Would You Throw It All Away, Just to Be With Me?

Going to the Conert, Against Will of Course!

Marnie was ever so persistent earlier today. After she finally let me go to my class, which I was already very late to, I received a scowl from my professor.
I felt ashamed of coming late, but it wasn’t entirely my fault! And besides, I already have my punishment...because going to the Avenged Sevenfold concert IS my punishment. And to make myself feel even worse, Marnie had failed to mention earlier that the concert was tonight!

So, I think I’m going to pay more than enough to my debt. But anyways, when my professor continued on with the class, I felt my mind often space out in between his sentences. My mind would float off to the ugly thoughts of going to a rock concert, where crazed teens and young adults would bash their heads and go on wildly with their unmanaged behavior. This, this is not for me!

After my class was over, I left and continued the rest of my day normally, going to my last class. And although I tried very hard not to think about tonight’s future event, I couldn’t stop thinking. The mental agony that I felt was too much for me to bear that it even made me sick to my stomach, I didn’t want to go, but I agreed to Marnie’s foolish demand and lastly, I am a woman of my word.

I went back home, feeling heavy and exhausted from today, but my exhaustion wasn’t the result of today’s classes; Oh ho! No, no, no! My exhaustion was coming from my heavy-burdened thoughts of tonight’s display! The horror! The insanity! I was infuriated, but I had to stick to my word because I have never turned back on it, never have, and never will.

I can beat this; it’s just a silly concert! After the brutal performance is over, it’s back to my peaceful and study bound life! That life is the life of which I do so enjoy with all my heart, a life that I would not dare trade for anything in the world.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by the constant rigging of my telephone. I sighed knowing that it was probably Marnie who was calling me, and so I answered:


“JC! I’ll come by to pick you up in about half an hour, start getting ready and eat something because there will surely be a lot of traffic on the way, so I’d like to go a little early. I hope you don’t mind…” Marnie spoke.

“Actually, I—“Marnie had caught me off from finishing my sentence by saying; “Okay, then I’ll see you later!”

She hung up. The phone was in my grasp, I sighed as I placed it back on its charging stand.

Then I decided to take a hot shower, in hopes that the hot water would ease my stress, I was tense and my muscles were very, very, very tensed, much so, that I felt as if though I was suffering a spasm in my back.

It was truly awful, and bothersome. I don’t know how long I was in the shower, but frankly, I didn’t really care because my muscles were beginning to feel a pleasant relief, thanks to the hot shower!

After my bath, I felt myself less tense, which was good! I got dressed, I put on my under garments along with my dark blue jeans, and my clean ironed button shirt. I liked that shirt, it’s a nice shirt! Although the color is rather childish, I like softie pink…it’s a soothing color to view.

I fixed my long black hair and made it into a neat bun with a few bangs hanging loosely but neatly. I don’t wear that much make-up…so I didn’t really bother painting my face. However, I did put on some cherry flavored lip balm because my lips felt dry. Then, I put on my pearl ear studs as well as my digital watch (I want to keep time of how long the concert will last. I don’t want to come back home late…)

For dinner, I made myself a delicious cup of noodles straight from the microwave. It was of chicken broth flavor and it had a variety of healthy veggies. I enjoyed every single slurp! Noodles are my favorite meal because it’s faster to prepare and it’s very delicious! I don’t care much for the calories it has, and besides it’s not like I eat noodles everyday so, I don’t really worry about that.

A few minutes after I had finished my meal, Marnie called again telling me to wait outside my apartment to wait for her. So, I did.

I waited outside, the clouds were grey up in the sky. And I heard a faint tremble that indicated precipitation.

I felt a little cold waiting outside for Marnie, but then I saw her navy blue Volks Wagon just stop in front of me.
I saw her there; her smile was wide and a little scary. I got in the car and as I closed the door, she wasted no time in taking off like a mad woman!

“Whoa! What’s the hurry?!” I asked, my heart was pacing a bit faster than usual because of Marnie’s insane driving skills…and I don’t mean “Insane” as in awesome. Far from it—in fact, of course not!

Marnie didn’t answer my previous question, she did, however, comment on my attire. I felt her take short glances at me, a smirk plastered on her make-up infested face. “Why did you dress like this, JC?” she asked me mockingly.

