‹ Prequel: Story of My Life

All Grown Up

Warped Tour 2012 (San Francisco, CA)

May 28, 2012 11:00am

Right now we are still on the bus with about another hour before we reach our next stop in San Francisco. I am sitting on the couch thing in the front of the bus with Zacky, Gena, Brian, Matt, and Val watching Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory. Cole, Dylan, and Kane are in the back room playing a skateboarding game.

(An hour later)

“Ugh finally, that took forever.” I said as we walked off the bus. Matt chuckled.

“Well I’m glad we’re finally here. I’m starving.” Kane said as we all walked into Denny’s.

“10?” The waitress asked. We nodded. She led us back to one of those wrap around booths.

“What can I get you all to drink?” She asked getting out her little pad.

Matt, Kane, Cole, Zacky, and Brian got Coke. I got Mountain Dew. Val got Iced Tea and Gena got Lemonade. The lady went off to get the drinks. She soon returned with them. I ordered the chicken sandwich with fries, Kane got the bacon cheeseburger with fries, Brian, Zacky, and Matt got the western burger with fries, Gena got a house salad and a fruit bowl, and Val got the club sandwich with a garden salad. They lady finally came back with our orders and we dug in. After eating we all got back on the bus an headed to Pier 30/32. We got there 20 minutes later and parked in the bus area. We grabbed our VIP Passes and went to the entrance. The security guy let us in and we split up. Me and Brian. Cole, Dylan, and Kane. Matt and Val. Gena and Zacky. As Brian and I walked around we seen All Time Low playing. We went up and watched their set from side stage. After their show, they noticed me and Brian and came up to us.

“Hey guys.” Alex said giving me a hug and doing that man shake hug thing with Brian followed by Jack, Rian, and Zack.

“When do you go on?” Jack asked me.

“Not til 5:15pm” I said. He nodded.

“We’re gonna go get something to drink, wanna come?” Alex asked.

“Sure.” I said. We followed them to the VIP tent and we all got water. We sat at a table and talked about our future warped stops.

“That’s cool you guys are on all the stops we’re on.” Jack said smiling.

“Yeah that’s awesome.” Alex said.

I nodded. After talking about that, we said bye to them and Brian and I walked to go see Paramore at the Hurley stage. We got right up front just in time as the show started. After they played 6 songs, It was about time for me to meet up with the others at the main stage. Brian and I headed over there and backstage. Matt, Val, Gena, Zacky, Cole, Dylan, and Kane was already there. Cole was tuning his guitar as everyone was talking around him. Brian and I walked up to them.

“Hey. Alex and the guys are on the same tour dates as we are.” I said.

“That’s awesome.” Kane said spinning his drumstick between his fingers.

The band that was playing wrapped up and we were waiting for 15 minutes before we went on. Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian all came and watched us from side stage. We played six songs. I’d have to say, we did better than we did yesterday. After playing, they guys of all time low, my brothers, Zacky and Gena, Matt and Val, and Brian and I went to the VIP tent to get something to drink. We sat at a table and started talking. Then these three kids came up to us.

“Hey, you’re the Leftouts right?” The one with brown hair asked.

“Yeah? Are you a fan?” Cole asked.

“Yeah. We all are. Also we’re a new band to the warped tour.” He said smiling.

“Whoa, you kids are in a band?” Dylan asked.

“Yeah. We’re The Central. My name is Jason, that’s Brandon, and that’s Mike.” He said. We all said hi.

“How old are you guys?” I asked.

“I’m 10, and they are 9.” He said.

“Wow.” Brian said.

“When are you guys playing?” Cole asked.

“We are playing tomorrow in Ventura, CA at 1:00pm on the Hurley stage.” He said.

“Sweet. We’ll for sure have to stop by and see you guys play. What’s your style?” I asked.

“Punk rock.” He said.

“Sweet. We’ll you wanna join us?” Dylan asked.

“Sure.” He said as him and his band mates sat at the table.

“Let me introduce us. I’m Dylan, that’s my brother Cole, my little brother Kane, my sister Leah, her boyfriend Brian who is in Avenged sevenfold along with Matt over there and Zacky, their girlfriends Gena and Val, and Jack, Alex, Rian, and Zack from All Time Low.” Dylan said. They nodded and waved. They were so cute.

“So how long have you guys been playing?” Cole asked.

“I’ve been playing guitar since I was 4.” Jason said.

“I’ve been playing drums since I was 3.” Mike said.

“I’ve been playing bass since I was 6.” Brandon said.

“We’ve been together for about 3 years now.” Jason said.

“That’s so cool.” I said.

They smiled and nodded. We talked to those kids for about another hour. All Time Low went back to their bus and so did the kids. We also went back to our bus. I sighed and sat on the couch thing. Everyone else sat down too.

“I’m so beat.” I said.

“Playing festivals will do that to you. That’s why we hardly ever do anymore.” Matt said.

“And we still got all summer.” Kane said.

“Well at least we’re not sitting at home on our asses.” Cole said. We nodded in agreement.

“How long is it to Ventura from here?” I asked Jake. He got on his phone and got on Google Maps.

“It’s about 6 hours.” He said. I sighed really loud. He chuckled.

“We don’t play til 4:00pm.” Dylan said.
“What time is it?” I asked.

“It is 11:00pm.” Cole said.

“I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” I said getting up.

I picked out my pink American Eagle lounge pants and my Famous Stars and Straps black tank top and changed in the bathroom. I went to my bunk and got in. I turned on the little flat screen TV we had in our bunks and watched some That 70’s Show. After an hour, I turned it off and laid down. I thought I was tired but I just laid there hearing everyone talking and laughing. I sighed and got out of my bunk, going back up where everyone was.

“I thought you were going to bed.” Brian said as I sat next to him. He put his arm around me.

“I can’t sleep.” I said.

He nodded and took a drink of his Heineken. They continued to talk about this new movie coming out that was suppose to be really funny. I just laid my head on Brian’s shoulder and listened. Kane wasn’t with us so I assumed he was either asleep or in the back room. Cole’s phone started to ring and he talked to the person who called. After 5 minutes on his phone, he hung up.

“Hey that was Alex. He’s having a party tomorrow on his bus and he wants us to come.” Cole said.

“Awesome.” Dylan said.

We sat around and talked about random stuff until 1:00am when I really was tired and Cole, Dylan, Matt, Zacky, and Brian were kind of drunk from their little party they had. We all decided to call it a night and go to bed. I got into my bunk and Brian got in after me. He snuggled up close to me and covered us up.

“Goodnight Leah.” Brian said.

“Night Bri.” I said. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.