Sequel: Living to Die
Status: RE-WRITING Updating every Wednesday and Saturday Summer 2015

Clairvoyant Disease

A Tale Worth Telling

"wow, that's a hell of a long time," Matt spoke softly, still somewhat incredulous;

"yeah, well… I have my little tricks to keep my mind off it," I smiled and he smirked down at me, such a sexy smirk it was;

"no wonder you were going through so much pain," he said almost to himself;

"how'd you know, I didn't say anything?" I sat up from his arms, I didn't want him to know, I didn’t want him to feel bad for me;

"you didn't have to say it, I could feel it," he tilted his head slightly to look at me;

"oh," he pulled me down by him again;

"can I ask you something?" he said after some minutes of comfortable silence;

"you already did, but sure," he smiled;

"what about all the nights you didn't come home?" as annoyed and angry as it made me to know that he really didn't believe me, I wasn't blinded and noticed the hesitation in his eyes as he spoke. He didn't want me to snap at him for wondering so I didn't and answered with a smile;

"Issa's apartment. Sometimes it would be too late and I would be too drunk to come home to deal with you and the girls you brought around," I still took a shot at him. I want things to be different, at the same time I don't want him to start believing that no matter what he does, because of what's happened tonight, I would simply forgive him;

"oh, I dunno how you do it,"

"do what?" I looked at him, his tone had changed but he was still trying to sound calm. Most likely, he took the mention of the whores he tends to bring around as a blame for our sour relationship, which is really kind of what I did;

"get under my skin so easily, it's like a fucking talent!" he shook his head before chuckling;

"and there you said I didn't have any talents," I smiled trying to ease the tension that had suddenly risen in the room;

"so the only talent you got is pissing me off?" he licked over his lips laying back as if inviting me to take some sort of charge;

"no, I have others," I said before kissing that spot behind his ear "want... me... to... show... you?" I asked between the kisses I kept placing on his neck;

"oh Bee," he groaned as I straddled his naked lap;

"tell me, do you want me to?" I asked centimeters away from his lips as I rolled my hips against his already hard self;

"God, yes, Carlee," he said closing his eyes and letting his head fall back on the pillow.

The night had a forecast of hot steamy sex for all the nights that we've wanted to give in and had managed not to and it was bound to be hurricane of bodies, screams and sweat, after all the night was still very young.

"Little Bee, wake up," Matt's voice rang softly close by but I didn't move. My exhausted body didn't give a damn about what my mind wanted to do. I felt the bed shift as he sat next to me before his hand ran down the side of my body then up again before stopping on my waist.

Everything felt like a dream, everything that had happened last night, the way he kissed my entire body before we went at it for the second time, he knew where to touch, where to kiss and how to move to make anyone feel like millions worth in gold.

"mm?" was the only sound I could manage, a soft moan to answer him;

"hey," I could practically hear the smile in his tired voice. I finally opened my eyes to look at him, he was dressed in jeans and a hoody. As I yawned I felt his fingers brush my hair out of my face;

"what time is it?"

"almost 5,"

"why are you up so early?" I sat up and wrapped my arms around his waist;

"the Afterlife video shoot starts today," he kissed my forehead, then my temple, then my lips making me jump a cloud higher with every single one;

"hmm, cool. What's it about?" he shrugged;

"not sure, yanno Zacky's the one to deal with that imagination shit, my imagination for videos goes as far as Wendy's commercial rip-offs," I laughed shaking my head;

"right," the smile on his face didn't banish as he pulled on the thin fabric of my sheets then gently ran his fingers down my back, making me tense at his touch as the goose bumps covered my body, he smiled at my reaction and kissed me;

"why don't you come with me to the video shoot?"

"I can't, Issa and I have a meeting with Sean and Selena at 9, then we have lunch with the eight other girls that are going to the Spike awards,"

"oh, then I'll see you later, okay?" it was so adorable how he really didn't want to leave, how he wanted me to go with him and practically show off how happy we truly were. I nodded at him before hugging him tightly;

He kissed my lips over and over again before finally leaving my room. I laid back down smiling, I can't believe this is actually happening, I mean, after so long, after feeling so disgusted and angry at him, I fell, hard for this man! I looked at the digital clock on my nightstand: 4:58am July 31, 2008

July 31, 2008

Matt's birthday!

I jumped off the bed and grabbed my robe from a chair next to the door before running out while putting it on, when I got outside he was about to get in his Black GMC truck. His face contorted in confusion but I only smiled and ran to him wrapping my arms around his neck as I took him in a tight embrace. He lost his balance for a moment before resting back against the closed back door of his SUV.

