Status: Slow updates because of school.

God Knows I Need An Angel Like You


I knew that imaginary people couldn't cook because they weren't real. I was pretty sure that it was impossible for imaginary people to sleep, too. I knew that this thing wasn't imaginary. I also knew that that thing saw me undress in my bathroom! Panicked, I took a knife out of the drawer and proceeded towards it.

"Alright, I get it! You're hungry, just wait, I'm almost done!" It said smiling while looking at me and the knife, then turning around to finish it's 'masterpiece'.

I stood there ready to kill it but ended up being ushered to the dining room to eat. As I ate, it watched me eat with a smile. Why did everyone smile so much? These people were scaring me. I shook away my internal confusion when I was finished. I was planning to stab it and run but something stopped me.

"I'm Devon." It finally spoke, I nodded in acknowledgment as it, I mean, Devon, waited for me to say something.

"Y-you aren't a fragment of my imagination, aren't you?" I asked with obvious fear.

"Nope." Said Devon with an odd smile. An other smile? What the hell is wrong with these people? Are they always high or something?

"Then what are you?" I was a little angry, not just because of the smiles but because this guy lied to me, followed me home, knew where I lived, knew my name, watched me undress, watched me sleep and slept in my room on my favorite fuzzy green chair!

"Human." He replied and I lost it.

I got up abruptly and said, "Get out."

"Why?" He tested me in a childish tone and a odd smirk.

"Get out." I repeated with my rage building up.

"Why?" He said exaggerating the 'y'.

"You are a stranger." I hissed with anger, but I had to admit, I was dead curious.

He took a bite out of my uneaten piece of toast that was left in my plate and put up his feet on the table. I sighed as I sat back down, he hadn't hurt me yet and he didn't seem dangerous but I didn't let myself be defeated this easily.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked while looking him in the eyes.

"I didn't, you led me here." He said as if it were nothing.

"I, uh.. I did?" Funny how I didn't remember much about yesterday..

"Yep." Said Devon now getting up, walking towards the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked, now following him into the kitchen.

He was sitting on my counter eating my apple. I couldn't help but find him cute sitting there alluring me into his big brown eyes. It was funny how he sat there eating my food, sleeping in my chairs, following me home and pretending to be an imaginary friend. He looked healthy and happy. He wasn’t a hobo, that was one thing that I knew. I tried everything to hide my curiosity but failed..

"I ran away from home." Said Devon quietly after the long silence of his now finished apple. He looked upset as he frowned at his feet. I just felt like wrapping my arms around him.

"Why?" I asked in this new-to-me cold tone, to his surprise he looked up at me.

"Because of my parents." He answered simply.

"What did they do? Molest you?" I couldn't help but try to be funny but as you know, I'm the most unfunny person on this planet but my attempt to comedy didn't backfire as he laughed calmly.

"No, they just keep on fighting and I'm sick of it." He said getting off the counter and walking past me into the living room. I followed closely behind him into my living room and onto my couch.

"Oh.." Oh lord, why couldn't I say something encouraging?

"It's been like that for years, I just can't take it anymore." Said Devon with Sheppy at his feet. He looked down at him and smiled as he pet him.

"What are you going to do?" He shrugged and continued to pet my dog.

After that the silence became more and more unbearable, he left me to my thoughts and left me wanting to ask questions. I watched him slide down onto the wood floor to play with Shep. The orange octopus, his favorite toy, no not Devon's, Sheppy's! I noticed a smile on his face when Shep wanted to play tug-a-war, I was starting to think that maybe he had a dog too. I think after twenty minutes he noticed me staring because of his puzzled expression that had came upon his face. I blushed just as how I did with Jay..

"I have a dog, too." He finally said now sitting next to me on the light yellow couch.

"What kind?" Honestly I wasn't too too interested, usually I would be. I'm crazy about animals, but today this runaway has captured my interest.

"A golden retriever, her name's Lilix." He said in a proud tone, which, I don't ever think I could have heard someone be proud of their dog unless it's super dog.

