‹ Prequel: Story of My Life

All Grown Up

Warped Tour 2012 (Phoenix, AZ)

May 30, 2012 9:00am

I slowly opened my eyes. I felt Brian’s arms around me. I tried to get up but he pulled me back down.

“Don’t get up.” He said pulling me to him. I giggled. I turned around to face him. He smiled and kissed me.

“My head hurts.” He said.

“How much did you drink last night?” I asked him.

“Uhh, I don’t remember.” He said.

“I’ll go get you some aspirin.” I said climbing over him and going into the bathroom.

I pulled out the asprirn bottle and poured two pills out into my hand. I grabbed a Dixie cup and put some water in it. I walked back to my bunk and gave him the water and pills. He swallowed the pills and gave me the empty cup. I threw it in the little trash can.

“Is anyone up?” He asked getting out of the bunk.

“No but they will be soon.” I said.

“Yes they will cause of your loud ass mouths!” Kane said poking his head out of his Curtain and glaring at Brian and I. I giggled.

“You were bound to get up anyway.” I said going through the cabinets.

I pulled out the pop tart box and grabbed a pack. I sat down at the little table thing on the bus and began to eat. Brian and Kane soon joined with hot pockets in their hands.

“Hot pockets for breakfast?” I asked them. The shook their heads yeah. I rolled my eyes. After we finished eating, Everyone else wandered to the front of the bus looking like zombies.

“Zombies attacking the bus.” I said pointing at them.

They all glared at me while Brian, Kane and I laughed. Zacky’s hair was sticking straight up. I grabbed my camera to capture the amazing moment. He sat across from me. I got ready. Then he yawned really big making the picture so much better.

“I hate you.” He said.

“I love you too best friend.” I said smiling. Zacky, Gena, Val, Matt, Dylan, and Cole got some breakfast.

“Where’s Jake?” I asked.

“Probably asleep. I heard him shuffle past me early this morning.” Matt said. I nodded and got up, going to the front of the bus. I looked out the window and noticed we were already at warped. Kane came up beside me.

“We’re already here.” I told him. He nodded.

“I’m gonna take a shower.” He said going into the bathroom.

I sat next to Brian. Kane soon came back out dressed 15 minutes later. I got up and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I did my hair and make up and went to the front of the bus. Brian walked into the bathroom holding his change of clothes.

“Where’s Kane?” I asked.

“Outside.” Matt said. I nodded and walked outside. He was talking to those kids.

“Hey guys.” I said going up to them.

“Hey, what time do you guys play?” Jason asked.

“2:00pm, you?” I asked.

“3:30pm.” He said. I nodded. We stood and talked then Dylan and Cole came out and joined us.

“Let’s go walk around.” Dylan said. The kids went back on their tour bus 5 minutes ago.

“Ok.” Cole said. Me, Kane, Cole, and Dylan walked around and bumped into NOFX.

“Hey guys. Nice to see you again.” Mike said.

“You too.” Dylan said.

“So, what are you up to?” He asked.

“Walking around until warped starts.” Cole said.

“Mike come on we’re going out to breakfast.” I heard Hefe also from NOFX yell.

“I’ll see you guys later.” Mike said walking to the bus area. Just then Brian and Zacky walked up to us.

“How long til warped starts?” Zacky asked.

“Um, about 45 minutes.” I said looking at my phone. He nodded.

“LEAH!!!!” I heard Jack yell. I turned around to be tackled by him to the ground.

“Jack.” I said laughing. He got off of me and helped me up.
“I hate you.” I said.

“You know that’s a lie.” He said smiling. I rolled my eyes. Then Alex came up.

“We got 30 minutes til Warped opens. Let’s go collaborate. I’m feeling creative.” He said meaning me, my brothers, and him and Jack play something together. We went to the Skullcandy stage that was right behind where we were. It was already set up.

“Hey, can we use those instruments to practice?” Alex asked the security guard. The guy smiled.

