This Is The Best Day Ever

We have new friends!

Frankie was running like a madman down the hallway and if wasn't for Gerard's arm around me I would be too.

"Guys!!" Frankie yelled as he ran through a door that said green room, "We have new friends!!"

Hellos were heard from around the room as the rest of the band played Guitar Hero.

"RAY!!!" Lana yelled as she tackled Ray. I knew she loved him!

"Whoa!" Ray said as they hit the ground.

"Geez you two get a room!" Frankie and I yelled while everybody laughed at Lana and Ray.

"Someone's excited! Geez Lana I didn't think you would tackle Ray!"

"Hey you almost tackled Gerard!"

"Yes but you knew I would do that!" I said to a defeated looking Lana.

"Anyways," Gerard said interrupting us, "This is Lana and Sally. They managed to outsmart security and
get back here."

"I was the mastermind!" I said, and then I thought about who I was with.

"Ray! Bob! Mikey! Oh my shoot you're all here! This is awesome!!" I yelled as I started jumping up and down again.

"Ray?" I asked once I stopped jumping.

"Yea Sally?"

"Can I touch the fro?"

"Umm sure. Why not?" Ray replied.

"Yes!! Now I can die happy!" I yelled and started petting Ray's fro.

"No fair! I wanna pet it too!!" Lana yelled. Then she started petting his hair with me. Then eventually I stopped petting the fro and sat down at the table with everyone. Lana wouldn't leave Ray alone now.

"I'm hungry!" Gerard whined when we were sitting around a table.

"I am too!" I said

"I want a hot dog! Sally will you get me a hot dog?" Gerard asked.

"No! Meat is murder!!" I yelled. Then Frankie heard me and ran over to me.

"Heck yes it is!"Frankie yelled. Then we high-fived.

"Oh god there's more of them!" Bob said.

"I'll go get the hot dog then! You just stay here at stare at Gerard some more." Lana said and I laughed before she walked out into the snow. She decided to go to a guy on the corner instead of inside the building. Strange I know, but that’s Lana for ya.

"Come on Sally let’s go get some good food!" Frankie yelled at me.

"Okay let's go!" I yelled back then we linked arms and left the room skipping.

"I think you found someone with just as much energy as Frankie. Who knew it was possible!" Mikey said.

"I know they're crazy, but you gotta love them..." Gerard replied.

"Wait a minute," Bob said, "there is coffee in there!"

"No not my coffee!" Mikey yelled.

"Quick after them!" Ray yelled. Then Mikey, Bob, and Ray stormed after Frankie and me.

-----LANA'S POV------

"Man that line was really long! It's so cold out there! Where is everybody?" I asked Gerard, seeing that he was alone in the room all of a sudden.

"Lana you're soaking wet!" Gerard said concerned as he took his hot dog.

"Well that can happen when you stand in the snow for a hot dog! I don’t care though, I'll be fine."

"No come with me for a second. You can borrow a pair of clothes; we don't need you getting sick."


"Here just take my pjs, it's all we have here."

"Um… thanks. Is there some where I can change?"

"You can just change here, I'm gonna go find the others."

"Okay whatever." Then Gerard left and I changed into his pjs. I was still freezing though so I started to look around the room for a blanket or something.

"Are you okay in here? Why are you going through everything?"

"I'm still cold so I was looking for a blanket or something."

"You're still cold?" Gerard asked then he pulled off the gloves that he'd been wearing. Then he put his hand on my neck.

"Gerard what are you doing?!"

"My hands are warm because of my gloves. Sorry I was just trying to help."

"Oh. Okay then I was just surprised." I said. Gerard laughed, then he put his other hand around my neck like he was going to strangle me. We both laughed then I heard the door open and Sally walked into the room. Gerard still looked like he was about to strangle me.