Status: Active

You Are the One that I Want

Family Dinner


Pulling up on the driveway brought back many memories. Most of them being bad memories, but a lot of them were good; the ones when Josh wasn't around.

I shook in my seat as I was scared to exit the car. I knew once I walk in, I'd have to face my reality again, even though I hated that reality with a passion. Why couldn't Tre and I just run away? It was our plan once, why couldn't we stick with it?

I felt Tre's hand run on my knee. I looked over at him; He could probably sense how scared I was; it showed in my face, especially in my eyes that showed the most.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asked, taking his arm and wrapping it around my shoulders, pressing me more into his body.

I shrugged, "I'm really scared to face them," I admitted, letting my face drop.

"It'll be okay... I won't let anything bad happen... Okay?"

I weakly smiled and nodded. I wasn't totally convinced, but it felt nice to have someone who cared so much for me. He kissed my forehead then let me go.

When we got out of the car, he took my hand, and we walked up to the porch area. I didn't know if I should have went in or knocked, but before I could decide on what to do, Tre rang the doorbell.

When I heard the doorbell sound going threw the house, I began to slightly panic. Before anyone answered the door, I checked out to make sure Tre looked decent. He did, except part of his shirt was tucked in and the other half was hanging out.

"Tre, untuck your shirt, you look like a terd," I joked, getting an incredibly funny stare from him.

Before he could protest, the door opened, and he immediately untucked the part of his shirt that was tucked in. I looked up to see who had answered the door; it was Sean. He gave me an odd look that said 'Where-the-fuck-have-you-been?' I just weakly smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't throw a fit.

"Hi," I said quietly, it was kind of hard to get my voice level back to the usual, because I was still kind of scared.

"Hey," he replied, looking at Tre - more like giving him a death stare, "How are you, Tre?" he asked bitterly.

"Um, good," he gulped, feeling the bad vibe that was coming from Sean.

"Can we come in?" I asked.

"I'm not stopping you," he said bluntly, walking inside and leaving the door open for us. Tre and I gave each other a look, knowing that this would be a long night.

"Everyone's in the kitchen, eating dinner," Sean pointed, like I didn't know where the kitchen was.

"Thanks," I weakly smiled. Once again, I looked over at Tre for a confidence booster. He weakly smiled then took my hand, leading me in the kitchen.

I looked in; everyone was eating their food, and looking like they haven't noticed us yet, even though we were practically right in front of them.

Josh looked at me like I was the most surprising thing he had ever seen. The look he gave me really scared me; it was one of those death stares, and he also gave Tre the same look just making it more intense when he looked at him.

"It's good to see you guys. Would you like something to drink or eat?" Tess asked us. She was the only one who looked happy to see us together.

"No thanks," both Tre and I said, giving her a weak smile.

"Well, at least take a seat," she offered, patting a seat that was next to her.

Tre took my hand and led me to the two seats that were on the left side of her. When I was sat and comfortable, I looked at everyone; they were all staring at use like we had three heads. It was uncomfortable, but I tried not to make too much notice of it.

"So, where have you been for the past few months?" asked Chandler, paying full attention to what I would have to say.

"Um..." I didn't know whether to tell them I was living with Tre at Mike's house. I came to the house to tell them about the marriage. I didn't want them to think I was marring a bum, which Tre wasn't, but their negative minds would think he was.

"We've been living at my friends house," Tre said, making me feel relived that I didn't have to answer that.

"Mike, right?" Josh asked. Obviously he knows; he broke in his house looking for me once, he's just trying to put me on the spot in front of the family.

I slowly nodded, "And what have you been doing, Josh?" I asked, sounding a little bitter.

"School; something you don't do anymore!" he snapped, surprising me.

"Yea, why the fuck did you drop out of school?!" Paige yelled, finally getting into this conversation.

"School wasn't right for me, okay?" I said to them, frustrated.

"You know what's NOT right for you? That DICK HEAD you call a boyfriend!" Josh screamed.

Tre rose up from his seat, "WHY DON'T YOU DRINK ANOTHER LITER OF JACK DANIELS, YOU FUCKING CUNT!" he screamed at Josh.

I took Tre's arm and pulled him back on the chair, "This is not the time," I whispered in his ear.

He slightly sighed as he was getting his mind back together, "Sorry..."

I weakly smiled at him, once again, taking his hand into mine.

Josh snickered from across the table, "Dude, you are so fucking whipped by her."

I felt Tre's hand get tense in mine again. I knew he wanted to hurt Josh so bad, but I couldn't let him, if he did, then my family will definitely not approve of this marriage. I gave Tre's hand a little squeeze which made his anger go on a lower level.

"HAMBURGERS!" my Dad shouted, coming into the kitchen with a plate full of burgers. His face expression changed as he saw me sitting at the table.

"H-hi Dad," I slightly stuttered. I didn't know what his feelings would be on this issue. He'd most likely kick me out of the house which I already was from Paige.

