
Chapter one

So I calculated the days that she has had her boyfriend and broke things off with me.

While we were togetherish she said the guys name enough that I remembered it.

Friday the 24th she was going to ask me out but things were weird between us so she didnt.

Sunday the 26th she told me she didnt want to be with me..actually it was monday!

The 27th she told me that!

And the day after the dumbbitch had a boyfriend. I didnt figure this out until Saturday the 2nd.

Now thats completely fucked up but you know what its my fault for believing all her bullshit

from the start. After we broke up in the summer I should have just told her to fuck off when

she started to flirt with me, the first time we hung out since we had been broken up, but

nooo I didnt because I still liked her and that was in october.

Im just getting over her now and its the beginning of may its been 9 months since we went

out and ill know her for a year in july.

Im actually going to try not to talk to her until schools done or maybe not at all if I have the

"will power" to do that. Im done with her. Shes a waste of life and will never know what she

wants so im glad shes out of my life but im sorry for everyone shes gunna hurt now. Im

hoping to find a GUY so I will completely forget about her altogether...that'd be a miracle.

i wrote that in class about a week ago, shows how much work i do huh
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first couple of chapters are gunna be bad writing but ill shape up promise!