Wizard Swears and Weasley Twins


The rest of the quarter flew by. Umbridge was making everybody’s lives miserable, especially Harry’s. We all tried to help him out the best we could, but he would get into these moods that were hard to get him out of, and he didn’t like talking to people. It got a little better after Ron stood up for Harry to Seamus, which was awesome of him. I personally wanted to punch Seamus in the face, but since I rarely resort to violence, so I just mostly glared at him.

The twins and I hadn’t had a detention with Umbridge yet, luckily, because she hated us worse than Snape did. We were also definitely part of Dumbledore’s Army. I had finally figured out how to work my patronus. It was a river otter, similar to Hermione’s except I think hers was a sea otter. I had also succeeded in beating Fred in a duel. He still got mad if anyone brought it up.

Christmas break as well as finals week were fast approaching. The weekend before finals, we decided to have a party to release some stress. Well, Fred and George decided to have a party and that was their excuse, although I personally have never seen either one stressed.

They planned it for Friday night, in the Room of Requirement, Gryffindors only. I agreed to help them set up because really, what else would I be doing? At least that's what Fred said when they asked me.

When I arrived, I noticed the room had an empty closet.

“What’s this for?” I asked them.

“Oh, that’s just for a little game we’re gonna play” Fred smiled mischievously.

“Ok….” I said, unsure.

I then helped them fill up helium balloons. I have no idea why they would really need balloons since it wasn't like a birthday party or anything, but they insisted they did. I think they just really wanted the helium so they could talk in funny voices. Which is actually pretty fun. Just saying.
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Please don't hate me! I promise promise promise the next chapter will be so much better