Sequel: December

I never left the Circus, I just left traveling with it


The twenty traveling circus members including Amaryilis, Hayley , Jac, and AnnaMarie had all bonded nicely with the four boys of panic at the disco and their Chelloist and various sound technicions over a two week period.

Love seemed to be spreading fast too.

Poor Amaryillis was falling for Ryan Ross. The dumb bastard felt the same way for her, but both were too stubborn to admit it.

Annamarie didn't show any signs of it, but she was head over heels for Brendon. Brendon being so ADD and taken, didn't notice either.

Spencer and Hayley however were taking a like to eachother very quickly. And they werent being subtle about it either. They could be found cuddling on the bus after shows at most nights or making out in the parking lot.

Jac seemed to be taking a liking to Ryan as well and Amaryillis. And Ryan being a fan of blondes noticed this, easily succombing to her charm he became her eye candy. Not having the motivation to go after Amaryillis, the tougher one to snag.

It was like an apple tree, but instead of apples, theyre were girls.

The easy, sexy ones were always close at hand. Able to be grabbed by a swipe of a hand. Like Jac.

And then the girls like Amaryillis or Annamarie, were at the very top. It took the boys ages to reach those apples. Days, weeks, maybe a year.

But once that lucky boy got one, well, he was set.

He would never need another apple again.

But you see, these girls often have low self esteem, or are depressed because boys arent motivated enough to climb to the very top of the tree to get these beautiful apples. It's just too miserable to try and find those wonderful girls in the boy's eyes.

So those near perfect girls are left for so long sometimes, that they stop feeling beautiful, they stop being the ripest apples and they fall down, down, down the apple tree.

Untill theyre an easy grab.


poor girls.

Amaryillis's heart sank a little more that night as she watched Jac dance disgustingly with Ryan on the floor of the smokey dance floor. She sat next to her best friend Hayley , and Annamarie; who was sulking as well; at the bar sipping coka colas and sprites seeing as they were not of age.

Hayley patted both girls backs consoningly.

"Cheer up lovies, they'll come around. Its only been two weeks you know?"She told the girls encouringly which only seemed to lessen their spirits. If that was possible. Amaryillis turned her head towards her friend.

"Thanks for hanging with us hay, we must be super lame tonight, when you could be about dancing with Spencer."She told miserably taking another sip of her soda. Hayley rolled her eyes and smiled a little, touched by her friends apology.

"Dont worry about it sweetheart, dont-ah-ah...uh oh..."She trailed off in a stutter looking past amaryillis's shoulder. Hayleys face paled and she near dropped her drink.

Amaryillis spund around in her swivel seat and gasped.

"Hey ladies, mind if I join?"A raspy voice demanded, not waiting for an answer, Jack plopped down in the seat next to amaryillis nearly sqaushing Annamarie. Amaryillis blew her bangs out of her face.

"Actually, Jack we do. And you near sat on my dear friend a moment ago. Apologize if you will."She demanded, obviosouly tired of Jacks shennanagains tonight. His eyes glistened.

"Actually darling, why dont I buy us some drinks aye?"He breathed in her face, making her cough. "On me."He grinned revealing yellowing teeth. Hayley and Amaryillis huffed but obliged, not passing up the offer of free drinks, but knowing they could'nt say no.
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Sorry I have to jump alot.
and leaving it here......
my mom keeps bothering me and i want to watch dane cook in a few.
big scene next chapter!
comment loves!