I'll Meet You Tonight on Top of the World

We Can Do Anything, We Can Be Anything

Months of freaking out. Forty five minutes of screaming in the car. Carefully reapplying a thin coat of eyeliner. All of that lead up to this moment.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she made her way up to the barricade, dead and center. She held on to that fence as tight as she could through Hey Monday’s set.

When All Time Low came on, she nearly fainted, but she held on tighter. She kept looking up at Alex, hoping he would look down at her once. Little did she know, he was watching her the whole time.

Her body started to feel numb and her knees started going weak. She knew it wasn’t good, but she forced herself to stand up, holding onto the fence for dear life. Thousands of people pushed against her, squeezing the air out of her chest. Her eyes closed and she threw her head back, trying to get some air.

“Hey, are you okay?” Alex asked noticing this girl, she snapped back into reality, “Do you want to get out?”

She shook her head no.

“Are you sure?” He asked again.
“Can we get this girl a blow job here!?” Jack interrupted. She slightly giggled.
“Can we get her some water or something?” Alex asked anyone. She nodded yes.

He walked back on stage and Jack reached for the bottle of water next to him. She tried to stand up a bit taller, but it was no use.

“Hold on,” he said walking back to the drum riser, “Give me a second.”

“I’m a very slow water getter,” He said turning and walking back towards her.

Jack took a sip of the water and then put the cap back on throwing it at her.


Jack ran away from Alex, and she chugged the water thrown at her.

“Well if you don’t feel good, then get out,” Alex said and finished their set.

She stayed put for Cobra Starship’s set, but Alex kept his eye on her. One more dizzy look and he was pulling her out. She looked like she was miserable standing there in the heat. He tapped one of the security guys on the shoulder and pointed at the girl from before. They walked over and pulled her over the barricade.

“I was fucking fine!” She said walking towards Alex, “I’m not going to fucking die!”

Her words stopped when she came face to face with Mr. Alexander William Gaskarth.

“Hey,” He smiled casually.
“Hi,” She said shyly, looking down at the ground.
“Thanks,” He said to the security guy and snaked his arm around her waist, leading her to their back stage area.

“Did you bring her on tour?” Pete asked as he saw Alex walking with this girl.
“No,” He said and kept on walking.
“NO SEX IN THE DRESSING ROOMS!” Pete yelled and Alex just gave him the finger.

He opened the door for her and invited her in. Never had she been in a dressing room at a concert before, unless you counted the play in eighth grade. This was new to her and a little exciting.

He helped her sit down on the couch and stood in front of her, “You weren’t going to make it.”

“I would have,” She muttered, putting her hand to her forehead.
“You already have a headache and look like you’re going to pass out,” He said walking to the other side of the room and rummaging through some bags.

“You don’t have to do this,” She said as he stood in front of her with a bottle of water and a few pills in his hand. She looked up at him a little scared, “You aren’t gonna drug me, are you?”

“Just take them so you don’t pass out on me,” He instructed. Reluctantly she took the pills and swallowed them. He sat down next to her, but kept his distance. He didn’t know how far he could go with her, but he knew how far he was willing to go.

He took in her breath taking beauty. She wasn’t a cake face and she definitely wasn’t a plastic Barbie with curved plastic genitals and oversized boobs. No, she had just enough eyeliner and mascara on to make her stunning blue eyes shine and that was it. She had sunny blonde hair that was cut into chopping layers with a dark brown under layer. Her hair looked like it had been straightened before, but had been messed up from the crowd. He pale grey skinny jeans hugged her hips and her dark blue Glamour Kills shirt clung to her body. A black button up vest lay unbuttoned on her chest and her naturally tanned arms stayed folded over her chest. This was the realest and most down to earth girl he had seen all night long.

“Feel better now?” He asked anxious to ask her about herself.
“Mhmm,” She said leaning her head back on the couch and closing her eyes, “I bet you want to know the name of the girl that you just saved from the best concert, but worst moment ever, eh?”

“We could start there, sure,” He smiled. He liked her already.
“Catie,” She said still with her eyes closed, “Catie Rae Knox.”
“Rae?” He asked surprised.
“I didn’t like my other middle name, so I changed it.”
“What was it?”
“Elisabeth,” She said opening her eyes, “So common.”
“I’m guessing you already know who I am,” He chuckled.
“Alexander William Gaskarth,” She said looking at his dark brown eyes. He loved the way she said his name.

“I’m going to take a total stab in the dark, but I’m guessing you’re around the age of eighteen – nineteen?” He asked.
“Twenty-one since two weeks ago,” She smiled proud of herself.
“Legal age of drinking and walking into a bar without getting stopped.”
“You live out here in Chicago?”
“Mhmm, about three blocks from Wrigley Field.”

“Oh, hey Alex,” Rian said walking into the room, “I heard that the girl that almost passed out was in here.”

“Catie this is Rian, Rian this is Catie,” Alex introduced.
“Glad to see you still have clothes on,” Rian said giving Catie a hug.
“Well, we have to save something for later, don’t we?” She joked.

“Me, Zack, Vicky, Gabe, Suarez, and Jack are gonna go find the nearest Wal-Mart or shopping center and go restock the buses with food,” Rian announced.

“Don’t get attacked by fan girls,” Alex warned and Rian left. Catie let out a yawn and checked her phone.

