Sequel: December

I never left the Circus, I just left traveling with it

Roller Skating

The lobby in the fueled by ramen studios smelt, unsuprisingly, of ramen noodles and cookies. Which was weird but to be honest i was so excited i was about to throw up.

Our manager Freddie was sitting on one of the couches talking to someone whom I didnt reconize and a few of our other co workers were realxing on the furniture too.

I saw Daniella, who was about 24,short blonde hair with red streaks, and maybe 5'1. Jaclyn, who was 20, long straight blonde hair and was abour my height at 5'9. And then AnnaMarie who was only 18 and had run away from home sitting nervously on a chair, red wavy hair falling to her shoulders and her side bangs hanging in her amber coloured eyes. She was about 5'4.

Only one of our male members were here and that was Jack, he was 26 and maybe 6'1.

I didnt like Jack.

"Freddie?"I asked walking up to him a little more and scanning the hallway. "When are they supposed to-"I stopped for some people were walking down the hallway...or roller skating? Skateboarding? I was confused.

I poked my head out into the hallway and saw a brown haired boy with a hat on his head riding on a cart that bellhops used in fancy hotels and he was being pushed by another dark haired boy and they were both laughing maniacly.

My mouth dropped open and I jumped back into the lobby, shocked. Freddie looked at me weird and then a loud crash echoed through the building.

"DAMMIT! Ryan, Brendon! What the fuck did I say?"Someone yelled angrily and footsteps could be heard along with laughter.

Hayley , Jaclyn and I all raced out into the hallway to see a short black haired man pulling the two brunette boys out of a pile of boxes and papers. Giving them each a slap on the back.

"God, damn you two..."He said turning around to see our shocked faces. I cocked my head.

"Does this...happen often?"I asked clearing my throat. Instinctivly scrunching my already teased hair and combing my bangs. He scratched his back and nodded breathlessly.

"Sorry, yeah. Anways, can I help you?"He asked suddenly seeming more buisness like. I blushed.

"Were with the uh, traveling circus..."I trailed off leading him back into the lobby and showing him Freddie who was still looking stunned at the little entrance. He perked up and grinned, his white teeth gleaming through a near perfect smile.

"Oh yeah! ?Yeah yeah yeah, welcome abroad chick a dees. Those two dumbasses you saw, well sorry to say theyre part of the band youll be touring with. Dumbest damned thing I've ever bought.Uhm, The other two around here somewhere and then the chello player Bret's in the back doing...something..."He trailed off leaning backwards out of the room sractching his head.

"HEY! SPEN! JON! BRET!"He screamed animalisticly loud. I winced and blinked a few times. He smiled and apoligized again before three boys came trotting down the hallway looking agitated.

"What pete?"The leading one asked who had short, brown spikey hair.

He raised an eyebrow at the mess at the end of the corrider and just shook his head.

My eyes widened at the name Pete.

"Wait, youre Pete Wentz?"I asked in astonishment.

He blushed, but in a complimented sort of way.

"Haha, yeah, that's me."He replied grinning and slapping one of the boys on the back.

"These are your circus friends!"Pete announced waving toward the three other girls and us. We waved half heartedly.

"Hey?"I said quietly. Hayley grinned and waved enthusiasticly. "Hello!"

He smiled back, seeming more cheerful, as did the other three boys who waved and said their hellos to the room which had accumulated more members over the past events.

"Anways, this is Spencer, jon, Bret, Ryan and Brendon."Pete told us as Ryan and Brendon entered the room giggling.

I smiled softly at the one called Ryan and gave a little british twangy 'ello'. His eyes brightened.

"Oh are you british?"He asked in a shockingly deep voice. i was a little taken aback but still antranced.

"Yeah, yeah. Im-uh Im actually half british half irish now that you mention it."I answered, starting to scrunch my auburn blonde hair again and blushing.

"Thats cool,my girlfriend can speak in a british accent."The other one, brendon stated. I saw Annamaire's smile slide off of her face and i watched her sink dejectedly back into her seat.

Poor girl, I thought.

"Oh yeah? Well I can speak in an American accent."I replied grinning and pulling off my western hemisphere voice. He blushed at being called out and smiled.

"Sorry."He mumbled looking at his feet. I laughed turned back to Ryan.

"Anways, Im Amaryllis. [am-a-rillis-] You can call me lola, or lilly if you like though."I added as an afterthought as I shook his hand. He nodded.

"I think Ill stick with Amaryllis, its exotic."
♠ ♠ ♠
haha imagine someone saying roller skating in british?
Rowlar Skayting?
anways, probably last update for today. :]
comment lovies