Status: Finished

So Make Me Promises I know You Can't Keep

You Broke A Promise

‘‘Your house hasn’t changed in the slightest.’’ Frank said as he looked around my hallway, living room, then kitchen.
‘‘Well you know my mom, never has and never will like change.’’ I told him as I slipped off my shoes at the bottom of the stairs.
Frank chuckled as he made his way back into the living room. ‘‘I remember this.’’ He said pointing at a framed picture of us when we were three. ‘‘My mom has this framed in our living room too.’’ I walked over and stood beside Frank, looking at the picture.
‘‘We almost got into so much trouble.’’ I recalled, laughing myself.
Frank and I had become fascinated with cooking for some bizarre reason and since we weren’t allowed to use the real oven, we decided to make a mud pie in my garden, using one of Franks moms best silver dishes.
‘‘I’m just glad everyone saw the funny side to it.’’ He laughed. ‘‘Or we wouldn’t have even made it to see college.’’
I took one last look at our mud covered smiling faces, then sat on the sofa, Frank took a seat beside me.
‘‘We haven’t really spoke much, have we?’’ He stated, catching my attention from the blank TV screen.
I shook my head. ‘‘Not as much as I would like to.’’ A little bitterness got caught in my tone.
‘‘Well…’’ Frank started, then cleared his throat. ‘‘We can talk now.’’ I smiled, and agreed.
‘‘So, when did you start your band?’’ I asked, making conversation since I knew Frank was no good at it.
He sat in thought. ‘‘About six month after starting college. Its not actually my band, Gerard started it with his brother Mikey, I knew Ray and when he told me about him needing another guitarist for the band he was in, I agreed to be it, then we had Matt our drummer…but because of colleges and distance he left and Bob joined, now we are like one big happy family.’’ His grin couldn’t get much wider as he told me his story, and I couldn’t help but grin back at him, ‘‘What?’’ he asked, noticing my matching grin.
‘‘Nothing.’’ I smiled. ‘‘So, you are still at college right?’’ I asked.
Frank looked a little wry. ‘‘Not exactly.’’ He started. ‘‘I did go for a year, but after the band got a little more serious with practice I got to caught up in it, then got behind in college so I thought, what the hell? And left.’’ His expression was one that told me not to be angry with him for leaving.
‘‘Well…’’ I trailed off trying not to say the wrong thing. ‘‘I think what you have decided to do is good, more than good, I think your choice in what to do is awesome, I mean, you are a talented group, you will go somewhere one day.’’ His expression changed immediately and he lunged at me, throwing his arms around me.
‘‘Thank you for not beating me up.’’ He said jokingly.
I laughed at his comment. ‘‘I’m not your mom, I cant tell you what you can and cant do, and if I was to ever hold you back from what you love, I couldn’t forgive myself.’’ I told him as he sat up.
He smiled then asked me a question. ‘‘Did you remember them?’’ His eyes were questioning as I racked my brain to think of what he meant. ‘‘I knew you would forget.’’ He said pointing at me.
‘‘Noooo, I know what you mean.’’ I said jumping up. ‘‘I’ll be right back.’’ Then I sped up the stairs to my bedroom to get the list of promises I had written with Frank.
‘‘Here they are.’’ I called waving them in the air. ‘‘I remember them.’’ I gloated as Frank crossed his arms over his chest.
‘‘You wouldn’t have if I didn’t come up with the genius idea to write them down.’’ He said sticking his nose in the air.
‘‘Very true.’’ I agreed taking my seat back next to Frank. He took the piece of paper from my hand and began to scan his eyes over them.
‘‘Have you broken any?’’ He asked me, still looking at the piece of paper.
‘‘Not one.’’ I told him happily.
‘‘You sure?’’ He asked looking up at me.
I nodded, worried he had noticed my feelings for him…which I thought I was hiding well.
‘‘Well I think number two has been broken.’’ He said looking a little upset.
‘‘No, it hasn’t, I promise you.’’ He lifted his head up to look at me again.
‘‘What about Rosie?’’ He asked.
‘‘She is my friend but she hasn’t replaced you. I promised I wouldn’t ever replace you, and I haven’t.’’ His smile lit up his face again.
‘‘Then you are one hell of a promise keeper.’’ He praised, hugging me again.
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