‹ Prequel: Story of My Life

All Grown Up

First day at Warped Tour (Pomona, CA)

May 27, 2012 7:00am (First Warped Tour stop)

I awoke to my alarm going off. Brian and I got up and got dressed. I put on my Metallica tee, Bullhead jean shorts, and DC Shoes. I put up my hair and left my bangs down. Brian put on a white and grey striped v-neck tee, Vurt black shorts, and black and white Nike’s. We walked downstairs and saw everyone sitting in the living room.

“Hey Jake. Are our instruments good to go? I asked.

“Yeah. It’s almost down at the venue.” He said.

I nodded. Jake was our manger and our mom’s best friend since birth. He’s a cool guy. He helps us get gigs and helps us with basically all our music needs.
“I got you guys some star bucks.” Uncle matt said handing Brian and I coffee.

“Thanks. We both said.

“Alright, well, let’s get going.” Cole said standing up.

We all got up and headed to the bus. We got inside. Jake also agreed to be our driver since me, Cole or Dylan didn’t know how to drive a big bus.

“Alright let’s move out. The Leftouts summer tour 2012!” Jake said. Everyone cheered. After an hour in the bus, we reached the Pomona Fairplex in the bus area. There were about more than 200 busses parked.

“Woo, it’s already hot.” Cole said stepping off the bus.

We all nodded. Bands were everywhere talking. Kids were already out in the parking area til the doors opened at 11:00am. We went to our tent. Our good friends Josh and Greg were setting out our merchandise on the table and displaying it behind them.

“Hey guys.” Dylan said.

“Hey Dylan ,Cole, Kane, Leah. You guys ready to rock?” Josh asked.

“Yeah. Been waiting all school year.” Cole said.

“We will try to sell as much stuff as we can.” Greg said laughing.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll just have this guy walk around selling the stuff. Who wouldn’t buy it from a cute kid?” I said squeezing Kane’s cheek. Kane smiled. They laughed.

“Alright well we’ll catch up with you guys later.” Cole said. We went on to see who all was here.

“Hey Cole, Leah!” I heard someone yell. We all turned around to see Alex and Jack from All Time Low running towards us.

“Jack!” I yelled and tackled him into a hug. Over previous warped years we have become great friends.

“This warped is gonna be the best.” Alex said as they were now walking with us.

“Yeah. What stage are you playing?” Kane asked.

“The main stage at 4:15pm.” Alex said.

“We’re playing there at one.” I said. He nodded.

“Where’s Ryan and Zack?” Dylan asked.

“By the tent. Come on.” Jack said leading us to the tent.

“Hey were gonna go walk around to see if we know anyone.” Uncle matt said. Brian kissed me.

“Catch up with you later.” He said. I waved as him, Val, Gena, Matt, and Zacky walked away.

“So he is your boy toy?” Jack asked smiling. I smiled back.

“Yeah.” I said. He gave me a thumbs up. We reached All time Low’s tent and seen Ryan and Zack sitting in some lawn chairs talking.

“Hey guys.” Cole said. They got up and hugged us.

“Another great Warped year huh?” Ryan said. We nodded.

“Once those gates open all hell brakes lose.” Zack said. We nodded in agreement.

“So, what bands are you guys looking forward to see?” Jack asked us.

“Crooked X, you guys, NOFX, 3OH!3, A Day to Remember, Anti-Flag, Chiodos, Escape The Fate, Madina Lake, Saosin, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, The Maine, The Devil wears Prada, and The all-American Rejects.” Cole said. We nodded.

“Well doors open in about a half hour so we better get going.” Jack said. We nodded. Kane, Cole, Dylan ,and I went back to our bus.

“Do you think we need disguises?” Kane asked.

“Maybe. We have been seen a lot with Matt and them because of paparazzi.” I said.

I put on some sunglasses as did Cole, Dylan and Kane. Cole and Dylan put on Beanies. Kane put on a Famous hat. We walked off the bus and out of the bus area. There was already a lot of kids filling the place.

“Who is playing first?” Kane asked. I looked at our paper that had all the bands for different stages and times.

“Madina lake is playing at 11:15am so we have 15 minutes to get to the Ernie ball stage.” I said.

We headed over to the stage which was only across from where we were. There were some kids already there. We got right up front. After 10 minutes, more kids had come and the show was starting. I took pictures of them with my camera I brought with me. After the concert, me and my brothers went to get some water. We had 2 hours before we went on. We went to look at some merch. After we bought some Vans Warped Tour 2012 shirts, we headed to our tent.

