Sequel: Finding Alex
Status: Completed.

Finding Jane

Chapter Sixteen

It had been a week. One whole week since Alex had kissed me, made my heart do back flips in my chest, made me feel like I was the only girl alive in that moment. One whole week since he tore my heart apart, right after fixing it. One whole week, and I still couldn’t get up the guts to tell him all of this.

My mind wasn’t in the right place. Today was the one month anniversary of my mother’s death. I knew from the minute I saw my dad’s face that he was feeling the same thing I was, maybe even worse. He looked sad, but not only that, he also looked depressed, deeply saddened. When I asked him if he was alright, I saw a shimmer in the corner of his eye, right before a tear slipped down his cheek. And just like with Alex and I, not a word was said, but everything was heard.


Alex didn’t say anything when I walked up to his locker that morning. I could tell he remembered what today was. I tried to find a way to tell him that I was alright, but I couldn’t. My mouth wouldn’t cooperate, and my arms were seemingly glued to my sides. So I just stood there, waiting, waiting for one of us to say something.

No one did.

I managed to give Alex a small smile, which he returned, and as I left to walk to first period, it felt like we had reverted back to our old ways, when Alex wouldn’t talk, and I didn’t know what to say. It felt odd, and at the same time, if felt right. Like maybe we needed this, for some crazy reason. Maybe we needed this, not only for ourselves, but for each other.

The day went by fast, and by the time Mrs. Stewart gave us the okay to leave class, I couldn’t have been more happy to go home. I wanted, no needed, to have some time alone, just to think about some things. I was glad it was a Friday; I had no interest in doing my homework. I was looking forward to a relaxing night. Maybe I would take a bath, read a book, take a nap with Jack.

What I wasn’t looking forward to was seeing Alex. After this morning, I wasn’t sure how things would go with us. It was inevitable for me to not pass by his locker after school on my way to the car lot. Would he try to talk to me? Or would he just let me pass by? And if he did try to talk to me, what would he say?

I soon found out my answer. When I passed by Alex’s locker, he called out to me, “Jane!” I took a deep breath and turned around, walking up to him. He scratched his head, apparently nervous. “I just wanted to say that..your mom was an amazing woman. I never really got the chance to get to know her, but I would see her out and about sometimes when I was with my dad and she would always smile and ask how I was. I know how hard it must be for you, and, well, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I’m here. I always will be. I don’t care if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning or you’re in the middle of eating, if you need me, I’m here.” Alex took a deep breath. “You’re just like your mom, you know, Jane? You’re so sweet, and caring, and kind. Helpful, and pretty,” Alex paused, “and amazing, in so many ways.”

I gulped. “Uhm, thanks,” I said.

Alex just shook his head. “No. Thank you.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead, then walked away.
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I want to thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart. This story has come so far, seriously. I remember writing the summary, knowing that I wanted to write a story like this, but having no idea how to start it. A few days later, I was laying in bed, and I got this, "Did you know that your eyes shine like the ocean when the sun hits the waves?". And then it all came to me, piece by piece, bit by bit, word by word. But you guys are what really keep me going. Your undying support of this story and my writing keeps me motivated to keep writing. I'm really sad that this is almost over (gasp!), but don't worry, we have at least five more chapters to go (: