Status: Finished

So Make Me Promises I know You Can't Keep

You’re Coming With Me

Ever since that day I left for college there was a void in my life. I couldn’t hold myself together and being ripped away from Frank, ripped the best part of my life away.
‘‘Tilly, you ok?’’ My friend Rosie asked me as I sat staring into space. Rosie was the only person at my new college that befriended me. She was the only person that bothered to speak to me and listen to me. In some ways Rosie reminded me of Frank. That fact about her comforted me.
‘‘I suppose.’’ I sighed, then sipped some orange juice she had just set down in front of me.
‘‘You can talk about it if you like. I am always happy to lend and ear.’’ She smiled at me. That was another trait of Franks she had. He had his toothy grin, Rosie had hers. Even looking at her sometimes hurt, and I knew she got offended but never said anything. I had never told her about Frank before. Bringing him up would only hurt.
‘‘No, I swear, I’m fine.’’ I lied quite convincingly.
She nodded and took a sip of my juice then looked back at me. ‘‘You going home this summer? I know you didn’t last year and I bet your mom misses you.’’ She stated obviously trying to get me to talk about what ever was bothering me.
‘‘I don’t know. Most likely.’’ My mood was dampening Rosie’s so I decided to perk up. ‘‘No, in fact, I will go home.’’ I smiled. I knew there was no point because the one person I wanted to see wouldn’t be there, but to make Rosie happy, why not pretend to be happy?
‘‘Ooh goody.’’ She grinned again. ‘‘You leave here soon anyway. You need to see if you still have a room back at your parents place.’’ She joked prodding me lightly in the arm.
‘‘And so I do.’’ I smiled back, playing up to my happy act.
‘‘Well I have to get to my next class. ’’ Rosie said standing up. ‘‘See you at the dorm.’’ She waved to me as she speed walked to her class.
I flicked through my time table to see I had a free period so I decided to go back to the dorm and sleep my mood off, hoping Frank wouldn’t enter my dreams.


‘‘Tilly, wake up.’’ I heard and I opened my eyes slowly. Rosie was standing over me, her usual happy face was gone and replaced with a sad expression.
‘‘What’s wrong?’’ I asked concerned sitting up right on my bed. I glanced at the clock realising I had slept through my free period and my last lesson…I wasn’t missing much anyway.
‘‘Its nothing.’’ She replied sitting next to me, hanging her head.
‘‘I know its not nothing, otherwise you would be smiling, and jumping up and down on my bed trying to wake me.’’ I stated.
‘‘I have to stay here over summer.’’ She said glumly. My heart raced with happiness, I didn’t have to go home and face not seeing Frank.
‘‘I’ll stay with you!’’ I beamed but Rosie shot her eyes to me. ‘‘What?’’ I asked defensively.
‘‘You are going home. You aren’t staying here with me. You didn’t go last year so I wont allow you to stay here this year too.’’ Her voice was stern and I knew she meant it. If I didn’t arrange for myself to go home, she would do it all for me.
‘‘Fine.’’ I sighed in agreement. ‘‘On one condition.’’ I said and her eyes narrowed together.
‘‘Shoot.’’ She replied.
‘‘You come with me.’’ Rosie looked up in thought then a smile spread across her full red lips.