Sequel: The Ugly Lycan

The Ugly Vampire


Hope, an ugly vampire, lives her life through highschool in total rejection and denial from everyone. Most vampires, meaning all, were gorgeous with glimmering, seductive eyes, curvy plump lips and a body that made any man or woman give their soul to them. She was the outsider.
Her big round glasses, thin lips, breaking-out skin, metal-mouthed braces even for her crooked fanged teeth, and her bad taste in fashion led her down the path of never finding friends, loved ones, or even acceptance in her family.

You would think that most vampires are gorgeous. Gleaming with pride, walking like they are in a runway, flashing a perfect white smile. But it's not true. Just like in the real world...not everyone is gorgeous. Not everyone is accepted. Her name is Hope Vandelon and this her ugly story.