Black and White wings

1 love


Even in my dreams shes the most beautful...girl I have ever scene....her smile, the way her hair flows when she walks down the halls and her breath taking eyes.........God its like im under her spell ....Kayla..Watson..shes so perfect she can have what ever she whats whenever she wants.

My name is Alec.........I cannot say my last name because it shows the blood on my hands.... you could say that I am not her prince charming waiting for the perfect time to sweep her off her feet and have the perfect happy im the black knight watching her " prince charming " Adam. The leader of the football team and the lead Quarterback Im the Black Knight who saw Mr. Prince Charming Have sex with Cinderella's best friend.

I wish there was a way...........but its not a fairy tale this is 11 grade of high school.

" WAKE UP THIS INSTANT ALEC! " . There was a loud noise on my desk I looked at Mr. Bowen with the eyes of death.

" What do you want old man. " I said as I yawned

" WHY DO INSIST ON GOING TO SLEEP IN MY CLASS!." his face turning bright red.

" And why do you insist on keep eating Twinkies ? " I rolled my eyes.

" OUT OF MY CLASS NOW!!!!!!!!!" He said scribbling on a pink slip.

" Hey Im just telling the truth. Now if your class wasnt so boring do you think I would be falling asleep.? "

there was a pause.

" My point............exactly."


" Heh you don't have to tell me twice." I smirked.

I walk out the door and it slams behind me.

I sigh and open my eyes and see my ex girl friend in front of me....Star.

Her name is star because she has random star tattoos all over her body. she has black long hair and always wears a skirt and combat boots and oh yeah both sides of her bottom lip are pierced what does she want now.

" Getting in trouble again I hear? " she said.

" Oh yeah you bet yeah. " I rolled my eyes.

" So what do you want Star? I know your out here for something."

" Well... you know there is a party at my house tonight and you know I was wondering....if you wanted to be my date."

" Yeah Try again." I started walking away.

" UGHHH!."

As I walk down the silent hallway I could hear my chains on my Tripp pants clashing together. Then I come to two doors.

One said I can hear Metro Station and the other door I can hear Marilyn Mason. Hmm its such a hard decision as I walk in the door on the left I was greeted by my outsider friends.

" Hey heard you got in trouble with Mr. Bowen again, look dude thats like the 3 time this week."

This is my friend Victor. We have been friends since the 9th grade he knows everything about me...........even that Im in love With Kayla Watson.

" I know I know...I just cant help it, its a lot of fun. " I said chucking.

" Yeah and see that attitude can get you suspended. You have so many referrals its not funny man."

" Yeah your right I should just nod my head and smile right? "

" What am I going to do with you." Victor shakes his head.

" I dont know thats your job not mine." I pat his back.

" Look Im going to get some water alright ill be right back." I stepped out and closed the door and what I saw right across the hall at the water fountain was My angel........Kayla Watson.
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