Indifferent Confusion

Twisted love in the back seat (dos)

Sergeant Michaels pulled his spiffy new handcuffs out of his little pouch thing and wrapped them around my wrists behind my back. Leading me outside to the squad car, I saw that he was also in the backseat. A fact that made me smile and Frankie scowl. Frankie never approved of him in the first place.

“Hey babe,” he said as soon as I was in the backseat with him. We were both completely at ease which aggravated the policemen.

No matter what anyone said, he was not a bad influence on me or a bad decision. We made bad decisions together, but I would have made them regardless of whether I was going out with him or not. We loved each other and we were complete fuck ups together. To be perfectly honest, he held me back while I wanted to wreak havoc more often than was good for me. This time was different though, and he had to help me with it. He said there was no other choice.

You see, Jake Thompson ruined me and, in turn, also ruined the one sitting next to me in the squad car. Ever since I was seven years old, I was in love with Jake Thompson and once we got to eighth grade, he figured it out. So we went out, he used me, and cheated. Then, in tenth grade, he convinced me that he changed so I broke up with my love for Jake Thompson. Jake did it again, even worse. So my love, sitting next to me in the squad car, made me see Jake’s lies so I went back to him, my love. Then we planned our revenge and that is how I had his heart (still in my possession in the squad car). The only way I would ever have it; the only way I’ll ever want it.

Once we were at the station, they searched us. Obviously, they found the little present that he had given me. He smirked as he saw Sergeant Michaels hesitantly lifting the lid. All the officers gasped at what they saw. Nothing that they had ever been through during their jobs had prepared them for what was in that container.

“Rain, please tell me this is not what I think it is,” Michaels breathed.

“Well, I could do that, but I’ve always been taught not to lie.” My love laughed hysterically at that, knowing I lied all the time. “That, Sergeant Michaels, is the heart of one Jacob Thompson. Wasn’t it sweet of this guy to give it to me? He’s so good at giving me everything I want.” This was accompanied by a fierce kiss leaving the officers feeling awkward and uncomfortable, but we didn’t care.

An emergency hearing was held since the evidence was so substantial. But it wasn’t like I was trying to hide the fact that we killed the dude. I wanted them to know- to know what I was capable of and what I could do. No one ever thought I could do anything, but look just what I could do.

“Rainelle Thunder and Holden Stevens, you are found guilty of the murder of Jacob Thompson.” Not like that verdict wasn’t easy to see. We were well aware that we were guilty of that particular crime.

Juvie. Two years in Juvie even though we would be almost nineteen by the time we were out. And the best part? We were going to the same place and I’d be the only girl. I could show all the guys what I could do. They didn’t have shit on me and I planned to keep it that way even if they were the most hardcore guys out there.

We were in separate houses; I didn’t expect them to stick us together. In my house, there were four other guys, all looking pretty intimidating if I’m being honest. But I wasn’t scared; I knew how to kill. I knew how to fight and I knew how to kill and they didn’t even know it. I loved having the upper hand.

They all stared at me with lust filled eyes as I unpacked the lone suitcase they allowed me to bring. I was laughing hysterically on the inside (I didn’t ever really do much actual laughing), they actually thought they had a chance to get in my pants. As if any of them could come close to what I had with Holden. But it would be major fun to mess with them.

I made a show of putting away my bras and underwear just to see the look in their eyes. And they did not disappoint. Either they were extremely hormonal or they were just starved of female contact because they stared hungrily at my clothing, most likely picturing me in the tiny articles. I won’t lie, I knew I had a nice body because I worked out a lot and had defined muscles, but I had a pretty baggy shirt on so they couldn’t even see my arm or stomach muscles, only my slim legs in my bright green skinny jeans. I guess that was enough for them though because they sure were having a field day with it.
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