Sequel: "Retribution"

My First Story

Epilogue - Padawans -


- Padawans -

24/08/03-ABE: Twenty four years, eight months and three days after the death of Emperor Palpatine.

The years seemed to fly by. Benjamin Bail Solo had become a father. He named his first born Luke Owen to honor his Uncle Luke and Owen Lars. He was a rambunctious child full of curiosity and wonder as Ben taught him the ways of the Jedi.

He soon became a father again at the birth of their daughter Celeste Shmi named to thank his cousin for introducing him to Deynah and to honor Anakin’s mother.

Deynah was expecting again. Ben felt this would be a male child. They decided to name him after his father and grandfather, Han Anakin Solo. The young man was doing his best to fulfill his duty to keep the Jedi Order alive. It didn’t hurt any that it gave him great pleasure to perform such a task as often as he could.


There were three younglings listening attentively in Ben’s courtyard as he taught them the Jedi Arts. Two were his own children. The third child was his nephew Eumenides. Ben often wondered why his twin had given the boy such a strange name. It meant “goddesses who avenge unpunished crimes.” He figured Padmay had named him so because of how he was conceived; in hate and violence. He was sure that Menny, as he was nicknamed, would overcome the dark shadow of his father’s crime against them.

Ben was very proud of how quickly the lad learned his lessons. Though young Luke and Celeste were fast learners and made their father very proud, they didn’t seem to advance as quickly as Menny did. He’d already built his practice orb and asked numerous times about the fundamentals of building his own lightsaber. It was a skill most padawan learners took much longer to achieve.

He continued with the lesson for today. “Repeat after me younglings. A true Jedi loves selflessly. A Jedi thinks outwardly never of himself. A Jedi has the responsibility of using his intellect to defend himself instead of succumbing to violence. We only fight to protect the peace and freedom of others. A true Jedi is pure of heart.”

Young Luke, Celeste and Menny repeated after their Master word for word.

Padmay was bringing a tray of cool refreshment to everyone in the courtyard as she walked out and heard her brother’s lecture. She put the tray down on a small table and sat next to her sister-in-law who was heavy with child. She poured Deynah a tall glass as she listened to her brother teach the children in the tradition of the Jedi. Uncle Luke would be so proud of his nephew.

Padmay looked over and secretly communicated with her “son.” They glanced at each other. She smiled as the yellow glow of the Sith lit in their eyes for the briefest of seconds.
♠ ♠ ♠
DISCLAIMER: George Lucas owns all rights to everything “Star Wars” with the exception of my characters and plot.

Authors Note:
This is the final chapter of my tale. Please post your comments and thoughts. I’ve spent almost five years on this project and your opinions mean a great deal to me. I hope you’ve enjoyed the story and appreciate my endeavor to entertain you.