“We sold some stuff.” Greg said. Cole gave him a thumbs up. Just then we had some fans ask for pictures with us. We posed for them and they went on their way.

“You guys are on in two hours.” Josh said.

“Yeah. I can’t wait.” Dylan said. We signed autographs for a few more fans.
“I don’t think these disguises are working.” Kane said taking off his hat and sunglasses and setting them on a box under our tent.

“Yeah me either.” Cole said doing the same as did Dylan.

I took off my sunglasses. For the next hour we sat at our merch tent. Then we headed to The Main stage and watched A Current Affair wrap up their set. We unloaded our equipment. Uncle Matt, Brian, Val, Gena, and Zacky met us back there to help. Finally it was our turn to go up on stage. Matt, Brian, Val, Gena, Zacky, Jack, Alex, Ryan, and Zack stood on side stage to watch us. We ran onto the stage to have people cheer. A lot of people showed up. Kane got behind the drum kit.

“Hey how’s everyone doing?” Cole yelled into the mic. Lots of people yelled.

“Alright, we’re The Leftouts.” He said.

We started with our song All around Nothing. We also played nightmares, Trust no one, Jump, and Alone. After playing we went off stage and met with everyone. We walked to the VIP tent where there was air and food and drinks. We got water bottles and sat down.

“Great set guys.” Alex said hi-fiving us.

“Thanks. We can’t wait to see yours.” Dylan said.

“What song are you gonna play first?” I asked him.
“Weightless of course.” He said smiling.

I nodded. We ordered some food then went to see The All-American Rejects play. They played Gives You Hell, Dirty Little Secret, Move Along, The Wind Blows, and I Wanna. After their set it was close to All Time Low’s so we headed to the main stage. We went behind the stage and watched A Day To Remember. After their set All Time Low went on. Everyone cheered in the large crowd and they started off with Weightless. Then they played Poppin’ Champagne, Damned If I Do Ya, Dear Maria, Count Me In, and Coffee Shop Soundtrack.

“Great show guys.” Kane said to them as they met up with us.

“Thanks. It was pretty Bitchin’.” Jack said laughing. We laughed with him.

“Hey, let’s go somewhere together. Hang out.” Brian whispered in my ear.

“Alright.” I said.

“Brian and I are gonna walk around. We’ll catch up with you guys later.” I said. Brian grabbed my hand and we started walking around Warped.

“Look they got a Trojan tent.” Brian said pointing to it and laughing.

“Let’s check it out.” I said pulling him over to it. There was a couple people in line to go in. They had a table that had Trojan ecstasy condoms and information on it. After 5 minutes, we got to go inside. About 8 of us stood in a line just behind the rope inside the big blow up thing. It was dark.

“Hello everyone. Thanks for stopping by. This is just information on STD’s and our condoms that we will be handing out after the show. It’s just a quick video educating you all on sex.” This woman said.

Then the video started. It took up the whole wall and ceiling of the blow up thing. We all looked up and saw two pigs sitting in a roller coaster and it started moving. Like a huge virtual rollercoaster. The pigs on the ride randomly talked about sex and condoms and all that junk making us all laugh at times. The Virtual rollercoaster made me a little dizzy. After the video we walked out and this guy handed me and Brian a couple condoms. I shoved them in my pocket as did he.

“Might need these.” He said trying to sound like it was only meant for him to hear. I giggled and playfully hit his arm.

“Hey NOFX is playing in about ten minutes at the Kevin says stage, let’s go.” I said.

We walked to the Kevin Says stage and waited for them to come on. We got side stage cause our special VIP passes. They told some jokes and talked to the crowd before playing. They played the joke song, Seeing Double At The Triple Rock, Linoleum, Franco Un-Americano, and The Separation of Church and The Skate. They also joked in between songs like always.

“That was the second best set I’ve seen all day.” I said. Brian smiled.

“They they always kick ass. They are very interactive with the crowd. Something Matt should try more often.” Brian aid chuckling.

“I don’t think telling an 11 year old about cum and dicks was very wise though.” I said laughing.

“But it was funny.” Brian said laughing. I nodded.

“Let’s go get stickers.” I said.

