Status: Active

You Are the One that I Want

He is the Prince in my Dreams

"Tabs?" you heard someone whisper, but you chose to ignore it.

"Tabs?" you heard again.

You opened your eyes to see Tre sitting right beside you on your bed.

"Tre!" you shouted while sitting up, hugging him, he hugged you back, "What are you doing here?" you asked, getting out of his grip.

"I came to check up on you, you looked kinda scared when I left," he stated.

"Yea, I kinda was, but Josh left with my mom when I arrived here," you smiled at him. He smiled back, "But now I'm even happier because you're here!" you smiled bigger; so did he.

He looked out the window that he came in. It was getting really dark out; it must have been around 8:00pm; "I think I better go." he looked back at you.

"Oh... okay," you said sadly, looking down at your feet.

"Unless, you don't want me to go?" he smiled.

You looked up at him and started hugging him again, "Tre, please don't leave me."

"Alright, I won't. I'll stay until your mom gets back," he hugged you tighter.

"Thank you, Tre," you gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Come lay in bed with me."

"What? Really?" he smiled, "I mean, I know I'm sexy, but I didn't think I was that sexy!" he laughed. You laughed too.

You pulled up the covers so both you and him could lie in bed and talk about stuff. He had his arm around your shoulders and you were laying your head on his chest. For those past three hours, you guys talked about everything; you even told him about Andy; he said if he ever met him, he would kill him, which made you feel protected though kind of nervous.

After a bit, you heard talking outside your window; that was when you realized your mom was home, "Tre, you got to go; my mom's home," you told him while getting up.

You walked with him to the window.

He kissed you on the cheek.

He bent down to climb out, but he paused and stared at you like you were the best thing that he had ever seen. You gave him a "What?" look. After a moment of staring at you, Tre walked back up to you and gave you the sweetest kiss you have ever felt.

When you finished kissing, you were in a daze that you automatically snapped out of.

"Bye," he said smiling; you smiled back.

"Bye," you let go of his hand, and you watched him climb down the tree in front of the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a short chapter, but I think it's the shortest in the whole series...
You'll know soon.

More comments.

Lurve, Tami Wright-Cool