Status: Finished

So Make Me Promises I know You Can't Keep


I sat in my room, on my bed watching Rosie look around, picking up boxes and tubs and photos. Spraying my perfumes and hunting through my wardrobe.
‘‘Tilly what’s wrong?’’ She asked sitting next to me.
I shook my head and stared at my wood flooring.
‘‘Don’t lie to me. You were fine when we arrived now you are all upset.’’ She paused. ‘‘Are you college sick?’’ She asked trying to make me laugh.
I just shook my head again.
‘‘Tilly don’t be like this. Please talk to me. I’m your best friend, you can tell me things.’’ She said shaking my arm.
I caved and a few tears fell from my eyes. ‘‘Its Frank.’’ I sobbed a little.
‘‘Who’s Frank?’’ She asked me.
‘‘They boy next door. We grew up together. We were best friends, never apart, but we got put in different colleges. I missed him, and I didn’t want to come home because he wouldn’t be here, now he’s with some girl outside.’’ I cried letting everything out and Rosie wrapped her arms around me, cradling me.
‘‘Its ok, sweetie. Don’t cry over him.’’ She said wiping my hair from my face.
I sat up and she wiped away a fallen tear. ‘‘No boy is worth crying over.’’ Her voice was mother like.
‘‘I know, I don’t even know why I’m crying, I just wasn’t ready for what I saw.’’ I said sniffing.
‘‘Either you really missed him and it was over whelming to see this Frank boy, or you sort of, maybe, really like him.’’ She smiled at me.
I shook my head. ‘‘I don’t like Frank. He’s like my brother.’’ I said and she nodded at me, clearly not believing me…but I really didn’t like him, well not like him like him anyway.
‘‘Then why don’t we go out and say hello?’’ She asked, standing up and pulling my hand.
‘‘No, I don’t want to.’’ I said quickly.
‘‘Why not? If he’s like your brother, and you missed him so much, you should be jumping to the chance to go see him…unless you like him and you’re scared to go see him.’’ She teased, so I rose to my feet.
‘‘Fine, we’ll go see him.’’ I said, wiping away my tears.
We walked out of my house, then onto my porch where my feet seemed to get glued to the spot when I saw him again, sitting there alone on his steps.
‘‘I cant go.’’ I said to Rosie who was a little way ahead of me.
‘‘Tilly, come on, I bet he cant wait to see you.’’ She smiled.
I wanted to believe that, but the scene with that girl ran through my head and told me different. I stood there, staring at him until Rosie came up the stairs to grab my hand and pull me down the stairs.
She pulled me all the way across the path, and over to Franks house where he was sitting on his steps, playing with his shoe laces.
I stood in front of him, not knowing what to say to him after a few year, then Rosie pushed me forward. I almost landed on him so I put my hands out to steady myself and he looked up. His bright hazel eyes gazed into mine and I felt my heart sore again, and that void I used to feel disappeared.
‘‘Hey.’’ I smiled, as he stood up in front of me.
He didn’t say anything, he just wrapped his arms around me, his tight grip making me feel happy and safe. I wrapped my arms around him too, I didn’t want to let go, then I saw the girl standing at his front door, glaring down at us.
He pulled back and kissed my cheek making butterflies appear in my stomach. ‘‘I’ve missed you so much.’’ He grinned taking my hands in his and swinging them in between us.
‘‘I’ve missed you too.’’ I smiled back at him. He peered over my shoulder.
‘‘I see you made a new friend.’’ I let go of one of his hands to bring Rosie into our conversation.
‘‘I did.’’ I beamed feeling more relaxed around him. ‘‘Frank, this is Rosie. Rosie, this is Frank.’’ She shook his hand that I had just let go of then he turned around to see his girlfriend walking towards us.
‘‘I should introduce you.’’ He smiled letting my hand go and taking hers. ‘‘Tilly, Rosie, this is Holly.’’ He smiled. Holly seemed to have a permanent glare attached to her face as she stared at Rosie and I. The tension started to build and Frank noticed.
‘‘Well, umm, my other friends should be here soon. They’re staying for the summer. You’ll get to meet them.’’ Frank said excitedly, then Holly let out a groan beside him. I saw Frank roll his eyes then look back at her. ‘‘What is it now?’’ He asked frustrated.
‘‘You said it would just be us two this summer.’’ She moaned acting like a two year old.
‘‘Yes but the band need to practise.’’ He said and it caught my attention. Frank was in a band.
‘‘That stupid band. You wont get anywhere with it. Its wasted time.’’ She said then stomped off into his house.
‘‘Well that’s supportive.’’ Rosie said sarcastically.
‘‘Tell me about it.’’ Frank replied then looked ahead of him when a black car pulled up outside of his house and four other boys stepped out, taking bags from the boot of the car.
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Another update, just for the hell of it =]