‹ Prequel: Story of My Life

All Grown Up

Central Park Amphitheater show

August 5, 2012 10:00am (Central Park Amphitheater show)

“You almost ready?” I heard Brian ask. I walked over to where he was.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” I said. He nodded and we walked out the door and to his Mercedes-Benz. We got in and drove to Central Park.

“Hey Leah.” I heard my brother Cole yell. I looked over and seen him as well as Kane and Dylan. Brian went to check on things while I went over to my brothers.

“Hey are the guys here?” I asked referring to Matt and all of them.

“Matt and Val are over by the stage. The others are on their way. Mom is too.” Cole said. I nodded.

“Hey guys.” Zacky said walking over with Gena right next to him.

“Hey.” Dylan said.

“When do you guys go on?” Zacky asked.

“Umm…I think noon.” Cole said.

“Yeah it’s noon.” I told him.

We all walked over by the stage to see how everything was going. The rest of the guys were over there with Brian. The guys that were setting up handed my brothers and I some water bottles.

“There’s a lot of people here.” Kane said looking at the crowd of people.

“Why wouldn’t there be.” Zacky smiled. “You guys rock.”

We walked to the back of the stage where everyone else was sitting around and talking. We went over and joined in.

(half hour later)

“You guys are going on in 5 minutes.” A security guy said.

We nodded and got ready. We adjusted our PA and our ear pieces. We gave knuckles to everyone before going up on stage. I grabbed my guitar as did Cole, Dylan grabbed his bass, and Kane got behind his kit.

“How are you Huntington?” Cole yelled in the mic. Everyone yelled.

“We’re The Leftouts! This first song is Dead To Me.” Cole said. I started on guitar and everyone followed. Over the next hour we played our best songs. It surprised me to look out in the crowd and see people singing. I couldn’t help but to smile.

“Thank you Huntington.” Dylan yelled and we walked off stage. The security guy handed us water bottles and took our PA’s off of us.

“Great job guys.” Uncle matt said giving us hugs.

“Thanks.” I said.

We signed a couple autographs as did the guys as we went to our cars. We soon got in cars and headed to uncle matt’s house. We got inside and went into the living room.

“So next gig tomorrow is in Costa Mesa at the Pacific Amphitheatre.” Cole told the guys. They nodded.

“What time?” Uncle Matt asked.

“3:00pm.” Cole said. Just then Dylan’s phone started ringing. He walked into the kitchen to answer it. He soon came back in.

“I gotta go guys. I’m meeting Jesse at the mall. Later.” He said waving and walking out the door.

“Hard to believe he’s been with that girl for 4 years.” Cole said.

“Really hard to believe.” Matt said laughing.

“I guess his jumping girl to girl days are over.” Cole said.

“What about for you?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. I like Haylie a lot.” He said.

“She’s a very nice girl.” Val said. She got along with all of us girls. So did Dylan’s girlfriend.

“Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker mother---” Matt pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it to his ear. I seen Val roll her eyes at his ringtone choice. I smiled.

“Alright, we’ll be there soon. Later.” He hung his phone up.

“That was Larry. He wants us down to the studio to show us a few tracks they remixed.” He told the others. They nodded and stood up.

“We’ll only be gone for about an hour or so.” He said. They hugged their girls. Brian came over to me and gave me a hug and kiss.

“I’ll see you at home.” He said kissing me once more before him and the guys went out the front door, leaving Val, Lacey, Gena, me, Kane, and Cole in the living room.

We hung out before we all decided to go home for the day. I got home and Brian was just getting there. I smiled.

“Miss me?” He asked kissing me.

“Yeah.” I said.

We sat on the couch and he told me about what he did at the studio. We then watched TV. He laid his head down on my lap. No more than five minutes later I heard him snore.

“Bri, don’t fall asleep on me.” I said shaking him.

“Sorry, let’s go to bed. I’m exhausted.” He said.

I nodded and we walked up to our bedroom. We got into bed. I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. We both instantly fell asleep.