"Happy Birthday, Mattie!" I squealed as he held me close to his body by my waist;

"thank you, Bee," he pushed me slightly to kiss my lips. For a minute we stayed there, engulfed in the kiss unwilling to let go, finally, I pulled away enough to break it and take a breath;

"how are you going to celebrate?" I asked finally standing on my own two feet;

"well, the guys have something planned but I want to be with you more than anything," he slipped his hands under my robe and squeezed softly on my behind;

"hey-hey! you keep your hands to yourself, Mister!" he chuckled "go out with the guys, just make sure to get home early so I can give you my present," he pouted;

"can't I have it now?" he turned me and pressed me against the cold metal of his vehicle, his hand ran down the outside of my thighs sending thunderbolt all over my skin;

"nope," I said pushed him already feeling too hot and bothered by his presence "I already have something planned out, you just make sure to get back early from your little guy's night out,"

"I'll be back early, I promise,"

"okay, now leave, you're gonna be late and I'm gonna work out early so I can have the rest of the day for myself," I ripped myself away from the GMC and away enough from him;

"can I help you work out?" he pulled me closer again;

"no leave, dude! didn't you get enough last night?" I asked once I was back against his body;

"with you, it'll never be enough, you're just too good," he kissed my neck;

"Matt," I moaned "please," my voice was shaky and I couldn't help it, he can do just whatever he wants with me and it really is not fair! I mean, a bit more pressure and I'd give out right here not giving a damn about the neighbors! He pulled back with a proud smile and I stepped away from him, "I'll see you later, okay?" he nodded pouting "Matt!" I groaned and he laughed;

"fine," he pecked my lips, I walked away from him and stood on the door way "make sure to lock the door," he opened the driver's door;

"yes sir,"

"and to turn on the alarm system," he threw his backpack to the passenger seat. I once again answered with a "yes sir" leaning into the frame of the door; "call me if you see anyone strange outside or if you hear anything weird," he continued, I did promise to let him protect me but it didn't mean I wouldn't get annoyed by it!

"Matt! can you please leave? Yes, I'll lock the door and turn on the alarm system, I'll call you if I see anyone or hear anything weird or if I just plain don't feel safe, I won't go out back until I hear that the neighbors are up and I won't walk out the door until sunrise," I said quickly "anything else?" I asked annoyed;

"yeah," he said softly;


"I love you," his face was dead serious and I just had to sigh at the sound of it. Biting my lip I stalked my way back to him wrapping my arms back around his neck as we kissed passionately out in the dark.

"I love you, too," I spoke against his lips, his finger ran through my hair pushing it back and out of my face;

"go in, I'll see you later," I nodded and finally stepped away from him almost saddened at the thought of him leaving. He kissed my hand before letting it go. He got in his truck and turned the engine over but didn't leave until I was inside. My day started right away; the fact that I had barely slept at all the night before didn't matter.

I did the laundry, cleaned the kitchen until it was spotless, worked out and took my sweet time getting ready.

Bum Bum Be Dum Bum Bum De Dum Dum
Bum Bum Be Dum Bum Bum De Dum Dum
Bum Bum Be Dum Bum Bum De Dum Dum
Bum Bum Be Dum Bum Bum De Dum Dum

Rihanna's Disturbia blasted out of my phone. My beautiful sister is calling and by the gross amount of missed calls I had from the night before, I could only guess I was in it for the yelling of my life:

"hello! I sang putting my phone on speaker so that I could finish my make up;

"why the fuck are you so happy?" she had either stayed up all night or missed her morning coffee, either way she sounded pissed;

"why shouldn't I be happy? I'm alive, I'm healthy, I'm beautiful and I'm talking to my amazing sister, my life's good, babe," sucking up wouldn't help much but I gave it a blind shot anyways;

"oh yeah, you love talking to your sister. That's why when I called you 32 times last night, you ignored the shit out of me!"

"I'm so sorry, my cel was in my purse, in my closet. I just saw the calls like 20 minutes ago. Last night I was far gone, in my own little world, I didn't even think about my phone,"
whining had to definitely do the job;

"what? Did you get in another rough brawl with Matt?"

"no, why would you guess that?"

"routine, you go off into that own little world where you cut off communication with everybody else whenever that happens,"
I bit my lip contemplating whether I should tell her or not. On one hand, she's my sister and she has to be happy for me no matter what plus I shouldn't be hiding things from her… still, she's my best friend, she knows everything about me specially all the things that Matt and I have gone through, so she's gonna grill the shit out of me!

"well, if it answers your question: yes Matt was involved and yes it was pretty rough… but we weren't brawling," I took my phone off speaker and went to my bed laying back with the most obnoxiously good feeling in the world. I was smiling so hard my cheeks were starting to burn!

"what the fuck is that suppose to mean? It involved him and it was pretty rough- oh my God! You had sex with him!" she yelled popping the bubble of my day dream where I was riding Matt for all he's got as he groaned my name loudly;

"it was so much more than sex, Is,"

"the fuck is that about? It's him, it's you, it's nothing more- I, it's sex. You had sex with him!"
she yelled again and I heard a door slam on the other end "who did she have sex with?"

