Status: I'm back, this time for good! I promise.



By the time we had reached the store I had stopped singing entirely and just focused on listening to Gerard’s amazing voice, well that and driving. ‘Cause if I didn’t focus on driving we’d wreck. And if we wrecked then there’s a possibility that Gerard would die. And if Gerard died then the world would slowly decay because surely they could not exist without such a talented and awesome person like Gerard. And I really just would not want the death of the world on my shoulders; I couldn’t handle that, especially not without Gerard. So it’s best that I just focused on driving as well.

Now lemme tell you again, shopping with Gerard is insane. Completely fucking insane. The man is the biggest diva I have ever met, and absolutely sassy as well. We spent well over two hours picking out the perfect air mattress and then he went about on a tyrade through the store for not carrying the sheets he liked, and god forbid he settle with a different type. It was an exhausting experience to say the least.

We come back to my house, after he had finally decided to go with jersey knit sheets, to find my mother standing over Mikey giving him what appeared to be a makeover. It's safe to say he looked like he could be a very convincing drag queen.

Gerard and I stood snickering in the doorway watching Mikey fawn over how 'pretty' he looked in the mirror on the wall. Gerard cocked his eyebrow at me and smirked before waltzing over to him.

"Great legs sugar, what time do they open?" Gerard purred in a smooth voice that I could only describe as godly.

Mikey screamed as he jumped back from Gerard, flailing his arms about.

"What the fuck! You creepy son of a bitch, get the hell away from me!" Gerard and I burst out laughing as my mom glared at us.

"You two are just jealous because Mikey looks adorable!" I scoffed at her statement and rolled my eyes.

"Stop taking advantage of the poor boy mother. C'mon Gee, let's go set up your mattress."

Gerard winked at Mikey once more before grabbing his bags and following me downstairs. We quickly cleared a spot on the floor and set out the queen sized mattress for the man with a queen sized ego. After studying it for a few minutes we came to a conclusion.

"How in the fuck do we blow this up?" He asked, I suppressed a laugh.

"Well, you are a singer, you must have lungs of steel so start blowing." I smirked at him as he shot me a playful glare.

"You forget, my dear, that I am also a smoker, thus meaning my lungs are shit. You blow it up."

"I am so not blowing up your bed, I offered you mine and you refused. It's getting late though, you better figure something out unless you wanna cuddle up on the couch with your brother." I replied, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Stick it out any further and a bird's gonna come shit on it."

"We're inside dumbass." His face flushed slightly at my remark, "Why don't you just take my bed for the night?"

"I don't wanna kick you out of your own bed, why don't we just share? It's just for one night.."

If I ever doubted my ability of controlling my teenage hormones it was at that very moment. Sharing a bed with Mr. Gerard motherfucking Way? I had a feeling this night could end very, very badly...