Status: Complete

Lost Love

Crazy, in every sense of the word

I opened my eyes to a dark room. The sun must not be out yet, it’s still early then. Great, I had not slept well the last few nights; so why should this night be any different. Every night was the same. I couldn’t stop thinking about Liz and her bizarre dreams, as she put it.

Soon after she told me of her dreams, she left. She said she was meeting her fiancé for lunch. Now, that was just perfect. I feel as if – not only did my heart get taken away from me; but it was now being stomped on with a little dance to it. Just to squish it a little more.

I tried to push the thoughts out and close my eyes for a few more moments of sleep. But my mind would not shut down and sleep. I decided to get out of bed. There is no sense in fighting to keep my mind blank, nor fight with the covers or pillows anymore. Sleep will not come.

I went down the stairs and over to the music player and pressed play. While Norah Jones started playing I headed for the kitchen to start up the coffee machine. As I sat there and waited for my coffee to brew, I, of course, thought of Liz. I couldn’t seem to get away from it. The other day when we first met was just…perplexing. The only thing I have been able to conclude was: we were connected. I just couldn’t figure out the how or the why.

My theories, well, they didn’t seem to make any sense. The simple facts that I had were not logical. Liz started having her vivid dreams on her first night at Ashland. Ashland was only a home. How could it have any connection with Liz? She wasn’t even born when it was built, or her parents for that matter. And her connection to Elizabeth is the same. Elizabeth has been dead for over 150 years now. None of it made any sense!

Was Liz, Elizabeth’s reincarnation? They look exactly the same. The only difference, as far as I could tell, was Liz’s voice from Elizabeth’s. And was it by merely staying at Ashland, that it triggered memories of a past life? But how could she have dreams that involved my life?

“Bah!” I yelled. This is all frustrating and alien to me. I don’t believe in any of this but nothing else explains it all; if you can even consider reincarnation an explanation. And to add the cherry on top of it all, she is engaged. That piece of knowledge infuriated me.


It is after lunch and I decided I am going to call Liz. She had given me her number before she left to meet her fiancé. I grimaced at the thought. I had tried to call her a few times before, but she never did pick up. I thought maybe this time I should at least leave a message. Maybe, the times before, she didn’t recognize my number and that’s why she never answered. I’m an idiot.

I dialed her number and waited while it rang. As I waited, I thought myself stupid. Maybe she didn’t want to talk to me or maybe her fiancé was around and she couldn’t talk to me. But I needed to talk to her. This mystery couldn’t go unsolved. I was not ready to let her slip away. I had to meet with her at least once more.

There was no answer. Then her voice came on, “Hey its Liz, but you know that if you’re calling. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you soon, I promise.” It was different this time then all the rest. She added the ‘I promise’ part.

“Hi Liz, it’s Will. I thought I should leave a message this time. Please call me back.” I left my number and ended the call. I even sounded like an idiot.

A few moments later, my phone rang. I didn’t bother looking at the caller ID, I just answered, “Hello.”

“Hey. It’s Liz.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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Oh, if you would like to see Ashland Plantation go here