Sequel: December

I never left the Circus, I just left traveling with it


My mid back length, auburn blonde hair with green extensions was tied into a bun ontop of my head and I had two weeks worth of regular clothing into a duffel bag, and my camera, laptop, toiletries, and everything else into an AFI messenger bag that I got back in high school.

"Hayley! C'mon love were going to miss our cab if you dont pick your ass up!"I called in a friendly manner up the stairs as I stuck my foot in the elevator door, casting my starteling green eyes out the window to make sure our cab hadnt left yet.

I sighed when she came sliding down the stairs on her butt, in a non graceful manner with her black and blue shoulder length hair astray and her bags falling even more gently behind her.

Her brown eyes glistened as she grinned at me and ran into the elevator before it shut.

"Bye bye Hector!"I called waving at the retreating brunette boy that shared out apartment. I shuddered at what kind of messes he would make while we were gone.

Hector was gay, and proud of it, you could say. He was the equivilent to a party going straight boy only he swung the other way.

"Yeah yeah babe, have fun clowning around!"I heard him answer as the door shut and we went slipping down two floors. I rolled my eyes and licked my pale lips.

"I wonder about him sometimes."I said to no one in particular.

"Can you believe this lola?"Hayley asked as we walked out to the cab parked idly at the street corner. "I mean, the first time in like, ten years since the traveling circus has gone on tour with a band and its right when we join? God must really love us eh?"She asked, once again prodding the 'god' subject. I rolled my eyes.

"God has nothing to do with it Hayley , its just luck. But yes, I agree it is really cool how this is happening."I answered slinging my bags into the trunk and sliding into the leather seat.

She sighed and followed suit, defeated. I had seen too much terror and depression in the world to believe that some person actually let it all happen and made us do everything. I didnt see things that way.

But for now, I was just excited about getting out of this town and into the world.
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Mmmmm :)
Im making them short for a reason kiddies.
This isnt going to be a long story.
comment <3
CheersXx *edited*