‹ Prequel: Story of My Life

All Grown Up

Fourth of July on Warped

July 4, 2012 11:30am (A month later)

Today after Warped, us and a few other bands are having a fourth of July party. Last night, us, All Time Low, the Devil Wears Prada, and 3OH!3 went and got a shit load of fireworks. Today we go on at 12:30pm. Right now, my brothers and I are watching All Time Low play. After watching them, we went to play our set. After playing, Cole and I went back to the bus to sit for a minute then go meet up with Jeremy and Andy from The Devil Wears Prada to plan tonight.

(Where’s my girl? Where she gone? She once was beauti-)

“Hello?” I said answering my phone.

“Hey baby.” I heard Brian say.

“Oh hey Bri. What’s up?” I asked him.

“Nothing much. Sitting with Zack and matt writing new songs.”

“Tell them I said hi.” I told him.

“HI LEAH!!! I MISS YOU BEST FRIEND!!!” I heard Zacky yell. I laughed.

“Your on speaker phone.” I heard Bri said.

“Hey Zacky. I miss you too. And you to uncle matt.” I told them smiling.

“So, what are you doing?” Brian asked.

“Sitting on the bus with Cole.” I told him.

“Are you doing anything for 4th?” He asked.

“Yeah, us and a few other bands are getting together after warped tonight. We bought a shit load of fireworks the other day.” I said.

“Cool. We’re having a party at Zack’s.” He said.

“That’s great. You know I have about 3 more weeks til I get to come back to Huntington.” I said.

“I know. I’ve kind of been counting.” He said chuckling.

“He’s been crossing off the days on his calendar ever since he got back.” Zacky said laughing. I laughed.

“Aww how cute.” I said. “I’m glad to know you miss me.”

“Of course I miss you. I can’t wait til you get back.” He said.
“Me either. Well, I gotta go ok. I have to meet up with some guys from the devil wears Prada.” I said.

“Ok I love you.” He said.

“I love you too, bye.” I hung up my phone and Cole and I walked off the bus.

We met up with them at the tent and sat at a table. Cole laid a piece of paper in front of himself and pulled a pen out of his pocket.

“What band’s are gonna be playing?” Jeremy asked.

“Um, we thought Paramore, All time Low, Breathe Carolina, and 3OH!3.” Cole said. Jeremy nodded.

“Sound’s great.” He said. Cole wrote it on the paper.

“How long are their set’s gonna be?” Andy asked.

“Um, Well since we start a 9 and it get’s dark at 10:15-ish, maybe 3 or 4 songs.” I said. They all nodded and Cole wrote it down.

“Where are we gonna meet at for drinks?” Cole asked.

“Um, how about All Time Low’s bus. They always got all kinds of liquors in there.” Andy said laughing. We all laughed and Cole wrote it down. I looked at my phone to see that it was 20 til 12:30pm.

“Hey, we gotta go play our gig.” I said. Cole nodded and handed the paper to Jeremy.

“Go over this with the other bands and we’ll meet at the Hurley stage at 9.” Cole told him.

He nodded and walked off with Andy. Cole and I met our brothers at main stage and went on to play our gig. Our crowds just keep getting bigger and bigger. After playing the gig, we told Dylan and Kane what we went over for tonight and we all went to watch Madina Lake play.


Right now we are standing by the Hurley stage watching Paramore. They are great. Next went All Time Low, Breathe Carolina(Who did a great cover of Lady GaGa‘s Just Dance), and 3OH!3. After the bands, it was dark enough to start the fireworks.

“You think Kane should come to this party?” I asked Cole as we were sitting on the ground waiting for Shawn and Jeremy to get the next firework lit. But they kept running away like girls before they even lit it.

“I don’t know. I mean, he is 13 but who’s gonna watch him if he doesn’t go?” Cole asked.

“Jake.” I said.

“I think we should just let him go. He’ll leave when he wants.” Dylan said.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” I said glaring at him. He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same.

“Kids please. Let Kane choose.” Cole said. I nodded and got up to go where Kane was talking to Rian.

“Hey Kane, can I talk to you for a sec?” I said.

“Sure, I’ll be back.” He told Rian and came over to me.

“What’s up?” He asked.

“Uh, you know the party tonight? Do you wanna go?” I asked.

“Of course. Wait, you don’t think I’m too young to go do you?” He asked.

“Well I don’t know. There’s gonna be drinking there and lot’s of people are gonna get wasted and do stupid things and say stupid things I don’t really want you to hear.” I said.

“You know I don’t stay long at those parties anyway. If it get’s out a hand, I’ll leave I guess.” He said. Man, I hate when he says he’ll leave but really he wants to stay.

“You know what? Never mind. Your thirteen, I know your not completely stupid about girls, sex, drugs, and alcohol.” I said. He laughed and nodded.

“Alright, you leave whenever you want to, but no drinking.” I said.

He smiled and nodded. He went back over to Rian and I went and sat by Jack. After the fireworks, we went back to all time low’s bus to party. While I was outside talking to Hailey from Paramore, my phone started to ring.

“I’ll be back.” I told her. She smiled and nodded and I went over by the gate where I could hear.

“Yo?” I said into my phone.

“Hey baby? You having fun?” I heard Brian practically yell over the phone.

“Yeah. Are you ok?” I asked.

“Fo show playa.” He said. I rolled my eyes. He’s wasted.

“Are you having fun getting drunk?” I asked chuckling.

“Matt bought a shit load of beer. I couldn’t let it all go to waste.” He said.

“don’t drink to much or they will pump your stomach.” I said.

“They do that?” He yelled. I moved the phone away from my ear.

“Yes Bri they do.” I said laughing. Then I heard a scream following by cheers.

“I gotta go.” He quickly said and hung up. I rolled my eyes and smiled and went back to talking to Hailey.

(2 hours later)

Right now my brothers and I are heading back to the bus. Dylan and Cole were totally smashed. Good thing we got the next couple days off. We all put on our pajamas and went straight to sleep.