

We're in Wyoming today, he likes to go to places with no sunlight. He sparkles in the sun, I don't.. I only have a light shimmer.
A life of running get's a bit much after a while, I must say. I'd love to stay somewhere for a week, or even a month.

"Violet, we're leaving now." He wipes the blood off he's mouth and wait's for me. We'll run to wherever he want's to go.

"Why can't we stay here a little longer? it's nice. So sunshine, plenty of people.."

"No, their close. We must leave, now hurry."

"Why does it matter?" I yell, shaking the forest. He turn's and within half a second is standing face to face with me.

"Violet, do you want to die? Do you want to be ripped and burnt to ashes? Because that's what will happen if they find us. They'll kill me, then you. Or keep you, then kill you. Violet, you cannot survive without me, I am your father. We have to stay together. Now can we please just leave?" I stamp my foot, send all the birds in a nearby tree to fly away.

"It's not my fault. Whatever you did put's my life in jeopardy. And why? Why did you have to bring me into this world when all I ever do is run? I'm sick of it." He's eyes turn a brighter shade of red. He pull's me up by the color of my coat and ram's me up against a tree, causing it to crack.

"Don't you ever ask me that again. Now, we're leaving." I growl as he vanishes into the forest. I follow. I hope one day we'll get found, and they'll kill them, then explain to me whatever he did. Surely it can't be that bad?

Or, it probably is, and he's a mass murder. For Christ sakes, I don't even know and I've been with him for three decades.
I hope this is the last time we run together, I always hope that when we leaving the state we fed in. But this time, I pray it is.
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More later today.
I gotta werk.

*grumble face*