Status: Complete

Lost Love

It's a morning like any other

As I walked down the slope that lead to Cafe Du Monde, I thought of Elizabeth. Though it's been over one hundred and fifty years, the pain of loosing her was still fresh in my memory as if it happened yesterday. I think she would of liked how the French Quarter turned out; busy and full of life. She would have loved the beignets.*

I moved back here last year from North Carolina. It was good to be home. New Orleans has changed quite a bit from the last time I was here. Teaming with life and noises all around. I like the noises though, the sound of the cars passing -- occasionally someone would honk at a pedestrian who didn't wait for the 'walk' sign -- the sound of the kids on the sidewalk tap dancing for money and last, the paddle boat playing its organs.

I always came early to make sure I got the table I like to sit at. It was the one on the far end of the tent closest to the street. It was a good spot for people watching.

After I took my seat the waitress came over "Good morning William. How are you on this fine morning?"

"Good morning Greta. I'm doing fine." I lied. "How are you?" Greta was always welcoming and cheerful. For a moment I forgot my sorrows.

"I'm doin' just great. My grandson was born last night, ten pounds and two ounces. Can you believe it, I'm a grandma?" She laughed.

"That's great news Greta! I'm happy for you, you've been waiting a long time now." I smiled.

"Yeah well, not to be a grandma anyway, but I sure do love that baby already. His name is Jack. Little Jack." She daydreamed for a moment with a smile. "You want the usual today?"

"That would be great. Thanks."

Our conversations were small. Usually after my breakfast was delivered, the place would be flooded with people. Some waiting in a line that wrapped around the cafe.

I was watching a family of three sitting a few tables away from me. The husband was reading his morning paper, while his wife fed their little girl. It made me think of the life I could of had with Elizabeth. Back then we would have had more children but now I think if we could have had at least one, how nice that would be.

Just then, something red and golden in the sunlight caught my attention. It was a girl walking on the other side of the street. She stopped to look at paintings that where hung on the iron gate surrounding the cathedral. My body moved out of my seat without me commanding it to. I started toward her. What was I doing? My body seem to know before my mind could register.

As I got closer, I could see her face better. My pulse quickened as I realized what I was seeing. She had a heart shaped face with fair skin and rosy lips. Her long fire red hair shown with gold in the sunlight and her eyes a honey brown.

I don't believe it. This can't be. How is this possible? My body was rigid, I couldn't move. My eyes were locked on her, my mouth fell open with shock.

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* beignets are what they serve at Cafe Du Monde. Fried dough shaped as squares with powdered sugar. very VERY yummy!