Sequel: December

I never left the Circus, I just left traveling with it

Thunder only happens when it's rainin'

Amaryllis was dozing quietly with her head in Ryan's lap on the bus as they headed towards Maryland. Jon, Shane, and Kurt;another dancer were all taking turns playing guitar hero and by the looks of his face, Spencer seemed pretty fed up. He sighed annoyedly and got up from his chair.

"Can you guys stop playing that fucking game? Its as bad as hearing Ryan do vocal warm ups!"He yelled angrily throwing his magazine at a playing Jon who cried and ducked, still trying to play the guitar mimike game. Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but I dont do vocal warm ups for eight fucking hours."He retorted a little insulted by his best friends comment; but he resumed his task of stroking his girlfriends amber blonde and blue hair absent-mindly as he gazed out the stormy window.

It was rainy and thundering outside the bus's windows, and it would probably continue untill they got out of the midwest. Every now and then thunder shook the bus causing Caroline or Annamarie to squeal in fright. Both of the girls hated storms. Spencer, Shane, and Kurt hated them to but wouldn't admit it.

Then Amaryllis and everyone else adored them. She closed her eyes and listening to crackle of the lightning after a roll of thunder gave the bus another slight shake. The howling winds could be heard beating against the bus's sides making a horribly firghtening noise to most people. But then Amaryllis and Ryan just laid there and enjoyed the rare beauty of it all.

In the back of the bus where a 'bonus room' was at, sat a huddled Annamarie and a stressed Brendon as he tried to comfort the girl who secretly loved him. He had his arm around her shoulders and was trying to talk some comfort into her. It seemed to work for a while untill thunder boomed again and she proceded with another shriek and burried her head into his chest.

Given, Brendon was a little annoyed at her childish fear but he secretly enjoyed her burrying her beautiful head into his chest.

After she gave another shrill yelp Brendon decided to try and calm her down again, for fear she would have some sort of panic attack. He stroked her hair gently.

"So, Anna, what's going on? Do you like the tour?"He asked her, desperate to calm her down. She nodded and looked up slightly.

"Y-yeah, yeah its-"she gave another small squel,"Its really fun.."Her voice was wavering and so high Brendon feared it would reach a breaking point. He bit his lip.

" you have a boyfriend?"He asked off the top of his head, regretting it immedietly. She looked up with sad eyes and shook her head. Almost Completely ignoring the next clap of thunder.

"No, no I dont."She whispered her amber eyes glistening. He bit his lip and stared into her eyes. "Why not? I figured a girl like you'd have guys lining up to date you?" Brendon said, trying to keep her preoccupied as she winced when she heard another clap of thunder.

She blushed.

"N-no. I dont do alot of, er, dating." She admitted ashamed. Brendon, being the boy he was, pressed on.

"Why not? If I had known that I wouldn't have waited so long."He told her. She tilted her head slightly, making Brendon smile.

"What do you mean? What about your girlfriend?"Annamarie asked, silently hoping that there was no girlfriend. Brendon just shrugged.

"She cheated on me, so i dumped her." He told her nonchalontly. Annamarie gasped and apolagized for that. He just shrugged again and smiled.

"It's alright, I was going to end it anyways."Brendon admitted, leaning a little closer as another bang on thunder shook the bus.

"Because?"Annamarie asked, letting him inch closer.

"So I could do this."And with that, he kissed her on her lips, which could match for his in plumpness. She pulled away shyly and rested her forhead on his, looking into his chocolate colored eyes. He just grinned shyly.

"So, wanna go out?"Brendon asked cheekily to the red headed girl grinning. Annamarie just blushed and nodded. Smiling as thunder shook the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, exuse the Fleetwoodmack lyrics :)
Comment comment comment! or i wont update >:
I want some rating, and all it takes is for you to make one little comment!
this is almost over btw, sequel starting soon.
I might name it Apples. Or December.
Who knows. :]