Still cant stand this

My First Diary

Dear Diary,

it has been a while since i left Adam.I miss him.I really want to meet him.But i can't.I can't meet him because i love him! still remember the pshyco bitch dont you? i never heard anything from her since the day i left Adam(thanks God for that) but i'm sure she still "stalking" Adam.It makes me cant go anywhere near him.Oh i dyed my hair blonde last week.I dont really like it! Its just so not me.But who cares? Besides i never heard anything from Adam either..i never heard he trying to find me or else..its like he dont care! It really brokes my heart to know that the man i always love since high school dont care about me!

I've made some new friends..i met them while i watched a concert last month..they're such a cool people..there's Emma,Justin,Rose,Rick,and Dan. We hang out a lot,we went to several concerts together..hey have i ever told you that im a concert freak? yes i am! but im smart enough to not attending the bands that Adam's love. I dont want to meet him. Not in a concert.

Arrgghh..i feel really bored right now! its like staring at a blank paper for ever is more fun than my life! I have a job in local music stores..i know dangerous right! but dont worry! i know Adam very well and i know that he would never come to that stores again after what happened last year:P

I dont feel like writting right i will just stop writting now:) i wanna go to bed..bye diary! see you tomorrow..*smoochs*

♠ ♠ ♠ starting to hate my stories..its like they all not talented at this