‹ Prequel: Story of My Life

All Grown Up

Last day of School!

May 21, 2012 6:30am (Last Day of School!)

Ok so this last couple days at school have been really sketchy. Kory is still mad at me which I don’t blame him. I tried to at least apologize but he wont listen but I’m hoping today I can talk to him. I awoke to 21 Guns by Green Day playing on my alarm clock. I turned it off and got up, going into my bathroom to take a shower. After showering I went into my closet to pick out my clothes. I put on my Fox purple and black zip boyfriend fit flannel top, Hurley destroyed vintage medium jeans, and my pink and grey Etnies fader shoes. I scrunched my hair and put on my make up. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. Kane was sitting at the island eating cereal. I poured myself a bowl and sat next to him.

“I can’t wait until the party tonight.” He said.

“Me either.” I said smiling. We finished eating and we got in my car and I took Kane to his middle school.

“See you later Kane.” I said. He waved and walked up to his school. I then drove to my school. I parked in the student parking lot and went up to our hangout spot.

“Hey guys. Last day.” I said happily.

“I know. Your party is gonna be kick ass!” Riley said. We all laughed. The bell soon rang and I went to History with Hannah and Riley.

“Ok kids, how does it feel to finally graduate from school?” The teacher asked.

“Awesome!” Some kid yelled. We all laughed.

“Alright well today we are gonna have a party so we have some movie choices for you.” He said picked up the DVD cases.

“We have Zombieland, X-Men Origins, Paranormal Activity, or The Hangover.” He said holding them up.

We all agreed on Zombieland. He popped it in the TV and played it. We all sat back. After class I went to Art with Riley. We sat at our table with Spencer. Kory sits at another table now.

“I see you guys haven’t made any progress yet.” Spencer said noticing Kory still sitting across the room.

“No. I could really care less. He wont let me explain anything.” I said.

He nodded. Today the art teacher let us do whatever we wanted. After Art Me, Spencer, and Riley went to our spot out behind the school. Hannah and Carlie were already there.

“Where are we going today?” Spencer asked.

“umm, let’s go to target. They got this pizza place there that just opened a few days ago.” Carlie said.

We nodded and got in Riley’s Hummer. We got to target and went inside, going over to the new pizza place. We all got two slices of pizza and 20 oz. bottles of coke and sat at a booth. We ate and talked about the party tonight.

“Fuck we’re gonna be late.” Spencer said looking at his phone. We threw our trash away and ran out to his car as we seen other students doing. We sped to school. We got out and ran inside.

“We got three minutes to get to class.” Riley said. We all said bye to each other. Me, Carlie and Spencer ran to Math. We got there just as the bell rang as did a couple other students. We sat at our desks.

“Ok class today we are going to have a free day. So, we are going to go down to the computer lab by the gym. Take all your stuff.” The teacher said.

We got up and went down to the computer lab by the gym. They have to 24 in. IMac‘s. We all got on one computer and decided to mess around on Photobooth, laughing hysterically as did every else while they were on Photobooth too. After class I went to English. The class I’ve been dreading all day cause Kory’s in that class and he sits right next to me. I got there and sat down. He wasn’t there yet. Right before the bell rang, he came in and sat down. I kept my head down. I decided to text him. I’m tired of this.

*Kory please let me explain* I pressed send. A minute later he pulled out his phone.

*Ok fine! Explain how you broke my heart* I opened my phone.

*First I was comforting Brian cause Michelle broke up with him, then he told me he has liked me for a couple years and actually I’ve liked him too. But Kory when we were dating, I did love you, don’t get me wrong but, I just felt like it was more of a friend love then a relationship love* I pushed send.

*So you’ve liked him for awhile?*

*Yeah. I’m so sorry you had to find out like that*

*Look, I don’t like the fact that you kissed him but, if you love me as a friend, we can try that*

I looked up at him. He smiled. I smiled back.

“So, are you coming to my party?” I asked him.

“Yeah. I’ll be there.” He said.

I nodded. The bell finally rang and I walked outside with Hannah and Carlie and Spencer. They were gonna come over and help me and the guys out to set up for the party. We walked over to Brian’s car and got in.

“Hey, how was the last day of school?” He asked as we drove to uncle matt’s.

“Great. Finally we’re free.” I said.