He nodded. First we went to the Hurley tent which had butt loads of free stickers and bags. I grabbed a bag and shoved a lot of stickers in it. Brian did the same. We next went to the Monster tent where they were selling monster stuff. They also had free stickers. We shoved a lot of stickers in our Hurley bags and I ended up buying a kick ass Monster shirt. After a half hour of sticker stealing (We stole some stickers that they were trying to sell) we went to watch 3OH!3 set. Instead of going side stage like at all the other shows, we got in the first row by the speaker. They played Starstrukk, Rich Man, Photo Finish, Hott, and Don’t Trust Me. We got really sweaty from watching them play. We jumped around. Some girl walked by with a security guard with a bloody nose and just minutes later, another person walked by holding their head and had blood all over their shirt. That’s what happens at Warped.
“Man that was awesome.” I said smiling as Brian and I walked back to the bus for a breather.

“Yeah.” He said. We reached the bus after being stopped for pictures and autographs. Kane was sitting on the couch thing watching TV.

“Hey guys, coming to get air?” He asked laughing.

“Yeah. We just watched 3OH!3’s set.” I said.

“I stayed for about 2 of their songs then came here. I was with Alex and Dylan but they went somewhere and I couldn’t find them so I came here.” Kane said. I nodded. “Also you wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve been stopped and asked for autographs and pictures. I guess we’re more known than we think.”

“Me too.” I said. We talked about other stuff for about 10 minutes then decided to get back out there.

“Hey.” Matt said grabbing my shoulder. I turned around to see him and Val.

“Hey guys.” I said smiling.

“You guys got an autograph signing at 6:30pm at the AT&T tent.” He said.

“We got about a half hour.” Kane said looking at his watch.

“Alright, let’s head over there.” I said realizing that we we’re all the way across from where the tent was. It took us 10 minutes to get to the tent. There was a huge line of people already there. A woman came up to us and smiled.

“Nice to meet you guys. You can go ahead and take a seat.” She said.

Just then Dylan and Cole came and took a seat with Kane and I. Then we started signing. About 2 hours later, we were done for the night and we headed back to the bus. Jake was sitting in the driver’s seat.

“I’m gonna go ahead and drive to Bakersfield then from there tomorrow I’m gonna head straight to San Francisco where you need to be.” Jake said.

“Alright dude. We don’t play til 5:15pm tomorrow.” Cole said.

Jake nodded and we headed to Bakersfield. I laid down in my bunk. I turned to my side so I was facing the wall. These bunks are the best. I thought as I laid there thinking about today’s events. Then I felt someone lay down and an arm snake around my waist. Brian. I turned over and seen Brian smiling. I smiled and kissed him.

“Hey.” I said.

“Hey. You planning on going to sleep?” He asked.

“No. I just needed to lay down. I’m sore.” I said.

“Me too from walking around and standing all day.” He said.

“What is everyone doing?” I asked.

“Kane is asleep in his bunk, Cole, Dylan, Matt, and Zacky are playing X-Box 360 and Gena and Val are talking about girl stuff in the back room.” He told me. I nodded.

“Sounds like a real party out there.” I said sarcastically. He smiled and kissed me again. It turned out into a little make out session.

“Brian, where’d you go?” I heard Matt say. Brian pulled away and sighed.

“I’ll be back.” He said. I nodded. He got out and went to matt. I exhaled and closed my eyes. Before I realized, I was asleep.

(Brian’s POV)

After Matt telling me what his position was in the game they were playing like I cared, I walked back to Leah’s bunk and slid in. She was fast asleep. I guess she was tired. I’m a little tired too. I got out of the bunk and went over to my bunk. I grabbed my lounge pants and v-neck tee and went into the bathroom changing.

“Bri, are you going to sleep already?” Val asked.

“Yeah, I’m beat.” I said yawning.

“You just wanna lay with Leah.” Gena said giggling with Val.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I want to do.” I said.

“At least your honest.” Val said laughing. I nodded.

“Night girls.” I said and walked up to Leah’s bunk. Dylan, Cole, Zacky, and Matt were still playing that game. I walked up to where Jake was driving and sat in the passenger’s seat.

“How much longer til we get to Bakersfield?” I asked him.

“Um about a half hour. After that I’ll pull over in a parking lot and crash.” He said. I nodded.

“I can drive to San Francisco if you want me to so you can sleep in.” I offered.

“Nah that’s ok. I love driving. But maybe later on.” He said.

“Alright well I’m off to bed. Night dude.” I said and walked over to Leah’s bunk, sliding inside.

She was still asleep. I snuggled up close to her and covered us up. I soon feel asleep to the sound of the guys talking.