

For as long as i can remember, my father and i have traveled.. All over the world. We've never stayed in one place longer than a week.
We're different than everyone else.. My father is a vampire, I'm a vampire too.. And a werewolf. He's never ever told me why. Just that we can't ever stay too much in one place, 'their after us.' He says.

I know all about humans, and all that. I've hurt them, killed them, destroyed them. I'm 39 years old, but I'm stuck in the body of a 16 year old. It doesn't bother me. I just wish someone would explain it all to me. My Father wont, he refuses to.

I've never had any friends, just my Father. Who I despise.

I don't know how I am, and where I belong, but I know it's not like this.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm just starting off, no use making a giant chapter if no one's going to read it, right?
I promise I'll write more, soon.
(just need to see if there's a point)