Black and White wings

7 Love


I was so excited to receive the note from Alec and tonight I will be able to see him and let him hold me in his arms and tell me he loves me! Im just so grateful to get the note from star she was really nice. People shouldnt judge what you look like on the outside it only matters what the heart is like right?

When the clock strike 3:30 and the bell rang I rushed home.

" Oh no what am I going to wear? " I threw on a white mini skirt a plan pink T - shirt and some white pumps.

" This will just have to do." I started to drive to the ' Red Bat ' I guess its really popular among goths but Im really nervous. Then I came across a dead end it which had a old sign said leaving town and then all there was is darkness. I Looked to my left and I see at the top of a lonely castle was a red bat and around it was a grave yard that went for miles.

I Parked on the side of the road and started to go up the stairs to lead to the red bat then I heard music and saw red lights coming from the tall cracked windows of the castle like club. As I got to the door I knocked on it the sound echoed throw the walls there was this rectangular hole and it opened and I saw two green eyes looking at me up and down and then it creaked open and I was greeted by this tall very pale butler man and then I quietly walked in looking down.

I was crowded by goths from everywhere I have never seen these many in my life they must come from different places in the city! It was like a movie watching Gothic girls and guys parting to the heavy metal music like it was their last night to live then before I knew it I bumped into someone really hard.

" Im really sorry! " I said looking at his combat boots filled with studs on them, He took my chin so I had to look at him.

" Well Well what do we have here a little bunny? "

" Umm umm..." he was really close to my face and his lip ring almost touching my lips.

" Why are you here hmm? Its dangerous someone you know - do bad things to you." he looked behind him to his friends who were chuckling.

" I - Im looking for someone his name is.....Alec do you know where I could find him? "

" Hmm.... Alec Eh? I think I know where to find him."

" You DO!!! "

" Yeah Yeah just follow me babe and ill take you to him." Then he grabbed my wrist and I tried to follow him through the raging crowd and up the narrow stairs. When we got up there it was really quiet and dark. Then I saw him " ALEC! " I ran to him and hugged him " Thank you so much for your help! " Alec then hugged me back but he smelled like cigarettes.... Alec never smelled like that! I looked up to see his face and he wasnt Alec!

I stepped away from him .

" Whats going on where is Alec!? "

" Heh" the guy with the Mohawk. " Your so innocent and thats just what we like around here."

Then the light turned on and I was surrounded by 4 guys and there was a door but one was guarding it. and then I looked to my left and there was just a bed...

" Please dont do this Please!" Tears started to flow.

then one guy said. " Oh baby we arent going to hurt you we are going to make you feel good! "

I started to cry harder because I knew what was happening next. But as I looked around I could see everyone's face but the guy guarding the door he was wearing a mask.
Before I knew it someone grabbed me and try to force me on the bed...

Alec.... where are you......
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Thank you for reading Please Subscribe! Whoa this is really intense but stay tuned for 8th Love you dont want to miss it!