Pete Wentz Academy

Five: A Slightly Amusing Way To End

Sera sat down quietly beside a lanky redheaded boy with slightly chubby cheeks, yet having a slim body. He was mumbling slowly to himself in warp speed while twirling his pencils skillfully. Sera watched him closely, slightly astounded by his twirling.

To her left, Sera eyed a redheaded girl also with slightly chubby cheeks and a lean body. She stood tall with a seemingly bored expression written across her face. Sera concluded the two were siblings, or better yet, twins, judging by the evident physical similarities.

From across the room, the young cute girl made eye contact with her, and slowly lifted her rosy cheeks with a smile. Sera smiled back awkwardly. Her ears ringing with the dreadful silence. A flirt. Her chest felt heavy. Sera has never been called something as barbaric as flirt.

The day went by very slowly to Sera's disdain. Too much has happened in a span of 6 hours, too much to ponder.

"Would you mind not mumbling to yourself so loudly?" The redheaded girl snapped all of a sudden.

The redheaded boy jerked his head upwards and turned to her. His crooked smile plastered. "Would you mind not sighing every five seconds? You're releasing poisonous depression, and most people wouldn't want it. Especially coming from you"

"At least my pencils stay where they are, Al." She hissed, leaning closer now.

Sera watched the drama unfold in silence, slightly pleased that there was something at least a bit more interesting than watching english teachers dread about not having summer breaks.

Al, now that Sera knew his name, flicked his pencil towards the girl, as Sera tried to duck effortlessly. Unfortunately, Al's aim was off by a few degrees.

"Sorry. That wasn't meant for you." He picked up his pencil, and stared at Sera. The redheaded girl smiled triumphantly, looking as tall as ever.

"Don't mind him, he's a douche. I'm Artemis, but you can call me Missy, and this wreck right here is my brother, Alphonse, feel free to call him either Al, or Phonsey." She smiled, banter twinkling in her eyes.

"Don't listen to her. Call me, Al, yes. Not Phonsey. Feel free to call her cuntfa---"

"Shh!" The english teacher glared at Al, silencing him from a good 10 meters away, as if she read his mind beforehand. Sera felt a low wave of dislike coming from both parties.

"Well, I'm Sera." She turned to both redheads and grinned stupidly, thanking God her name was quite normal. "And you guys have pretty cool names."

Both of them rolled their eyes. Sera chuckled to herself at the sight. They looked incredibly alike.

"Yeah, okay. We carry pride from the fact that we were named after fictional greek and anime characters. God, I must totally love my mother for showering me with such blessings." Missy's voice drawled on with thick sarcasm.

"No, I think being named after fictional characters is pretty cool. I once named my dog Caspian. And most people I know are drawn to mythology." Sera put on her most encouraging tone.

"Most people are also drawn to boys named after an alchemist's soul trapped in armor." Al teased on.

Sera laughed, Missy rolled her eyes, but with a side of her mouth slowly uprising. Sera further more concluded that she wouldn't be meeting anyone normal today. Rockstar's sons, greek gods and alchemists. Tomorrow she'd have Barney as guidance counselor and she wouldn't be the least bit surprised. Okay, maybe just quite.

"If it makes you feel better. My first name and last name are totally pronounced the same, and it sounds stupid when people say it out loud. It's like being named Bobb Bob or Tomy Tomi."

"Okay then, Sera Cera. Join our parade of incredibly farfetched names. We welcome you with welcome arms." Missy chuckled quietly as the bell rang it's panging cry, drowning out the trio's quiet laughter.

Sera picked up her unopened books, the rush of students departing increased her eagerness to get home. Slowly, she stuffed her books, creasing the pages, yet she felt no remorse. With a huff, she swayed her mountain sized backpack over her shoulder.

"Well, nice meeting you." She shouted to the redheads skipping out the door. They nodded fervently, indicating that they felt the same and headed out.

The end of her first day of school left Sera in cluttered thoughts. Had she actually liked the school that burned down her old lovely second home? Or had she grown slightly attracted to those in the school?

Sera shook away her thoughts, as if they'd just slip out her skull and find someone else to bother. Meb was waiting beside the ivory gates, a tired smile on his face.

"Hurry up, I'm starving." He yelled at her as she quickened her pace.

"Go chew your feet." She yelled back, "Kidding. Okay, fine, let's go home."
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I'm so sorry for the delay, omg! I haven't written in forever and school's been rubbing my head raw. Anyway, I'll be updating again soon. :) Comments are very much appreciated!