“I should probably go home now,” She said disappointedly.
“You want me to take you home?” He offered, “We have the day off tomorrow here.”
“But how will you get back?”
“I’ll just have Pete come by and get me, he knows this city pretty well,” Alex said.
“I don’t know,” She hesitated.
“I just want to make sure you’re going to be okay. I wasn’t looking to jump in bed with you, you’re too beautiful for that,” He begged.

“Don’t trust a hoe Mr. Gaskarth,” Catie smirked.

Alex got up and made sure it was alright if he went with Catie to make sure she got home safely and Matt said it was alright.

Catie unlocked her 97 silver Honda civic and climbed in as Alex did the same. Out of habit, Jasey Rae begins playing, since after all it is the next song on her All Time Low mix tape. Catie started singing along as she pulled out of the parking lot. Alex sat in the passenger’s seat, laughing to himself quietly.

She hit the pause button when she pulled out on to the main road and looked at him funny.

“Nothing,” He said trying to cover up his laughter.
“What is so funny Gaskarth?” She asked again.
“You have a song that’s written about a girl who broke my heart playing in your car.”
“Well that song happens to be my favorite this week,” She said turning on to the interstate, she turned the song back on, “Feel free to sing along with your own song.”

When Jasey Rae had ended, Catie decided it would be best to turn off the cd and just let the radio fill the air. But by the time she did that, she was two minutes from home.

“Wow, you do live really close,” Alex said as she put the car in park.
“Doesn’t take me long,” She said getting out of the car and hitting the lock button. She walked up to her apartment door and unlocked it, climbing four flights of stairs before opening her door.

Alex trailed around like a little lost puppy, waiting in anticipation as she let him in.

Her apartment wasn’t anything special. It had a couch and a tv as well as a bed room and a bathroom and a kitchen. The only thing different about it was that every where you looked, there seemed to be some sort of music oriented item around, whether it be a picture or poster hanging on a wall, or a guitar and amp in the corner.

“Make yourself at home,” Catie said, “I’m gonna go change.”
“Alright,” He said and sat down on the couch. He pulled out his black berry and texted Jack for a while.

‘I took catie home.’
‘whos dat?’
‘the girl who you were the hero with’
‘oh! Her! Shes pretty :]’
‘she is. And she has a nice house.’
‘getting laid with the chick that almost passed out. I never thought I’d say this alex, but DAMN!’
‘I’m not sleeping with her. :/’
‘that’s what they all say…’
‘suck a dick jack.’
‘only if its yours’
‘ill see you when I get back tomorrow. Don’t spread your herpes to anyone else.’
‘night baby!’

Alex slid his phone into his front pocket as Catie came back out in pink plaid pajama pants and a long sleeve grey shirt.

“So,” She said sitting down on the couch next to Alex.
“So,” he repeated.
“Do you plan on staying here all night?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“As long as I get bragging rights that you stayed here,” She smiled.
“You are probably the strangest girl I’ve met,” he said shaking his head.
“Is that supposed to be offensive?”
“Nope,” he grinned, “It’s a compliment baby.”

After an hour of talking about who liked what venue better, which music sounded better when you were drunk, or which vodka tasted better, Catie decided to watch a movie with Alex. I mean, what could it hurt?

“You pick,” She said handing him the remote. He scrolled through the movie options and chose The Day After Tomorrow.

“Dude, this is like my second favorite movie in the world!” Catie said bouncing up and down on the couch.

When the part came where the boy is on the frozen ship and the wolves attack, Catie got too scared and looked away. She hid her face into the back of the couch. Alex took notice and laughed a little.

“Come here,” He said pulling her towards his chest and wrapping his arms around her.

"See," He said as his eyes wandered, "Not so scary."
"I just hate this part of the movie," She said into his chest.
"Well it's over now," He said, but she didn't move.
"You're comfy," She said resting her head on his chest, "And you smell good."
"I smell like a dirty tour boy!" He said.
"Well i have a shower if you would like to use it," She offered, "And fruity shampoo."

"I don't think i can let the fruity shampoo offer down," He smiled his enticing smile.
"I'm not going to shower with you though," She said.
"Aw damn, i was looking forward to that," She gave him a dirty look, "I was kidding!"

"You are a manwhore Alex. I'm not here to change your ways, but I am some what of a grounded girl. If you buy me Chinese food, then maybe I'll reconsider my thoughts about letting you sleep in my bed," She said and got up off the couch.

He sighed. He loved the challenge he was giving her.

"Where's the nearest menu?" He shouted and she came back with three in her hand.

"You order whatever you want, I'll go shower," he said getting up off the couch.
"If you don't mind wearing your own band's shirt then there's one in the top drawer or my dresser," She said falling onto the couch with the menu's and her phone in hand, "And I know you don't wear pants to bed. So I don't see as to why I should give you them if you're going to take them off."

"Okay, you are either some creepy ass fan girl, or my perfect match," he said looking at her like she had three heads.

"I'd like to think I'm both, but I'm not a fan girl because I love all of you equally," She paused and thought about it for a second, "Well okay, maybe I love one of your more than the others, but I mean who doesn't?"

He walked over to where she was sitting, "And who would that person be?"

Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink, but got darker as he got closer.

"I don't know," She teased.
"Would he happen to be standing right in front of you?"
"Would you ever think this would happen?"
"Never in a mil--" She was cut off by his lips being brushed up against hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
ending. possibly.
im not really sure.
my brain is slow, and im prepping for the horse show.