“Sure, go ahead. But you guys have to finish by 11:30am.” He said. We nodded and got on stage. I pulled out my phone and called Greg.

Greg: Yo Leah, what’s up?
Me: Can you bring me one of my guitars from the tent?
Greg: Sure, where are you?
Me: The Skullcandy stage
Greg: ok, I’ll be there in two minutes

I put my phone backing my pocket. Kane got behind the drums, Dylan grabbed a bass, Jack grabbed a guitar, Cole grabbed a guitar, Alex got behind the mic. And soon Greg got here with my guitar. Uncle matt, Val, and Gena showed up and stood side stage. Uncle matt was recording while Brian was taking picture.

“What should we play?” Dylan asked.


We all laughed. Kane counted us off and I started on guitar followed by everyone else. Alex sang and Cole, Jack, and I sang back up vocals. The song turned out awesome. We rocked it. After playing, we put the instruments back but I kept mine around my body. We all walked to my tent so I could give Greg my guitar. I gave him my guitar and then Kids started to come in.

“Let’s go to the tent.” Alex said.

We followed him and Jack to the tent where all the bands sit and eat. They had 2 tents for all the bands. In the tent they had food, drinks, and air. We sat at a table and chilled til 1:30pm when we headed over to main stage to get ready for my brother’s and mine’s set. We went on after The Devil Wears Prada and tore up the stage. After our set, my brothers and I walked back to our bus with Uncle Matt, Val, Gena, Brian, and Zacky to say bye to them. Matt, Val, Gena, and Zacky grabbed there suitcases. Cole had called a limo driver we know to pick them up and take them to the airport.

“We’re gonna miss you.” I said hugging them as did my brothers.

“We’re gonna miss you too. You guys have fun.” Matt said.

We said bye one more time til the limo pulled up. We waved as they got in. The limo driver pulled away once they were in. Me, my brothers, and Brian walked to where that kid band was about to play. We watched their set then Brian and I decided to go back to the bus. My brothers were gonna go cause havoc with those kids. We got to the bus and sat down.

“After tomorrow, we’ll have 2 days off. The first days off since we started.” I said.

“Where are we gonna be those two days?” Brian asked me looking through the mini fridge for something to drink.

“Las Cruces, NM.” I told him as he sat back down handing me a frost Gatorade. He had one for himself too.

“Ah so we get to enjoy Mexican food. Matt and them missed out.” Brian said. I nodded and turned on the TV. It was one fuse and Steven was interviewing some people.

“Hey, that’s here.” I said. Right now he was interviewing some fans and I heard my band mentioned.

“Hey, he might try to interview you guys. Let’s go.” Brian said. I nodded and walked off the bus with him. I pulled out my phone and texted Dylan to see where they were. He said by the AP tent so we headed over there. 10 minutes later, we met up with them. They were being stopped by some people for pictures and autographs. Then they noticed me and Brian and asked for ours too. After all that was over, I saw Steven walking our way with a camera crew.

“This is the wonderful band we’ve been hearing so much about on Warped, the Leftouts.” He said into the mic. He gave us mics.

“How are you guys today?” He asked us.

“We’re great. Very happy to be here.” Cole said smiling.

“I understand this is your 4th year at Warped Right?” He asked.

“Yeah. We came here when we were little kids.” Dylan said laughing a bit.

“This guy is still a little kid.” Steven said pointing to Kane. Kane smiled.

“Yeah. 13 years old.” Kane said.

"And you were how old when you guys first started coming?" Steven asked Kane.

"10 years old." Kane said.

“What has your past few days been like at Warped?” Steven asked.

“Awesome. We already met so many great bands and are having a blast hanging out with our good friends All Time Low.” Cole said.

“That’s great. Have you guys checked out the tents? They have some good ones this year.”

“Yeah. We’ve actually already bought a lot of good things and donated some money for they great charities they have this year.” Cole said.

“I see your wearing your Glamour Kills tee.” Steven said pointing to me.

