Status: Finished

So Make Me Promises I know You Can't Keep

Its A Date

‘‘Sleep ok?’’ My mom asked as Rosie and I sat at the breakfast table.
We both nodded in unison and tucked into some pancakes she had made us. ‘‘Thank you for letting me stay Mrs Bishop.’’ Rosie said politely.
‘‘Oh its no problem. I didn’t have any kids here last year, now I’m more then happy to have two.’’ She beamed washing up a few dishes.
When we finished eating we got dressed and sat out in the front garden. ‘‘Honey, me and your father are going out for a while. We may not be back until late, we’re doing a little shopping.’’ My mom smiled and I chuckled at my dads expression as he dragged his feet to the car. He never did enjoy shopping.
‘‘Ok, have fun.’’ I smiled and waved them off. They pulled out of the driving space and down the road.
‘‘Your dads face.’’ Rosie laughed sitting up from her sprawled out position on the grass.
‘‘I know.’’ I laughed. ‘‘He never has liked going out with my mom. He hates shopping.’’ I told her. I saw Rosie looking over my shoulder then I turned around to see Frank and Gerard coming over to us.
‘‘Hi.’’ Frank said as he waved to us. I waved back at him and his smile widened. ‘‘I was just wondering if you and Rosie would like to come over? We’re doing a little band practice first, but you’re welcome to come watch if you like.’’ He said scratching his head.
I looked over at Rosie who smiled and nodded. ‘‘Why not?’’ I said enthusiastically, pushing myself up off the ground. Frank grabbed my hand and pulled me the rest of the way while Gerard helped Rosie to her feet.
‘‘Umm, Rosie.’’ I heard Gerard say. I looked over to her as he stood in front of her, Frank tugged lightly at my arm.
‘‘Come over.’’ He said as he pulled me away from Rosie and Gerard.
‘‘Should I trust your friend alone with my friend?’’ I asked in mock horror at the thought of him kidnapping her.
‘‘He wouldn’t do anything to her…maybe just steal her away from you, but that’s it.’’ He said, flashing a toothy grin, the grin which I had missed so much.
‘‘You mean he likes her?’’ I asked excitedly.
Frank nodded. ‘‘He’s asking her to go out on a date tonight.’’ He told me still pulling at my arm, most likely to stop me running over and saying yes for her.
‘‘Ooh, her second day here and already getting attention from the boys.’’ I chuckled but still smiling for her.
‘‘Yeah, he really took a shine to her yesterday.’’ Frank said, his tone not quite as happy as it was. ‘‘And I’m sorry about that too.’’ He said as he stopped and stood in front of me.
I remember back to what Holly had screamed in his face.
‘‘Don’t worry about it.’’ I said trying to walk past him.
‘‘You know I didn’t mean it, right?’’ He asked me.
I nodded but honestly a little unsure. ‘‘Of course I do.’’ He wrapped me in his arms for a quick hug then pulled away.
‘‘I just have to go set up for practice, just follow me in.’’ He said quickly running off.
I turned to see Gerard walking back with Rosie at his side, both of them smiling like a love struck couple.
‘‘I’ll see you in there.’’ Gerard said pecking Rosie on the cheek. She blushed a little and was about to walk after him before I stopped her.
‘‘So?’’ I asked excited.
She grinned. ‘‘I’m going out with him tonight, just to a movie, so I wont be gone late.’’ She smiled actually able to hold the excitement I couldn’t…and it wasn’t even me going out.
‘‘Aww I’m so happy for you right now.’’ I clapped as she chuckled at me.
‘‘And I’m happy for you right now too.’’ She beamed.
‘‘Why?’’ I asked confused.
‘‘You’ll see.’’ She smiled and with that, we walked into the garage where the guys were all set up and at their positions, Holly was sat no more then three feet away from Frank on a very uncomfortable looking stool, but if it was closer to him than I was, I don’t think it bothered her.