"it's that BroBro?"

how she could make a three lettered word sound so menacing was beyond me;

"oh, so Matt wasn't the only one getting lucky last night?" it wasn't the time for teasing but I've always taken credit for being the most inopportune person in the world;

"no no no no! Don't even go there, I might be a lot of things but I don't tend to fuck my best friends-"

"even when you're dying to?"
I cut her off;

"that's beyond the point. We're talking about you. How did you end up in his bed?"

"it was on my bed,"

"oh, so he was the one chasing?"
I hadn't thought of it but it was true and it gave some advantage in case it all went south. I hadn't searched for him but merely succumbed to his charm;

"pretty much,"

"I still can't believe you did that,"

"whatever, dude,"
I wasn't gonna let her plant any more doubt in my head "how'd you end up with Bri?"

"well, let me tell you a tale worth telling…"
her cynicism was worthy of smiling "last night while you were getting banged black and blue by the anatomical equivalent of a monster truck, your innocent and beautiful sister got a migraine. She searched and searched her beautiful L.A. apartment for Excedrin but failed to find one. So she grabbed her phone and her wallet and still in her PJs she walked out of the safety of her chamber and just when the door shut locked, she realized… she had left her keys inside. So this innocent soft-core porn star grabs her almost dead phone and starts calling her sister who has a spare set of keys of the apartment, but like mentioned before the frienemy of the year was balls deep inside her…" by now I was laughing too hard "so after the 32th time, this poor migraine patient thought about the only person that would surely care for her at 2:30 in the morning and with one percent of battery she dialed the number of her knight in shining armor and he went to the rescue, the end,"

"you are fucking perfect! And you're really dying to bang your knight in shining armor,"
I heard her sigh;

"maybe, but I really did have a migraine, so thanks a lot,"

"dude, I'm sorry. You could've called the house phone or Matt's cell, I dunno,"

"I did! You bitch! I'm telling you mi phone had 35 percent battery when I got locked out it died while I was speaking to Bri, thankfully he understood enough and picked me up,"

"whatever, isn't he supposed to be in a video shoot?"

"yeah, that's why I'm calling. Can you pick me up so that I can get to the meeting?"
I got off the bed and grabbed my bag.

"where's that?"

"Warner Studios, stage six,"

"I'll be there in a bit,"

I ended the call and started my way out, not before stopping at Matt's room and taking a last look at got ready myself[/url] on the floor to ceiling mirror he has. The room is so much like him: messy, dark, smells really good and holds one too many memories of on too many things I don't want to think about, so I left.

I called our boss to let her know about us being a bit late, which she was grateful for because she wasn't even ready to leave. Once I saw the WB water tank I dialed Matt's number. Just because I was running late it didn't mean that I couldn't get a kiss from him;

"hello beautiful," okay, so my heart just did a fucking leap!

"hi birthday boy,"

"hey, baby. You okay?"

"yeah, I'ma pick Is up and I was wondering if I could get a kiss from you first, cuz I really really want one. If you're not too busy, of course,"
it made me shy, I could help it, to tell him what I want, what I need and what I feel for him… it drives me crazy because a part of me still believes he will use it against me;

"I'm never too busy for my Bee and I knew you were coming to pick her up, she just yelled at me because, and I quote: "you're responsible for my sister dissing the shit out of me" unquote," I laughed turning to the sixth studio;

"yeah, she's not happy… I kinda let her know, you can't interrupt a girl when she' tangled up with a hunky man,"

"ha! what she say when you told her?"

"well, mostly that she couldn't believe that I had let that happen, but of course, she wasn’t alone so I know she'll be more explicit once she's in the car,"

"I'm rooting for you babe, I know you can take the rampage like a soldier,"
I wasn't alone in it, he's not backing out because of what our friends have to say!

"yeah, I'm my father's daughter… unfortunately, she is too, so I'm almost dead," he laughed;

"I'm on your corner, we'll be fine,"

"thanks, tell the lady pug I'm here on your way out, please,"
I parked in front of the big entrance of the studio behind a row of parked cars;

"yo bitch, Carla here," I knew he would take the chance of pissing her off "don't be calling anyone bitch with that face!" I laughed getting out of my Escalade and leaning into the door "we'll be right out,"

"I'm waiting,"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I've been MIA... No excuses to give, well I kinda have a lot of valid ones but I hate giving excuses. Probably, I'll update a few more chapters this week because during June and July I'll be taking summer classes so that I can finally get my BD in Forensic by May '15 so yeah, I'ma be CRAZY! Hope you like this chapter. Subscribe and stalk the s**t out of me Tumblr