Status: Complete

Lost Love


Liz agreed to meet with me at Jackson Square. While I waited, I paced back and forth. It’s been a long time sense I felt this nervous. If I remember correctly, it was during the Vietnam War. But I’m not going to think of that. Liz was going to be here any moment.

As I turned to start another stride in the opposite direction, Liz was watching me. She smiled when my eyes met hers.

“Nervous are we?” she asked lightheartedly.

I smiled back “Not at all” I lied; walking over to her.

“You never were a good liar.” As soon as she spoke the words confusion flooded her face, as so did mine.

“How would you know?” I asked bewildered.

“I have no idea” she said looking at me, complete puzzlement in her eyes. “It’s strange” she continued “I’ve been remembering things. Things I never new, only a part of me can see it as a lost memory. It’s hard to explain.”

I just stared in disbelief. She looked down and fidgeted with her fingers. Obviously this is what she does when she’s nervous. “I know my life, yet this whole other life is coming back to me.”


“I...I know this sounds weird. Believe me…I know. But…it’s really like memories that I hadn’t thought of in so long are now… resurfacing.” She said stuttering through her words.

I turned my back on her. I needed to think and I couldn’t while looking at her. What is happening? How can this be? Is reincarnation really real? Did I stay alive all this time to be reunited with Elizabeth again? I thought that would happen in death, but I never died. And now it’s happening in life, again? Does that mean I will loose her again, or was this a second chance?

I was looking down at my shoes when Liz started rubbing my back in soothing circles. Her touch sent chills throughout my whole body. I wanted to turn and hold her in my arms. I wanted to kiss her, kiss every part of her face; her forehead, her eyes, her nose, both her cheeks, and mostly those soft red lips. It has been far too long. Who cares about reincarnation, I had Elizabeth back. I could feel it. This was really her, no matter how bizarre this was.

But I couldn’t do those things to her. She has a fiancé. Oh, who was I kidding!

I turned to look at her. She actually looked calm, as if this was all normal. Like this really was just Elizabeth and I like before.

I swept a few loose strands of her hair out of her face and placed them behind her ears. I ran my fingers from her temple across her cheek to her chin. She was blushing, I smiled. I lifted her chin just a little and kissed her lips softly. I felt a strong surge of electricity flow through me. I nearly stopped to look at her to see if she felt it too.

But before I could she placed her hand on my chest and sashayed her way up to my neck, twirling her fingers in my hair, her other now around my waist. The feel of her bare fingers on my bare skin, her arms around me, sent more chills through my body. The sensation made me grab her around her waist to pull her closer to me. I kissed her harder, more passionately.

I felt an energy pulsing around us. As our kiss deepened, I felt a breeze of air twirling around our feet. It quickly built up around our bodies. Then it felt as if it exploded, sending a rush of air outwards toward everything surrounding us.

I pulled away from her, just a little, to look at her. She had to of felt that. “Did you feel that?” I said a little out of breath, which surprised me a little.

She smiled. “Yes but it doesn’t seem like anyone else did,” she said a little confusion in her tone as she took a quick glance around us. She too sounded out of breath.

She was right. No one was staring at us. Everything looked as it did before. I looked back at her, staring into her eyes.

“I’ve missed you. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed you,” she said; the corners of her mouth lifting a little before giving me a soft peck on the lips. And with her lips still touching mine, she looked into my eyes and added “I love you William Leaumont.”

Tears filled my eyes as I pressed my lips against hers kissing her most fervently, urgently. As if tomorrow she could leave me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, hope you guys like this chapter. Thanks to those who comment. It means a lot. Especially since you guys are the only ones reading this.

Yep, apparently I'm getting less readers for each chapter. So I guess it's getting suckier? I dunno.