“Yes. I love this clothing line and I have many more stuff from them.” I said.

“Also I’ve been hearing there’s something going on between you two.” He said talking about Brian and I.

“Yeah. We’ve been dating for about 3 weeks now.” I said.

“Well good for you guys. I have to go now but it was good talking to you guys. Ladies and Gentlemen that was The Leftouts from Warped tour 2012.” Steven said ending the show. He shook our hands.

“I hope to see you guys again. Thanks for everything.” He said walking off.

“Hey let’s go to Taco Bell and grab some food.” Cole said.

“Call Jake and tell him were taking the bus.” I said. He nodded and pulled out his phone, calling him. After telling him, we went to the bus.

“I’ll drive.” Dylan said. Everyone yelled no. He looked surprised.

“Fine.” He said sitting down.

“I’ll drive. I have experience.” Brian said sitting in the drivers seat and buckling up, starting the bus.

I sat in the passenger seat. We took off to find a Taco Bell. After 15 minutes, we found one and parked the bus in the parking lot. We all got out and went inside.

“Hi welcome to Taco Bell what can I get you guys?” The women behind the counter asked.

“I’ll have a soft taco supreme, a hard taco, and a large mountain dew.” Cole said.

“I’ll have 2 Volcano tacos and a large Pepsi.” Dylan said.

“I’ll have a soft burrito, a hard taco, and a mountain dew.” I said.

“I’ll have a gordita supreme and a mountain dew.” Kane said.

“I’ll have Nachos Bellgrande and a large Pepsi.” Brian said.

“Ok, your total is $25.89.” She said.

Cole offered to pay and gave here $30 then got his change. We waited for 5 minutes then got our food. We got back on the bus and headed back to Warped. We parked in the bus area and ate our food, talking about who we were gonna go see play. All Time Low was playing at 5:15pm then at 6:30, 3OH!3 was playing. Then at 8:00pm, we were gonna go see The White tie Affair. After eating, I grabbed my camera and we headed to the main stage. We went backstage to see All Time Low talking to some guys who I recognized as the guys from Anti-Flag. We went over and joined them.

“Hey guys, this is Justin, Chris #2, Chris, and Pat.” Alex said. We waved.

“This is our good friends Leah, Cole, Dylan, and Kane from The Leftouts and Brian from Avenged Sevenfold.” Alex told them.

“I remember meeting you guys back in 2004. That was a while ago.” Chris said to Brian laughing. Brian smiled.

“Yeah. It’s nice to see you again.” Brian said.

Soon All Time Low went on and we stood side stage. I took pictures. After their set, We said bye to them and headed to where 3OH!3 would be playing. I took pictures of them too. After their set, we went to go see The White Tie Affair. After their set, Warped Tour was now over. We all went to the bus. Jake was just coming up as we did. We all got on and we sat down. Jake sat in the drivers seat. Kane grabbed a coke and went into the back room, closing the door. Brian handed me, Cole, and Dylan a Heineken and sat down, opening his. We all took a sip and talked about random stuff as we watched That 70’s Show on TV. We stayed up til midnight then decided to head to bed. Since Zacky, Val, Gena, and Matt were gone, My brothers picked different bunks. I liked mine. It was the middle one on the left side. Cole picked the 3rd one on the right, Dylan picked the first one on the right, and Kane was gonna sleep on the couch that we had in the back room. He said it was more comfortable than the bunks but, I liked the bunks. We all changed into our pajamas and got into our bunks. I snuggled up to Brian. He kissed me. I smiled and closed my eyes.

“Goodnight love.” He said in a British accent. I giggled.

“Night Bri.” I said smiling. He kissed me once more. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.
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I can't really figure out how to put the characters outfits in links in the story but i have a Polyvore account you can view their outfits for the certain days At Warped Tour. Here's a link to my account. If it doesn't take you straight there, just search Cole_Sanders.http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/home?id=1092196