‹ Prequel: Story of My Life

All Grown Up

3 years later

*3 years later*

(Leah’s POV)

A lot has changed in the past three years. Cole and Dylan both moved out into a house a few blocks away from uncle matt. Kane and I decided to move in with them. I’m about to graduate Huntington high in about 2 and half weeks. I’m gonna start looking for my own place after I do. Uncle matt and everyone else are doing great. Nothing has really changed about them. They are still wild and crazy. Cole, Dylan, Kane, and I all are in relationships. Cole is dating a girl named haylie. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Dylan is still dating Jesse which is shocking. Kane is dating a cute little girl named Ashley. She has brown hair and green eyes. And I’m going out with Kory. Avenged sevenfold has gotten more famous than ever. And my band has actually somewhat gotten out there. We recorded a CD titled childish antics and it sold a lot which shocked us. We even had MTV over at uncle matt’s house to interview us. That was pretty cool. Our style of music has changed. Not so much punk anymore. It’s more hard rock. We also had a few gigs over the years. We played warped tour all those three years and are about to play it again this summer. We also played locally too. I think I covered everything so, let’s get on with the present day!