He dug his right hand into his sweater pocket and took out a key chain and handed it to me. I was confused at first until I realized that it was one of those picture frame key chains. I looked down at it and saw a beautiful golden. No wonder he was proud, she had a blue ribbon with a '1#' in the middle. Lilix was a sporting dog that just so happened to have won a competition for the Kennel Club. Impressive, much?

"I see why you're so proud of her." I said deeply impressed, he reached out and took back his keys.

"I miss her." He said fiddling with his keys in his hands and then it hit me.

"Wait, how long have you been gone, Devon?" He looked at me then looked back to his keys.

"I don't know, a week, or three.." Just a couple of minutes ago I wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him that it would be alright but now all I wanted was to slap him silly.

"You have to go home now." I said getting up waiting for him to do the same, but of course, he didn't. Stupid stubborn boy.

"Why? I like it here, with you." My cheeks felt hot but I pushed my childish attraction aside and kept my composure.

"Because your parents will be looking for you, they'll be worried." I wasn't too sure about that but I wasn't bound to let him know that.

"They're not worried, they don't love me." He said rather bluntly and crossed his arms over his chest with his feet resting up on my coffee table.

"Why wouldn't they love you?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"My brother is their most prized possession. He's perfect and I'm not." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I see, well, I'd feel much better if you'd at least call them." He laughed and shook his head.

"What part of 'they don't love me' don't you get?" I had to admit that his attitude wasn't very fun to deal with.

What was I going to do with this runaway? This so called imaginary friend? Should I call the police? So many questions popped into my head, some that were actually pretty frightening like; what if he were a serial killer? Or what if he was a rapist? God knows.

"Well, uh.." My fears were starting to take over and the pounding of my heart could be heard from miles away.

His angry look changed into a worried look. He heard my heart and saw my fear. He approached me and I got defensive. I picked up the bottle of Windex and was ready to spray it in his face if he got too close.

"You alright doll face?" He asked with eyebrows clearly connected, he didn't take a step closer when he saw the bottle in my hand.

"Don't call me that, you don't know me!" I half yelled sitting in the corner with the bottle of Windex aimed at his face.

"Hey, hey, relax! I thought that we were getting to know each other and stuff." He said kneeling down in front of me attempting to take away the bottle but then just as if on cue the door bell rang. Before I could even get up he had opened the door. A female voice boomed through out the house and I slowly recognized the voice to be Tash's.

"Keysia-Ann!" Tash yelled walking around the house, I walked up silently behind her.

"Yeah?" I said in a small voice not really wanting to talk to her. She spun around and grabbed my arms and pulled me into a hug. Feeling squished Devon stood there smirking silently.

"So, care to tell me who this gorgeous boy is?" Said Tash letting go of me and eyeing my imaginary friend.

"Um, he's Devon." I couldn't say much more, I mean, after all I didn't really know the guy.

"Like she," he pointed at me "said, I'm Devon and you are?" He said leaning on the doorway looking rather uninterested by her very presence.

"Oh well I'm Tasha, call me Tash, or whatever you want to call me." She said flashing her signature smile. She didn't seem to remember why she had even come over, this annoyed me. Not that I wanted to be alone with him but her attitude toward any guy was really pissing me off.

"Okay, well, I'll get you two some drinks." Said Devon to either get away from her unpleasant gaze or just to be nice, I really couldn't tell at this point.

"Where'd you find this beauty?" She asked with a big smile. What should I say? The truth? A lie? A half lie?

"Um, I found him at the uh-" I got cut off by Devon bringing us what he'd promise to get. It was weird for a stranger to act like he knew me for a long time and that he knew where everything was.

"We met at the park." He said giving her her drink. Well, that was true up to a certain extent.

"Yup, the park." I simply agreed, I mean it was true.

"Aw, that's so cute!" She gushed. Oh no, no, no.

"I know, right?" He answered her smirking down at me. That bastard! He's playing along! He's giving her the impression that, that w-we're dating!

"I guess a lot has changed since we saw each other, huh?" She asked me, I attempted to shake my head when I felt an arm snake around my waist. My eyes went wide and I became quickly offended. I pushed him to the ground and took my bottle of Windex and aimed for his eyes.
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Long time no update, huh?
Very short, I know, but I'm buried with tests so please, encourage me!