He chuckled and 10 minutes later we pulled up in matt’s driveway. We all got out and went inside. The guys were setting stuff up already so we jumped right in to help them. We had a lot of family and friends coming tonight. Here is our guest list:

Amy (Mine and my brothers mom, Matt’s sister)
Grandma and Grandpa Shadows
Brian Sr. and Suzy Haner (Brian’s dad and step mom)
Matt and Valary
Zacky and Gena
Johnny and Lacey
Jimmy and Leana
Billie Joe and Adrienne Armstrong (Family friends)
Joey and Jake Armstrong (18 years old and 15 years old, Billie and Adrienne’s sons-Leah, Kane, and Dylan and Cole‘s friend‘s)
Kory Reese (18 years old-Leah‘s friend)
Carlie Wilson (18 years old-Leah‘s friend)
Hannah Jones (17 years old-Leah‘s friend)
Spencer Henderson (17 years old-Leah‘s friend)
Riley Jacobs (18 years old-Leah‘s friend)
Mike Thompson (19 years old-Dylan and Cole’s friend)
Mark Martin (19 years old-Dylan and Cole’s friend)
Vincent Brown (13 years old-Kane’s friend)
Cody Benson (14 years old-Kane’s friend)
Tre’ Cool (Family friends)
Mike Dirnt (Family friends)
Frankito Wright (11 years old-Tre’s son)
Ramona Wright (18 years old-Tre’s daughter-Leah‘s friend)
Stella Pritchard (14 years old-Mike’s daughter-Kane’s friend)
Jesse Moorefield (19 years old-Dylan’s girlfriend)
McKenna Haner (13 years old-Brian’s little sister-Kane’s friend)
Travis Barker (Family friend)
Landon Barker (9 years old-Travis’s son)
Antiana De la hoya (13 years old-Travis’s step daughter-Kane’s friend)
Alabama Barker (7 years old-Travis’s daughter)
Mark and Skye Hoppus (Family friends)
Jack Hoppus (9 years old-Mark and Skye’s son)
Tom and Jen Delonge (Family friends)
Ava Delonge (10 years old-Tom and Jen’s daughter)
Jonas Delonge (6 years old-Tom and Jen’s son)
Jason and Matt Berry (Family friends)
Tim Armstrong (Family friends)
Matt Freeman (Family friends)
Lars and Sarah Frederiksen (Family friends)
Wolfgang (Erik) Frederiksen (5 years old-Lars and Sarah’s son)
Brandon Steineckert (Family friends)
Benji Madden (Family friends)
Joel and Nicole Madden-Richie (Family friends)
Harlow Madden (4 years old-Joel and Richie’s daughter)

An hour later, we finished setting up and people were starting to arrive. At around 6, everyone was here. We were currently outside talking to everyone we ran into.

“Ok everyone may I have your attention.” Matt said over everyone one. Everyone was quiet to hear uncle matt’s announcement.

“I just wanna make a toast to My niece Leah for graduating high school and for my nephew Kane for surviving middle school. Leah you are finally grown up and can make decisions on your own. Let’s just hope you make good ones.” Uncle matt said.

Everyone cheered. Just then, Zacky and Brian brought out mine and Kane’s cake. They sat it on the table in front of us.

“Leah, you’re a smart girl and I know that you will make the right decisions through your life. And Kane, good luck with high school buddy.” Zacky said making everyone laugh on the last comment.

We blew out our candles that spelled graduation. Everyone cheered. We began to cut the cake and put pieces on plates for people to grab. We got our cake and sat at a table. I said next to Brian.

“What does it feel like to be an adult?” Brian asked eating his cake.

“It feels weird. But, I like it.” I replied smiling.

The rest of the night was awesome. We partied and talked to a bunch of people. Also we opened our graduation presents. Now it is 3 in the morning and everyone left except for mom, Brian, Jesse, Riley, Spencer, Carlie, Hannah, Kory, Vincent, Jake, Joey, Cole, Dylan, Kane, Mark and Cody. We are all gonna crash at Uncle matt and Val’s place.

“So, did you have a great time tonight?” Brian asked me as we were laying in my old bedroom.

“Fantastic. I’m so happy to be graduated and finally get my life going somewhere.” I replied. He nodded and kissed me.

“Are you coming on Warped with us?” I asked him.

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He replied. I smiled.

“It’s gonna be a lot of fun like always.” I said.

“Yeah.” He said. “So, are you planning on going to college or working full time with your band?”

“Umm, me and my brothers haven’t really discussed that. Cole and Dylan hasn’t went to college so I don’t know.” I told him. He nodded. I yawned.

“Let’s call it a night. Goodnight.” Brian said giving me a kiss.

“Night.” I said kissing him back. I soon drifted off to sleep.