Status: Finished

So Make Me Promises I know You Can't Keep

Rock Night

Rosie let herself in the house to get ready for her night out and tell me she was going. I didn’t speak to her, I hardly acknowledged her to be honest. If she wanted her space away from me, I wanted her to tell me. I didn’t want to have to say I was ear wigging into her conversation with a girl that hated me just to find it out.
My summer was being completely wasted, I was either sitting alone or crying. I didn’t deserve that, I know I didn’t, I wouldn’t wish that kind of summer on anyone.
Summer was something you have to enjoy as a teenager because right after its over, you get shoved back into school or college.
I was curled up on the sofa almost asleep when I heard a faint knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone so I was slightly confused. I stood up slowly and the knock came again.
‘‘Coming.’’ I called, then made my way over to the front door. I pulled it open to see Mikey standing there alone on my front step.
‘‘Hey, Tilly.’’ He greeted pulling me into a hug.
‘‘Hey, Mikey.’’ I said back, enjoying being in his arms as I wasn’t in the state of feeling alone.
‘‘I was wondering if you wanted to come out with me, Ray and Bob. We don’t want Holly to think we cant go out because we don’t have dates and its summer, why do we have to stay in?’’ Mikey asked letting go of me and pulling out of the hug.
‘‘You do have a point there, but I don’t know, I’m not really in the mood.’’ I told him, his positive expression dropping.
‘‘Please? It’ll be fun. Come on, you cant like sitting alone.’’ He said pulling at my hand.
I sighed then agreed. ‘‘Let me make myself look a little decent and I’ll be ready in about twenty minutes.’’ I told him.
‘‘Whoa, you’re my kind of girl. Ready in twenty minutes? That’s the shortest time I know for a girl to get ready in.’’ He said in amazement.
‘‘I can be even quicker.’’ I boasted, grinning.
Mikey chuckled a little then left so I could go change. I ran upstairs and threw on a black summer style dress, some white flats, put a small bow in the side of my hair, put on a little makeup then left and walked over to Franks house to meet the rest of the guys that were waiting.
‘‘And there she is.’’ Mikey said as they were all sat on the porch looking relatively the same, black jeans and a t-shirt.
‘‘Here I am.’’ I commented back, they all stood and walked down the porch steps. ‘‘Where we off then?’’ I asked.
‘‘There’s this rock night on at one of the cafes in town.’’ Ray piped up.
‘‘Sounds fun.’’ I beamed. It was nice to get out of the house with different people.
Bob and Mikey walked a little ahead of Ray and I and Ray picked up conversation.
‘‘We all hate Holly too.’’ he randomly said.
This took me aback a little. ‘‘Where did that come from?’’ I asked laughing a little.
He shrugged. ‘‘She used to make the same comments that she makes to you, to me. She said because of my hair and Porte Rican looks I would never find a date so I didn’t deserve to go out anywhere. I just shrugged them off and ignored her. They did hurt when she said it and I became really self conscious about how I looked but then I just didn’t care anymore. I’m pretending to like her for Franks sake. He deserves happiness so I have to be happy for him and just act like I like her.’’ Ray and I had a lot in common. I was doing exactly what he was.
‘‘When did she stop making the comments?’’ I asked him.
‘‘When Frank had enough and shouted at her. He threatened it was over between them and she just stopped. She’ll soon stop with you to. Just ignore her.’’ He told me trying to reassure me.
‘‘Hopefully, I don’t know how much more of it I can take before I hit her.’’ I said getting a little angry.
Ray chuckled then suddenly stopped. ‘‘You should just tell him you know.’’
My breath caught in my throat at even thinking about that idea. ‘‘I cant.’’ I said, just managing to get my words out.
‘‘Why? You love him, why cant you tell him?’’ Ray asked me.
‘‘Because like you said, he deserves to be happy, so I have to be happy for him and not butt into his life and future that he has.’’ I said then cut off the conversation. I didn’t want Ray trying to persuade me to tell Frank how I felt because I had a very strong feeling he could do just that.
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only one for today, going to see The Blackout!!! =D