Sequel: December

I never left the Circus, I just left traveling with it


I wanted to smash Hayley 's face in when she went with Annamarie to the restroom twenty minutes after Jack came by. I glared angrily at her retreating head as she eagerly yanked Anna into the ladies room.

The only reason I hadn't gone with them was because Jack was being awfully nice this evening and I didn't want to seem rude.

Now, im not suddenly liking him just because he's using chivalry, but I was not going to be a bitch to someone buying me sodas. Or, they tasted like sodas a little while ago....

Now I began to notice, they started kinda tasting like soda water as I got sleepier and sleepier and my head got heavier every minute. I yawned atleast three times in a row when I started having trouble keeping my eyes open. That's when I realized something was in my drink, besides the regular soda ingredients.

Apparently though it had taken me longer than usual to put two and two together so by the time I had regained my senses I was being pulled roughly and unnoticed through the hords of people towards the back exit. I tried to call out for help but my voice didn't seem capable of making any noises at the moment.

I only had a few more moments of conscienceness left in me so I tried to scan the room quickly for Hayley or Freddie, but of course, no one was there when you needed them.

I was being pressed up against something cold and rough, though not really feeling anything in particular besides the urge to curl up and take a nap on the ground.

I was aware however that i was getting progressively colder as the seconds ticked by. My mind seemed too pop the thought.

Hey, I'm about to get raped!

I was only able to mumble a weak "no" before everything went black.

During my little 'snooze' I dont recall seeing nor feeling anything but I remember hearing alot of things including, a few screams.

Two or three female ones. A few male ones too.

And then I heard something along the lines of "What the hell are you doing?" Or something or rather.

And I do believe I distinctivly heard sirens of some sort.

But hey, I was unconscience, I couldnt be sure.


I came around sometime later when the sky was greying which told me the sun was about to rise with ryan, spencer, jon, brendon, bret, freddie, Hayley , heather, annamarie, daniella, josh the sound guy and maybe four other dudes all sleeping somewhere within prodding distance around the couch I was laying on. I sighed and rubbed my eyes wincing when I felt pain in the back of my head, my knees, my stomach, and unfortunately my breasts. Fun fun.

"Tha Fuck's goin on...?"I slurred in some cross between my natural accent and a drunked voice.

I recieved many reactions.

A. All of the girls shot up and either screamed or yelled my name.


B. All of the guys either cursed loudly or screamed like the girls did.

Both of which wouldve been funny if I remembered what was going on.

Everyone was just looking at me like I was going to blow up or combust or something when all I really wanted to know was why I wasnt in my bunk. I stared at them in disbelief.

"No really....what the fucks going on?"I repeated, more clearly this time. Josh shook his head and brushed his hair backwards off of his face.

" like totally almost got raped."He said in his annoyingly surfer voice that Daniella loved. Spencer shoved him harshly and gave him a look.

My mouth fell open as all of the details came back. I sighed inwardly.

"Fuck."I said. As if it would explain it all. Hayley nodded as if she inderstood completely.

"Amen darling, now c'mere. Are you alright?"She questioned motioning me to her side. I nodded but tears started in my eyes as I huddled into her side.

Annamarie looked around quickly like she was thinking of something bold to say.

"Well? Anyone who has never seen Amaryllis cry get the hell out of here!"She yelled waving her arms towards basically everyone but her, Hayley , and freddie. Everyone scrambled to their feet murmering goodbyes and feel betters before bolting out of the door.

Well everyone but Ryan and Spencer left.

I dissolved into tears quickly.

"That-son of-a-bitch..."I cried into Hayley 's shoulder, more pissed then anything. I sniffed. "Wait till I get my hands on that Asswipe."Sniff. I wiped the tears off of my face and just sat in between my two friends and stared at the ground.

I looked up at Ryan and Spencer.

"Why are you still here?"Neither of them looked fazed. Spencer shrugged and sat down next to Hayley and smiled. "Special boyfriend privledges."He said smugly. I rolled my eyes. I cocked an eyebrow at Ryan who smiled sheepishly.

"Uhh....Your-welcome?"He mumbled blushing.

"Wha-"I caught myself flashing back to a part of lat night.

"What the hell are you doing?"A male voice that I reconized vaguely screamed from nearby. My eyes fluttered open for a moment and I saw Ryan standing there socking Jack right in the jaw and then pinning him to the ground before I fell back asleep.

I blushed along with him, but then gave him a small smile.

"T-thanks, George...I-I dont know what else to say love."I told him, standing up so I could almost level out in height with him.

"Do one thing for me?"He whispered, right close to my face. I swore I heard a giggle behind me. I myself, was fighting the butterflies in my stomach.

I nodded.

"Stop calling me George." He finished before pressing his lips gently to mine, unmoving just sitting there for about five seconds. We pulled apart, our faces beet red but smiling.

I put my hand on his cheek and tilted my head, my hair tumbling down my shoulder silently.

"You like my Superman...."And I kissed him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I always write rape scenes XD Haha And I about died trying to write.....fluff *shudders*
So dont take the piss out of me alright?
Theres not going to be alot of chapters left, partly because this wasnt supposed to be a long story to begin with and partyl because i only have a few major thigns left to happen in this story.
but subscribe!