Dying For Music

The Names Chloe.

I'm Always Walking Forward, Never Looking Back. I Move On Quickly And I Forget About The Past. It's Hard; But Thinking About The One That Broke My Heart, Brakes My Heart.

So yeah, i'm Chloe. I'm pretty normal. I've got a mum, A dad And my best friend ever; Mel.
I live in the centre of London, Probably the most busiest place on earth if you ask me.
Everyone walking about, shopping, working, chatting, stealing, killing, meeting, kissing, fighting.. And so on. It's pretty crazy, if you had to see it everyday; Like me.
My life is slighting boring, all i do all day is watch tv and eat crisps. Oh and ofcourse going to school. I'm crazy about a guy, called Rob; at my school. But he doesn't even know i exist.
My favorite band is Avenged Sevenfold, Ive seen them live 3 times. At school they all lable me as 'The Emo.' But im really not. I'm just me, the boring girl who needs to get a life. I'm not populer at all, Ive got one best friend, and thats all i need.
Anyway, its the first day of year 10, I'm a bag a nerves. I Heard theres going to be loads more people joining our classes, Great.

It's 6am, Mums making breakfast; Pancakes And Ice Cream. Mmmm.
I'm getting changed, but what to wear? I know; Bright green skinnies,
Avenged Sevenfold T-Shirt, And A DropDead Hoodie. Yeah.
I'll Probably Be Known As The New Scene Kid.. Ew.
Oh Well, This is what i wear, i don't care what anyone says.
So i fix my hair and head downstairs.

'Pancakes are on the table! Hurry! You Don't Want To Be Late!'

Mums the loud one suppose, im the quiet one, always suffering in silence,
Dads the clever one; He's at work at the moment. Yeah.
So i eat my pancakes and get the bus to school.
Oh God, this bus is packed with drunk men, Great.
They finally get off and schools just 5 minutes away.
Why am i so nervous? Is it because of how i dressed? Or these new people in our year? Or the fact that i have to face Charlotte (A very stuck up girl who likes to make fun of my clothes), Or that i'm not going to get noticed by Rob again. Urrgh i can't think, oh well, time to get off the flippin bus now.

'Its the emo, haha. Wow she's more scene tho, whata freak, trying to be a part of the crowd now are we?'

That was Charlotte, she's always standing at the door to judge everyone.
I just ignore her and her friends, tho they don't say anything, but Charlotte is one
of the most idiotic people ive ever met to be honest.

'Chloeeeeeeee! You alright?! Robs locker is right near yours now! Wow!'

Oh great. Yeah, that was Mel. But holy crap, my locker is near Robs now?! thats just great, well, i can stare at him longer now, Haha. but i shouldn't care, he probably still won't notice me.

'Yeah, im alright thanks Mel, just tired. And Joy, Robs Locker near mine, thats just wonderful. Anyway how's you?'

'Gooood, Yeah it is wonderful ! Hehe, I'm Fine thanks, tired aswel. I Hate going to school, but i just saw the most gorgeous boy ever walk past me just then, i think hes new... I hope i can get his number or something!'

Mels one of the people that wants to get hooked up with everyone.
I don't blame her, life's too short eh? But i prefer serious relationships.
And that 'Gorgeous' Boy she was refering to, isnt my style at all.
I Mean, Mel. She's more of a girly girl. She thinks im punk but i don't know.
Robs emo, i guess. He's got messy black hair, with a long side fringe.
I've got a picture of him, That Mel took when we were messing in lunch last year.
But he's changed since then, he's become more of a.. "Rawr" Guy. He was cuter before.
Oh well. I Shouldn't waste my time thinking about him, i don't even exist for him.

Our first lesson is maths, ah joy.
We come in the class room and Robs sitting there, looking at the clock,
I wish he'd look at me for once. Mel see's the guy she fancies and winks at me, goes sits next to him and leaves me standing there infront of everyone. I fake a smile, and the Mrs Smith (Maths Teacher) Says to me ' Oh theres no more places Chloe, you'll have to sit with Rob, is that ok?' Oh my, he HAS to notice me if i'm his maths partner! OH MY GOD. Im like seriously shy but this is the only way, and plus, i can't just say no.
' Yeah sure. '
' Good Then, Take your seat Chloe. '

I Sit Down Next To Rob,
His Eyes Sparkle Whilst The Sun Shines On His Face.
I don't know, but this moment kinda reminds me of Twilight.
Robs still staring at the clock, i guess he's waiting till maths finishes.
He hasnt turned to look at me though, not even once.
Well lets see what happens when we start working together, oh yes.