I Run With Werewolves

Chapter 011 -The Last One-

That night Edward and Jacob was coming for me, I had the scent that they was coming. I was lying peaceful in James arms.
I took a deep sigh. “Is everything alright?” James asked.
“I’m fine.” I said sternly.
I rolled my eyes and I turned my body away from James.
“Hey, are you sure that you’re okay?” James asked as he rubbed my shoulders lightly.
“I Just need some air.” I cried. I rushed out of his arms and I
Ran outside.
There stood at the front door Jacob and Edward!!!
“So you’re not dead after all?” Edward asked.
“I’m sorry Edward I did this for a reason.” I said as I looked at Jacob.
“Well, well, well, what have we here?” James asked.
“Back off James Meka is coming home…With me.” Edward said as he looked at Jacob.
“Is this what you want Meka, do you want to go back with them so they can hurt you AGAIN?” He shouts.
I placed both hands over my head and I fell to the ground.
I began to cry tears of blood. “Meka, he’s just playing you again.” Edward said.
“I can make my own decisions Edward.” I said as I looked into his eyes and Edward looked back into my bloodshot eyes.
Jacob looked confused.
“Meka, I’ve been here for you ever since you landed in my arms. If it wasn’t for me you’d be dead!” James shout.
“Meka, please come back home with us your father misses you.” Edward begged.
It was getting really aggravated and I was getting really tense.
I began to here static inside of my head.
“SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! OKAY DAMN IT!!!” I shout. It began to thunder and rumble.
“I’ll go with Jacob!” I shout. I rushed into his arms and he hugged me softly. “Don’t come crying to me once he hurt you again.” James says.
“I Promise you this I will never ever hurt you.” Jacob says.
He wasn’t lying either.
We was all about to walk out but James struck me with lightning.
I fooled him as I redirected it back in his face.
He fell down on the ground. I began to breathe heavy. He rose up from the ground and he pinned me up against the walls his teeth was as sharp as knifes.
“Traitor.” James growled. Edward rushed over to come and help me.
James was trying to suck every inch of my blood that I had.
Then Edward pushed him off me.
“JACOB GET MEKA OUT OF HERE NOW!” Edward shouts. Jacob had carried me bridal style because I was to weak to walk.
Edward was finally putting James to an end. “If you ever try to come in between Meka and I again you will meet your permanent end.” He said. Then he jerked James off of him roughly. “Why do you give a damn about Mika if you’re with Bella…Hmm?” He asked sarcastically. Edward just continued to walk off to the hospital.
“I wont be the one to kill her…Bella will!” James chuckled evilly.
Edward just continued to walk…
-At the hospital-
My dad was there by my side so was Jacob everyone.
“Mika, don’t ever do anything stupid like that again, don’t ever kill your self like that or try too.” My dad says.
“I wont dad…I promise.” I smiled.
“Can I have a moment alone with Meka?” Jacob asked.
“Sure.” My dad says then everyone walked out
“I’m so sorry this happened to you Meka.” Jacob said.
“It’s okay just don’t ever kiss my cousin again.” I said.
“My lips will only be attached to yours.” Jacob smiled we kissed.
My dad was out talking to the doctor.
“She didn’t lose a lot of blood and she’ll be free to go tomorrow.” The doctor smiled.
“Thanks doc.” My dad smiled. Edward looked back in the room where Jacob and I was. Jacob stayed the whole night with me.
He didn’t leave my side not one bit…
The next night it was the school prom and I was fully recovered. Everyone was shocked to see me back.
“Hey Mika, it’s like you’re back from the dead its good to see you back though.” Mike smiled.
“Thanks Mike.” I chuckled.
“So may I have this dance?” Jacob asked. I smiled and I answered by lacing my hand with his, and we began to dance.
Edward couldn’t stop looking over at me and I looked back in his eyes. “Edward you okay?” Bella asked. Edward didn’t answer her.
It felt like someone was watching us in the woods I had good vision I squeaked my eyes a little and I saw JAMES IN THE WOODS! I took a deep sigh of fear.