around in circles.

"I know! Nice excuse by the way. You really have this planned out don't you?"
"Yes I do. I told you nothing was stopping me!"

Then we heard walking down the hallway leading into the room. Then the voices that I could recognize anywhere.

"What are you guys doing here? Who are you?" Gerard asked us. It took everything in me to stay still but I was bouncing in place a little.

"We are from New York Scene, a local magazine. We were hired to come take pictures for it so the security guy brought us back here." Lana replied. I was still trying to calm down.

"Okay that’s cool. So what are your names?"

"Well, I'm Lana and this is—"

"GERARD!!!!!!" I yelled startling Gerard as I ran to him and hugged him. I couldn't resist any longer he's Gerard Way after all.

"Nice to meet you too, um…" He said hugging me back.

"I'm Sally and I love you!" We were still hugging.

"Come on Sally get off Gerard! You're scaring the man!" Lana said walking over to us. She's gonna pay for ruining my moment!

"No that’s okay, she's fine." Gerard said while still hugging me. At this point I was doing a mental happy dance! Gerard wants me to hug him! Yes!!

"See Lana I'm not scaring him!" I told her he'd like me!

"Ohhh Gee has a girlfriend!" Frankie called out in a sing-song voice as he ran into the room.

"You know it Frankie! This is Sally and Lana." Gerard said gesturing to each of us He finally stopped hugging me but he did leave a hand around my waist!

"Frankie!!!" I yelled waving.

"Sally!!!" He yelled back also waving. Frankie had just as much energy as I did.

"Hey Frankie I'm Lana." Lana said. She was very calm considering we were meeting MCR.

"So why are you guys here?" Frankie asked. Lana was about to go into the photographer story but Gerard
cut her off.

"They are fans that somehow got security to take them back here. How did you manage that?"

"Cause we're cool like that!" Lana sounded excited now. Probably because she wanted to meet Ray, even though she'd never admit that's why she's there.

"Well since you're already here do you guys wanna hang out with us for a while?" Gerard asked.

"Yes!!" We both said really fast making Gerard and Frank laugh before leading us to a different room.