Life Is Beautiful

Ever since 1939, Jewish people in Europe had struggled trying to live peacefully and happy.
They were constantly blamed if something went wrong, and it was always viewed as if it was their fault something awful happened.
Being forced to wear the Jewish star of David was just the first thing Nazis did to discriminate Jews.
Later on, they were stripped of their radios, bikes, areas to be a part of, their schools.
Any kind of privilege they had was taken away, due to their religion.

By 1942 things had gotten much worse for Jewish people of Europe.
Many of them were sealed off into over crowded ghettos, sent off to concentration camps where most were murdered upon arrival.
Even some were beaten on the street for being Jewish.

This is the story of a half Jewish family who struggled trying not to be shipped off to a concentration camp and their last result was to go into hiding.
Imagine hiding in your neighbors home and knowing you're so close to your own home but if you try to even move towards it, your life would be over.

Rebecca Straughten a half Jewish girl is losing her hope while hiding from the Nazis power to kill her and her family.

But when her family and neighbors accept caring for a wounded American soldier, her hope starts replacing the fear.
And she finds herself more interested in this boy than she ever thought she would be of any person.

I do not own Frank Iero, although we all wish we did. Although I do own the Straughten family and the rest of the characters following up in this story. As well as the plot, but I give credit to the movie Life Is Beautiful for the title of the story.