Status: Finished

So Make Me Promises I know You Can't Keep

I Need My Space

I still sat on the floor crying when my phone started to buzz in my pocket. Taking it out I read the message I had just received.
‘Unlock the door please?’ It read.
I did as it said and unlocked it, Frank stepped in and shut the door then locked it again, then he slid down beside me on the floor.
I couldn’t look at him, if I did I knew he would read me like a book, he knew I was hurting because of what Holly was saying, then he would know there was something else bothering me and I didn’t want to tell him. Instead I cried again into my hands so he couldn’t see my face.
‘‘Tilly, please don’t cry.’’ He said hugging me close to his chest. But I couldn’t control myself, the tears kept coming.
I sat for at least twenty minutes trying to contain the tears and finally I stopped. It was like I had no tears left to cry.
‘‘I’m sorry about Holly. I know she’s a bitch, she is just very insecure and makes herself feel better by being mean to others. I shouted at her when you left.’’ Frank said still hugging me.
‘‘You shouldn’t have to be sorry, its not you that keeps making the comments. I’ve tried so hard to like her for you, Frank, I really have, but I just cant, I know you love her and I’m your friend and want to like her but there is nothing nice about her. I’m sorry.’’ I sobbed.
‘‘Shh, its ok. You don’t have to like her. As long as we're still friends, that is all that matters.’’ I lifted my head up to see Frank, his hazel eyes glistened in the hall lights, his lips curved up into a smile. ‘‘We are still friends, right?’’ He asked me.
‘‘Of course we are.’’ I smiled.
‘‘Now you need to go talk to Rosie. She’s crying too.’’ Frank told me and immediately the guilt rushed through me.
‘‘Where is she?’’ I asked standing from the floor and unlocking the front door.
‘‘She’s with Gerard in my garage.’’ Frank told me, also standing up then followed me out of the house and leading me to her.
When I got to the garage she was sitting with Holly on one of the sofas, they were speaking quietly to each other. Frank and I walked slowly and quietly around the side to see them.
‘‘I just cant understand her sometimes.’’ I heard Rosie say to Holly.
I put my arm in front of Frank to make him stop walking so I could hear what Rosie was going to say, sneaky and sly yes, did I care, no.
‘‘Maybe you two need your space.’’ Holly encouraged, evil in her tone.
‘‘Maybe we do, but we have been friends for so long, I know she can have her days but sometimes she’s just so difficult and I don’t like to be around her.’’ Rosie continued.
‘‘Why is she difficult?’’ Holly pushed, trying to squeeze answers from Rosie.
‘‘Maybe we should go.’’ Frank whispered into my ear.
‘‘No, I want to know what she says.’’ I told him. He stood behind me, resting his head on my shoulder, I knew as well as he did that I most likely wouldn’t want to hear what she was going to say, but I didn’t want Rosie lying to me about things, I wanted to know if she wanted her space from me.
‘‘She can be difficult most days, like if she doesn’t get her own way, if she sees things she doesn’t like. She can be difficult by not solving things like that.’’ I heard Rosie explain. I knew what she was talking about, I knew what she meant. Being difficult was only something I was when I had to leave Frank, everything became difficult then.
‘‘Well you can take your mind off it all tonight when you come out with Frank and Gerard and me.’’ Holly said, a smug smile on her face.
‘‘I don’t want to talk to Rosie anymore.’’ I told Frank walking away from his garage, every little bit of guilt that had seeped through my body disappeared and I didn’t feel like I wanted to see Rosie or hear her talk to me. I just needed my space away from her.
‘‘Maybe you should go in and see the guys, don’t sit alone.’’ Frank said as I made my way back home.
‘‘No, I’ll sit at home, I don’t mind.’’ I lied. I did mind, I didn’t want to sit at home by myself, but I didn’t want people to question my mood either, and why I hated Holly, and why I hated seeing her around Frank because by now, I’m sure it was obvious to everyone but Frank himself.
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as promised =]