I looked at her, and asked “Well, I could ask you the same thing Marnie. Because you almost look like the Joker from that ‘Dark Knight’ movie we saw last year.” I commented. Marnie laughed it off as she drove more and more like a maniac.

The parking lot was so full! Marnie began to panic because so far, we have yet to see a free parking.

“I think I’m going to faint if I can’t find an empty one!” Marnie whined.

I rolled my eyes, “Just be patient, there has to be a free parking around somewhere.” I tried to bring out the positive side, because the last thing I need is for Marnie to go berserkers over a parking!

“Yes!” she squealed, “This is mine baby!” she raced over to the empty space, and we almost crashed with another car if they hadn’t stopped dead in their tracks.

I was terrified, I never liked Marnie’s driving and it’s evident that I never will. Marnie giggled, “C’mon! At least our seats are saved!” she pulled me out of the car.

She kept yanking and pulling, pulling and yanking me! Cutting in lines where other people got pretty upset for doing so. Marnie just batted her eyelashes and then boom! We were in quicker than most people waiting in line.

“You took me…to a club?” I asked. “I thought you said this was a concert!” I protested. Marnie looked at me and said “This IS the concert, it’s in this club!” she seemed so peppy and excited about this, it annoyed me that she had taken me to the club.

And if I would’ve known about this earlier, I would’ve have kept saying no even if I failed Science class!

Marnie smiled, “I’m going to go get a beer…want one?!” she asked. I shook my head, “No. And don’t you go drinking too much!”

She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll be right back!”

Marnie left me standing alone while she went to the bar and asked for a beer.
I don’t drink beer, I don’t like the taste at all…I do like wine though, but I don’t think that they might have wine here.

While Marnie took an eternity to get her stupid beer, I walked alone, the chattering people that were here kept raising the volume of their voices, and it’s giving me a head ache…great.

I found a backdoor to the club that led outside, I saw that it was actually less noisy out here than inside. So, to try and calm my head pain, I sat on the steps and waited outside. And although I know that Marnie will realize I’m gone and go crazy looking for me, I could use this small escape for relief…just for a little while.

I sat there, on the cold, hard, and probably really dirty steps. I’m just waiting for this headache to go away…
I held my head in my hands, covering my ears to block the noise. Outside wasn’t too noisy, but still…I heard the noise grow louder, and louder in volume.

I groaned.

“Are you okay?” I heard a deep, masculine voice speak to me. I slowly looked up and saw a tall guy with dark eyes and hair, he was wearing a gray fedora hat and he was carrying a case, a guitar case.

I had no idea who this guy was, but frankly I don’t care. “Yeah I’m fine…” I said, I didn’t want to be rude, at least he was asking for my well being…a total stranger asking if I was okay.
“What are you doing, sitting here by yourself?” he asked. He stood in front of me, I felt his gaze upon me.

I sighed, “Nothing…just waiting.”

“Waiting for the concert to begin?” he asked. This guy didn’t know me, and he’s asking a lot of questions…it’s getting annoying.

“No not really. I’m just waiting for this headache to stop.” I muttered, holding my head as the constant pain kept pounding me.

I heard him laughing, it was a deep toned laughter, but it brought a small smile on face. “I thought you said you were fine…” he spoke.

I shrugged, “Guess I lied?”

Then I looked at him face to face, he was a handsome guy, although I’m not really fond of the tattoos on his arms, nor piercings.

“Then here.” He took out a pill casing. He gave me an Ibuprofen. I took it, “Thanks…”

“Stay here, I’ll get you some water.” He stepped inside with his guitar case and I was left alone, but not for too long. He came back, this time his hands were free of heavy lifting.

He sat beside me, “Here, drink some water.” He gave me a cold bottle of water; I took it and drank from it.

“Thanks.” I said.

I looked at him and he smiled, “You’re welcome.”

I was thankful to this stranger, he was kind…

“I’m Haner.” He extended his fingerless gloved hand. I shook it, “JC…”

Haner and I, though we were both strangers to each other, we began to start a conversation. Right away my headache stopped, and I was pleased for that.

I felt good with Haner…this kind stranger. I have no clue of who he is, but…must I worry about that?
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Enjoy! =]