Sequel: December

I never left the Circus, I just left traveling with it

I write sins not tragedies

Amaryllis stood off to the side while the director told everyone where to go and instructed them what to do. Her amber eyes glistened as she watched the fire breathing man practice his routine next to her best friend Hayley.

Her makeup had been painted on and her hair was pinned up on her hair in intricate designs, and to be frank she looked ridiculous.

Sure she liked what she did, but she didn't get payed as much as she'd like and she didn't even get reconized. Not to mention she was only ninteen.

Being a, for lack of better words, clown wasn't something most talented eighteen year old girls wanted to do. But she had wanted to travel and be invovled with music, and dammit here she was.

A part of the traveling circus filming 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' with Panic at the Disco.


We, as in the traveling circus; all thirty some of us, were all on vacation from work for a while. Who would of thought being a clown was so hard? Not me thats for sure.

But I digress, I had been in this gig with my friend Hayley for only two months before we filmed a music video with a band that would soon be reconized across the globe, and only two and half months before i had my first two week break.

All in all this was a sweet job, but not something i put on my blog.

Hey everyone Im a clown! Literally!

Em. Barresing.

I got paid more then the average teacher would, not alot, and got about half of the respect and notice but It was fun and better than sitting behind a desk.

Here I was, relaxing on my vacation in october with my co-worker and best friend Hayley and our roomate Hector when my cell phone rang and the sounds of the Slip started ringing through my bedroom.

An hour later Hayley and I could've been found dancing around our rooms packing for the 'tour' and listening to the Dresden Dolls while the neighbors banged on the walls demanding silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uber fun!
The little girl started another panic story. :]
Not me for a change but her name means sparkling in greek :)
comment loves <3
oh and remember that shes british/irish ;] so imagine an accent!
XxCheers *edited*