"Hi Tabitha," he said like I being there was no surprise. It hurt my feelings a lot that not even my Father cared that I was alive and healthy. The feeling of loss from my whole family made a single tear drop down my cheek, but I knew no one noticed since they were all pigging out, including Tre.

"I have to go to the washroom," I sniffled as I got up from my seat and started to walk out of the room.

"Tabitha, wait!" Josh shouted to get my attention. I came to a stop and turned around to face him. He was slightly chuckling which made me feel sick to my stomach, but I knew Tre was watching his every move to make sure he wouldn't follow me, "We had to remove all the scissors and blades from the washroom. Just telling you in case you were going up to make another slit-slit on your wrist," he smirked.

That comment hit me like a ton of bricks, making all my confidence leave. That comment made me realize why I did try to kill myself in the first place; it was all because of him. I wanted to cry at that moment, but I couldn't because I didn't want to make a big scene.

"I have to g-go to the washroom," I said again, this time sniffling since my tears came beating down harder when I noticed everyone was laughing at me, except Tre. I knew that he badly wanted to defend me, but I told him not to, but I really did want Josh to have good kick in the ass for what he said.

I went upstairs. When I began walking to the direction of the washroom, I couldn't help but notice my bedroom door closed. I decided to go into my old bedroom other than the washroom.

When I opened the door, I noticed my bedroom was in the exact same condition it was in when I left it. Usually that's a good thing because you want to keep your old childhood room, but this wasn't good. It wasn't that all my old stuff brought back painful memories, it's because no one had cleaned up the broken glass or the blood on the floor.

"Oh my God," I whispered to myself as I walked even more into the bedroom. I couldn't believe they kept it like that. You'd think someone would clean up the glass and blood; no one would want to keep that exposed. I tried to kill myself with the broken glass months ago, who would have not cleaned it up?

Was this supposed to be my punishment for abandoning the family? If so, it's really cruel bringing up my past and my past mistakes. I may have gotten over the whole incident, but I'm still very sensitive over it.

I stepped closer to where the scene once took place. I put my fingers down on the ground to get a feel of my blood that had been lying there for months. It was hard, dried into the wooden floor. Odd that it didn't smell, but it wouldn't surprise me if Paige went into the room once a day to spray perfume.

My tears dripped onto the blood. I couldn't take it, I broke down on the floor as my suicidal past came rushing back to me, and it was all because of my family.

"Why?" I sniffled to myself.

"I can't believe you left us for your boyfriend," Josh remarked as he stepped into the room. I felt my body become tense as I was feeling fear go threw me, "You know he's just playing you, right? When he gets sick of you, he'll move onto some other hoe," he said as he started fiddling with one of my old stuffed animals that was left on my bed from months ago.

"Don't talk about him like that!" I said ragingly though quietly, rising to my feet as I was ready to receive my consequence that has been planned for months probably.

"And don't talk to me like that!" he spat, stepping closer to me.

I took in a deep breath of oxygen, "If you think you can talk to him like that, then you're going to regret it," I told him, looking down since I was afraid to meet his eyes.

Once I looked up at him, he took his fist and punched me across the head, making me fall to my knees as I clutched my head in my hands.

"He's only with you because you're an easy fuck. Maybe if you kept your legs closed more often, you might have a good boyfriend who'd treat you right," he left the room, leaving the door open as I was still on the floor.

Obviously he had no clue what he was talking about since Tre is the only one on this planet that treats me right, and I lost my virginity to Tre in the first place.

I got back up on my feet and went into the washroom. I closed the door and looked into the mirror. I noticed I was bleeding where Josh hit me. I placed a piece of toilet paper under some cold tap water, and dabbed the wet, cold paper against my cut to control the bleeding.

When I was almost done cleaning my cut, there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and put my ear to it, "Who is it?" I asked very weakly since it could have been Josh coming for another 'visit'.

"It's Tre."

Since it was Tre, I opened the door and let him in. Once he noticed the tear marks that were still on my face, he put me in a big hug.

"What's wrong?" he asked, putting the toilet seat down and sitting on it. He placed me on his lap as he was waiting for an answer.

"J-Josh hit me," I shuttered, "and he a-also said some s-shit about you."

"Fuck! I'm so sorry!" he looked down at the ground, "I said I'd protect you if he tried anything... I'm so sorry."

I slightly tugged at his spiked hair for him to look up at me. I weakly smiled at him because he cared so much for me, "It's not your fault." I gently kissed him on his lips to make him feel better.

"I still should have been there with you," he weakly sighed.

"It's okay... I don't blame you for it."

He put me in another hug as we sat with each other. I rested my head in the crock of his neck as he held me tight, fearing that Josh would do something to me again.

"What did he say about me?" he asked, still holding me in the same position.

I sighed as I recalled what he said, "He said you're only with me because I'm an easy fuck," I was scared to tell him since he would have wanted to hurt Josh even more.

