Indifferent Confusion

Feign Indifference (ocho)

“That was a pretty gutsy argument you pulled in there Thunder. Try that with me and you will be dead,” Shane hissed. Hardcore my ass.

“You wouldn’t kill me.” This statement held so much confidence that Ashleigh actually barked out a laugh, sounding extremely startled.

“And what makes you so sure of that, short shit?”

“I’m too hot, obviously.” The audacity of my own comment left me rolling my eyes with incredulity for even thinking something like that. Though I knew my previous statement was true, my justification was completely idiotic.

“That’s true enough,” Caleb agreed. I let out a humorless laugh at his complete acquiesce.

“Are you so vain and self-assured that it clouds you with stupidity?” Shane wondered with a dangerous edge in his voice.

“Pfft, no,” I lamented. “I do know, however, that I am the only chick here and you like the change of pace enough to keep me alive just so you have something to look at. Whether I’m attractive or not-”

“Believe me, you are,” Riley informed.

I only rolled my eyes at this. “Regardless of whether I am or not, you enjoy having an intelligent life form without a dick staying in the house you are responsible for, so much so that you will not kill me.” My self-satisfied smirk was unmistakable.

The look in Shane’s eyes made me absolutely positive of my hypothesis. “Regardless of whether I would kill you or not, you better not pull that crap with me. You will regret it, I can assure you that.”

And I knew that that was true so I shut up and ate the food I had just taken from the cafeteria line. If you could even call it food, but what did I expect really? And seeing the face-and the body attached to it-coming toward the table made it seem better.

“What the fuck happened to you?” he hissed. Though the question was worded harshly and sounded very rude, I could see the worry hidden in his eyes. That place that was reserved just for me-the only person he’s show emotion to. “I heard you collapsed, but I couldn’t find you.”

“Chill babe, I’m fine. It’s not like I died so no harm done.” My cool collection always pissed him off when he was actually showing me his emotion and showing that he cared what happened to me.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Has one day in this place really changed you that much?”

“Changed me? Changed me how?” I asked incredulously. “How the hell have I changed? This is how I always am. Sorry if I wanted to eat my food instead of replay the not-so-significant asthma experience. Excuse me.”

He looked like he wanted to murder me; the look on his face was pure anger. I knew all too well though, that when he got like that he just wanted to jump me and climb into my pants, never to return again.

“Please,” I scoffed. “I am so not sexing you in the middle of a crowded cafeteria. We tried that once, remember? We got suspended. Somehow, I doubt it’s possible to get suspended from here. I could be wrong, but last time I checked, you get put here for doing things you can get suspended for.”

“Oh don’t even tell me you didn’t enjoy that little scene. Mr. Bender couldn’t take his disgusting fucking eyes off of you.”

“God, the dude was about ready to rip you off me just so he could fuck me himself. But Miss Witco wasn’t any better. She wanted to ride you like there was no tomorrow.”

“She had to be just about the nastiest woman I have ever seen.”

“Well I’m fairly convinced the two of them went back to the teachers’ lounge and ravaged each other to an unrealistic extent. She was definitely walking funny at the end of that day.”

Throughout this whole conversation, my housemates-not to mention Shane- were staring at me with a mixture of emotions. Shane seemed to have a cross of grudging admiration and disgust written all over his face; Caleb was confused and unwilling to even try to comprehend the words, while Ashleigh seemed to find it horribly amusing. Jeremy seemed like he would be scarred forever and Riley, of course, was turned on.

“Keep it in your fucking pants, Riley,” I chastised. He grinned sheepishly, knowing he’d been caught.

“Go back to your table,” Shane ordered, finally taking charge of the situation. Took him long enough to process what was going on right in front of him.

“Now I’m not even allowed to see my girl? After everything I did for her, I just have to walk away.” His sarcasm was blanketed over the group, but I could see that Shane was very quickly losing any patience he had left.

“Go away, you dick,” I said, pushing him from the table. He laughed once then pretended to pout as if I didn’t want him, but left anyway.

“Well, that was interesting,” Caleb decided.

“Well, that was my boyfriend. There is no way around the interesting aspects that he brings to the table.”

“Did you guys really have sex in the cafeteria?” Riley wanted to know. He seemed to be a little bit too eager to know the answer to that particular question.

“Psht, where didn’t we have sex? The dude and I were a couple of horny teenagers, what do you expect? My favorite though, has to be when we were doing it in the principal’s coat closet while he was in his office.”

“How did you not get caught then?” Jeremy asked rather timidly. Poor boy, I was going to corrupt him so badly.

“Oh, he was watching his own porn shit so our noises only blended into those. Then he was just so engrossed in his…um, activities that he didn’t even noticed us just walking out of the office.”

“Ew, that’s disgusting!” Caleb exclaimed.

Shane, who had been looking at me with utter shock and incredulity, shook his head at this point. “As much as I would just love to hear all about the awkward and inappropriate places in which you have had sex, it’s time for you guys to get to class.”
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