I felt him pull me into his body as he got tense, and he began to clutch his fists together, "I'll fucking kill him!" he said, taking me out of his lap and putting me on my feet as he began walking to the door.

"Tre, no!" I grabbed his arm before he could open the door, "We have to get through this night."

"You know how hard it was to watch him say all that shit about you at the dinner table and not do anything?" he said, facing me as I locked my arms around his waist.

"I know, I know, and I love you so much for really caring for me, but... we just need to get through this night, then we're done. We'll get married, and we won't have to worry about Josh anymore... Okay?" I said, looking into his eyes the whole time as it gave me a confidence booster.

He weakly smiled as he put his arms around my shoulders, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I smiled back, "Are you ready to tell them?"

He nodded, not having the same smile on his face like before, his face dropped more since now it was the time to tell them about the marriage.

I took his hand, leading him downstairs and into the living room, where everyone was at that moment. Once we stepped into the room, I got a vibe of lots of different emotions coming from each person. Hatred and envy was mostly what I felt from each person.

"Um, guys... we have some news..." I told them, looking over at Tre who was looking at me.

I received even more attention from the group of people, making me feel nervous and scared to what may happen.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

I took in a deep breath and squeezed Tre's hand harder, "Tre and I... are getting married."

There was an awkward silence after a few gasps went around the room. We stood there, looking at the group as we didn't know what to say to make the situation better.

"What the hell are you thinking?" my Mom finally spoke after silence from her for almost the whole time I'd been there.

"Mom... please," I whined, wishing she wouldn't start asking Tre awkward questions about what he plans to do with his life.

"No! Listen to your Mother!" Dad yelled, making my shoulders fall as I didn't want to hear it.

"You're sixteen. He's a drummer, he'll obviously get nowhere in life..."

"SHUT UP! You don't fucking no that!" I shouted at her, surprising myself. I felt Tres hand this time squeezing mine, indicating that it'll be alright.

"Look... I truly love your daughter, and I am aware that I don't have a job, but I know that I will get somewhere in life with my drumming. I'm determined to give her a good life - something she has never had!" Tre said, trying to get his point across, but his speech didn't work as my family was staring at him.

"Look! The bum talked!" Josh laughed. True, Tre has hardly talked the whole time he was there, but he had reasons to; if he did say anything, it would have probably been something bad about them.

"I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU, SHIT HEAD!" Tre yelled at him. I was trying my best to keep Tre in his spot; if I let go of his hand, he probably would have went charging at Josh, "Oh, and don't you EVER touch her EVER-FUCKING-AGAIN!"
Fuck you! She's my sister, I'll touch her when I want to!"

"ENOUGH!" Chase yelled, causing Josh and Tre to stop their fight and look over at him, "Okay, Tabs, you know I love you, that's why I can't have you marrying him," he said, not yelling or saying like he was demanding it.

"No, you can't tell me what to do! I love him, and I want to marry him!" I told him, getting a tighter grip on Tres hand as if they were going to rip me apart from him.

"I know I will take good care of her. I go on tour in a few days, so my career is starting to lighten up!" Tre eyed everyone in the room as he spoke.

"There's another good reason why you shouldn't marry him," my Dad spoke, "He's going to be gone on tour for months; he's going to be off sleeping with girls."

"I'd never do that to her!" he said through tight lips, feeling more tensed.

"Tre, I'm sorry, but none of us think you are able to take care of her..." Paige said, looking deeply into Tre's eyes as she thought she was telling him the truth, "Tabitha, I know this is weird coming from a family friend, but you're not allowed to see Tre anymore."

"You can't tell me what to do neither! He's taken better care of me during the past months than any of you have been able to take care of me during the past sixteen years!" I yelled.

"Tabitha, you can't marry him, and that's final!" Josh said as he flipped on the TV. Oh yea, like I'd want to listen to him.

"Fine! I'll let you take her," Tre said, making me look at him with disbelief in my eyes to what he just said.

"Tre..." I said, my eyes getting heavy.

"Only if you can answer this question!" he looked at everyone's expression; most of them looking enlightened to hear this question. He looked into my eyes and saw how sad I was becoming. It's not like I knew what he was planning. He kissed me on the forehead to help me feel better, "It'll be okay."

I nodded, sniffling a little. I trusted him to make the right decision.

He looked back at my family, "Here's the question... Where the fuck were all of you when Tabs was in that coma on the verge of dying?" everyone's facial expressions dropped when my heart dropped, "Because I was living in that waiting room for days, and I never saw any of you come to see if she was okay."

Everyone looked at each other as they didn't know what to say. I weakly smiled at Tre, and whispered, "I love you," in his ear.

He kept his eyes on my family, "Well, we must be going then. You're all invited to the wedding as long as you can believe that I will give her a good life. Come because you want to, not because you want to ruin our wedding, or because you feel like you have to come."

There was nothing left to say. Both Tre and I left before any of my family could protest. Tre won fair and square; they had no answer to that question, and he knew they wouldn't have been able to answer it.

He was my angel.
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